Chapter 300 The Dark Iron Dwarf’s generosity

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  Chapter 300 The Dark Iron Dwarves’ generous
  high elf rangers and their sparrowhawk pets form an efficient search network that coordinates air and ground.

  Any suspicious targets on the ground will be carefully inspected and then eliminated.

  The ones who contribute the most here are the sparrowhawk pets.

  Every time the sparrowhawk pet finds a suspicious target, it will call to its owner for confirmation.

  The rangers only perform simple confirmation work.

  It's black, not big in size, and looks like a plant.

  This is the search fodder for sparrowhawk pets.

  Then many specious things were found by them.

  For example, the small half of a cactus that was burned black looks a bit like a black stone.

  Although what I found was a joy.

  The search for Black Lotus was proceeding smoothly.

  When the rangers searched for the Black Lotus, the flame flowers that could be seen everywhere in the Searing Gorge made them a lot of money.

  Fire flower is a relatively precious herb.

  In addition to refining fire resistance potions, you can also make potions that can specifically catalyze fuel.

  The special fuel that has been catalyzed is called goblin rocket fuel.

  Usually used as rocket propellant.

  The newly developed air incendiary bombs developed by the Island Arsenal will also use catalytic substances extracted from the flame flowers.

  This has resulted in the price of flame flowers remaining high all year round.

  Each fire flower, regardless of its quality, can generally be sold for about ten silver coins.

  Even if they don't find the black lotus that Herad wants, these fire flowers can make them a lot of money!

  As for the reward price for Black Lotus, it is one hundred gold coins.

  If you can find one, that would be great.

  Even if the high elves were not poor, this windfall would be attractive.

  After a carpet-like search by the sparrowhawk pets, the ground of the Searing Canyon was quickly completed.

  However, not a single petal of the black lotus was found.

  Rangers are confident in the search abilities of their sparrowhawk pets.

  Since they are not found, it means there must not be any on the ground.

  Herard was very depressed about this result.

  He scratched his head and said in confusion: "It's strange, no one has come here to collect medicine for a long time. How come there is no black lotus?"

  In response to his doubts, the rangers were helpless.

  Alleria looked at the smoky Great Rift Valley in the distance, and she quickly had a new idea.

  "Let's look for the cliffs of the Great Rift Valley. There may be harvest there."

  Herbs growing on cliffs are very common.

  There is indeed a good chance that there will be a Black Lotus there.

  More than 30 pet sparrowhawks moved separately and soon saw the entire 200-kilometer-long Great Rift Valley.

  However, there was still no trace of Black Lotus.

  But the mines on the cliff attracted the attention of the rangers.

  "The mines look very deep. Should we go in and take a look?"

  "Those mines extend downward, and the environment must be very harsh!"

  "Do black lotuses grow in the mines?" "

  You know that? How do things grow? Maybe they like to grow underground."

  The rangers were arguing over whether there was a black lotus in the mine.

  Most of them think that black lotuses will not grow in mines.

  But a few rangers don't think so.

  Some herbs prefer the dark environment of caves.

  The black lotus is so special that it is normal for it to grow in a mine like a steamer.

  But it was pointless no matter how much they argued.

  Whether to enter the mine to search or not will ultimately depend on what Herald, the sponsor, says.

  Herard thought about it for a while and decided that it would be okay to go in and take a look.

  "Let's go look for it in the Dark Iron Dwarf's mine. If we find a black lotus, we will share the prize equally." As he spoke, he led the way to the elevator on the edge of the Great Rift Valley.

  After considering the pros and cons, everyone finally followed.

  If you only find one black lotus, it won't be much if you divide it evenly.

  But if you can find several of them, the bonus will be huge!
  And whether it’s money or not, it’s actually not that important.

  The underground mines of the Dark Iron Dwarves are very secretive in terms of their layout. Outsiders have no chance to enter.

  Now they are busy fighting the black dragon, so it would be nice to go in and visit!
  Herard fiddled with the elevator for a long time, and finally succeeded in starting this rough and heavy thing.

  The lifting platform, surrounded by barbed wire, led a group of people to land under the cliff.

  These elevators are used by the Dark Iron dwarves to transport ore.

  Of course, it would be more reliable to transport people.

  The lifting platform is hung by several thick iron chains, and it doesn't matter even if two or three are broken.

  When the lifting platform was lowered, everyone was secretly shocked when they looked at the rolling magma at the bottom of the Great Rift Valley.

  Damn it, if he falls, his ashes will definitely be blown away!

  Herard paid no attention to the river of magma below.

  This magma river looks very powerful, but in fact it is just like that.

  Previously, he threw the Demonic Sword of Apocalypse in and tried to melt it with magma.

  Moreover, he also summoned a large number of fire elemental creatures and let them enter the magma river to heat the Apocalypse Demonic Sword.

  Then the Apocalypse Demonic Sword was fine, and so were the fire elemental creatures.

  As the summoner of fire elemental creatures, he can vaguely sense those guys.

  At this time, they are either swimming happily or sleeping.

  All areas where fire element energy is highly concentrated are beautiful homes for fire element creatures to live and work in peace and contentment.

  The environment here was so bad that Herad didn't bother to send them back to the land of fire.

  Herard looked at the magma river below, trying to identify the fire element creature he summoned from the magma.

  Alleria saw him looking down intently and guessed what was in the magma river.

  That army of hundreds of fire elemental creatures is definitely a powerful force!

  But currently, there are no enemies to deal with in the Searing Canyon.

  The fire elemental army can only be kept in the magma river.

  "Let's go, there's nothing to see. You don't need them now."

  As she said that, she took Herad's arm and walked towards the entrance of the mine.

  When Herard came back to his senses, he realized that the lifting platform had arrived.

  The Dark Iron Dwarves dug several mines into the cliff.

  Solid steel bridges have been erected to connect the relatively parallel mines.

  This way people can go from one cave entrance to another.

  Mines with a large drop between the top and bottom are accessed by smaller elevators.

  Hundreds of thousands of tons of steel were consumed just to build scaffolding that clung to the cliff.

  This is a huge project that costs a lot of money but has no practical significance!
  When they walked into the mine dug by the Dark Iron Dwarves, everyone was shocked again.

  The entrance of the mine is not as big as the city gate.

  Inside is a huge space with a height of hundreds of meters and several square kilometers.

  Those thick stone pillars that are regularly distributed indicate that they have done enough homework to withstand earthquakes.

  Channels were dug into the cave wall and the ground to bring in the magma and provide a light source for this huge mine.

  Walking in such a mine, apart from feeling very hot, there is no sense of depression at all.

  Looking at the vast underground space in front of them, everyone sighed with emotion at the generosity of the Dark Iron Dwarf.

  Are those Dark Iron dwarves mining or digging a dungeon?

  Horad knew the history of the Dark Iron dwarves.

  These guys should be thinking of escaping from the control of Ragnaros, the Fire Demon King.

  But the curse of fire that penetrates deep into the blood cannot be escaped by living outside.

  If the Fire Lord is not killed for a day, the Dark Iron Dwarves cannot be free!

  (End of chapter)

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