Chapter 364 Cutting Devilsaur Skin

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  Chapter 364: The Tyrannosaurus cut
  into the skin of Devilsaur and got stuck in the quagmire, perfectly experiencing the tragic experience of Devilsaur.

  They're like flies stuck to fly stickers.

  It’s impossible to break free on your own!

  We can only wait obediently for death to come.

  As for Herad, he was kind enough to let them go.

  This probability is equal to zero.

  The skin of the Tyrannosaurus is pretty good too, how could you let them go?

  Harad teleported Xal'atas, who was wandering around the Storm Peaks, studying the flaws of the ancient god Yogg-Saron, back and asked him to deal with the Devilsaur.

  The vitality of Devilsaur is very powerful.

  After Xal'atath absorbs its vitality, it can promote the growth of its body.

  His body grew from a small odd-shaped dagger to a round-moon scimitar of a suitable size, all relying on the vitality of these powerful monsters.

  Xalatas, who came out of the portal, approached the Demon Rex very enthusiastically.

  Its strong vitality is a treasure in Xal'atath's eyes.

  Even with the rich resources of the entire Un'Goro Crater, few such babies have been cultivated.

  Xalatas flew behind the Devil Rex, and the full-moon scimitar accurately cut into the spine.

  The skin of Devilsaur is very tough.

  But no matter how tough its skin is, it can't compare with the powerful demigod.

  And Xal'atath has killed demigods before.

  It's so easy to cut this kind of thing that barely touches the threshold of a demigod!
  The blade penetrated the thick skin and muscle, cutting all the way to the spine before stopping.

  The full moon scimitar has a limited length and cannot directly cut off the Devilsaurus's spine.

  However, his sword severely damaged the Devil Dragon, both physically and mentally.

  Devilsaur is the overlord of Un'Goro Crater.

  I haven't been injured much since I was a kid.

  With such a big body, coupled with the invulnerable dragon skin, ordinary attacks can be completely ignored.

  The sudden knife strike just now injured its body and seriously destroyed its self-confidence.

  The skin of the dragon, which was unscathed despite being bitten hard by the Ravosaurus, was easily broken open by the mysterious enemy.

  If the weapon hadn't been relatively short, the spine would have been severed!

  Once the spine is severed, death is not far away!

  Devilsaur, who had never fought against a powerful enemy, felt very frightened at this moment.

  But its legs were tied up in the mire, and it was basically a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

  The enemy's blade can cut through it at will.

  The scene was a bit bloodier than a slaughterhouse.

  As the life force is absorbed, Devilsaur becomes weaker and weaker.

  This overlord who dominated Un'Goro Crater endured a torture comparable to execution in Lingchi.

  But Xal'atath wasn't deliberately killing it.

  The reason why I do this is actually to facilitate peeling.

  Such a big Devilsaurus, if the skin were completely peeled off and spread out, it would probably cover the entire basketball court.

  In the game, the player kills the Devilsaur, takes out the skinning knife and reads the progress bar, and the Devilsaur skin is processed.

  In reality, to deal with the Devil Rex, in addition to peeling off a large piece of skin, the skin also needs to be soaked in professional chemicals.

  If you were to completely peel off its skin, the difficulty would increase many times!
  And in the final stage of manufacturing the finished product, the processed skin still has to be cut into small pieces.

  That being the case, why not just do the skinning and splitting operations in one step when hunting?

  Although Lingchi's execution was indeed a bit harsh.

  But who can blame this?
  The only reason to blame is that Devilsaur's vitality is too strong.

  He's still alive even after being cut like this!

  Looking at the Devilsaurus that was cut into bloody gourds but still full of energy, Herard sighed helplessly.

  Then he summoned a big rocky hand made of earth and stone at the edge of the quagmire.

  When the big rocky hand grabbed the Devilsaurus' neck, the beast didn't know what to do and bit it with its mouth crazily. Those extremely sharp teeth, carrying the monstrous rage of the Devil Rex, bit the rock into pieces and flew away.

  Supplemented by a steady stream of earth power, the big rock hand reorganized at an extremely fast speed, and then grabbed the stubby neck of the Devil Rex.

  Herard controlled the big rock and clenched it quickly, completely ignoring the crazy struggle of the Devilsaur.

  When the neck was tightened to the limit, Devilsaur finally lost consciousness.

  However, although its brain is dead, its body is still struggling subconsciously.

  This is what cold-blooded animals with strong vitality are like.

  Even if the head is cut off, the body can still fight by instinct for a while.

  Only when their vitality is completely exhausted will they truly become quiet.

  Herad solidified the big hand of rock, sent a few arcane puppets to Xal'atath, and then stopped caring about it.

  The magma is extracted, useful substances are separated, and then enter the pool to cool and form.

  Pieces of obsidian were piled in the boiling pool.

  The hot water mist drifts with the wind, rendering the top of the mountain like a fairyland.

  The pool on the top of Fire Feather Mountain was created by Herad using his knowledge of physics and magic.

  There is a rock pipe next to the pool that leads to the underground river.

  The underground river has rock pumps powered by hydraulics, which continuously pump up underground water to cool the obsidian.

  The excess water will return to the ground through the sewer of the pool, impact the impeller of the rock pump, and fill the removed groundwater resources.

  This very complex pumping system allows Herad to concentrate on refining obsidian without being disturbed by such trivial matters as replenishing cooling water.

  The obsidian reserves in Un'Goro Crater are very large.

  It currently exceeds the amount of obsidian harvested from the Desert of Silithus.

  Moreover, there is still a lot of magma in the magma pool that has not been separated.

  Therefore, the amount of obsidian harvested will continue to increase.

  Herard estimated that if the mining is completed, the tonnage of the obsidian battleship can be increased several times.

  If the tonnage could be increased to 500,000 tons, the defense against energy strikes would be exaggerated.

  When encountering an average-sized Burning Legion fleet, there is no need to worry about safety issues.

  Of course, Herad would not go out until he could easily fight against thousands of legion warships.

  If you want to easily fight against thousands of legion warships, you need to increase the tonnage of the warships to one million tons.

  So half a million tons is not enough!
  While Herard was thinking about the grand shipbuilding plan, he did not stop working on refining obsidian.

  Moreover, he also tried to directly complete the condensation of useful ingredients in the underground magma pool.

  This is not a fantasy.

  With the blessing of Khazgoroth's Hammer, he can cast spells at ultra-long distances.

  Just condense the useful ingredients in the magma together and then follow the channel out.

  Doing so can significantly reduce collection time.

  There is no need to make the foot of Huoyu Mountain full of lava.

  If all the magma in the underground magma pool is pumped out, Un'Goro Crater may continue to sink.

  Thinking about protecting the environment, Herard suddenly guessed how Un'Goro Crater came to be.

  The circular basin with such a regular edge looks like a super large sinkhole no matter how you look at it.

  Perhaps Titan extracted the magma to refine the obsidian, and then caused a large-scale collapse of the ground, forming the current Un'Goro Crater.

  What the facts are is now impossible to verify.

  But that doesn't stop Herard from thinking bad things about the Titans.

  Besides, the Titans are from the order camp, not the justice camp.

  They transform the planet to maintain order, ultimately just to give birth to their own people faster.

  Being a good person has nothing to do with Titan!

  These gods who like to create the world have a very cold style.

  If a mortal's life could be exchanged for a Titan's life, billions of mortals would be sacrificed by the Titan without hesitation.

  (End of chapter)

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