Chapter 299 The Difficult Journey to Search for Black Lotus

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  Chapter 299 The Difficult Journey to Search for Black Lotus
  Herad wandered around the lava area near Black Rock Mountain, looking for the black lotus that was most likely to appear here.

  However, the black lotus, a very rare plant, has never been seen.

  Xal'atas, who was following him, kept saying dejected words all the way.

  "Give up, it's impossible to find it here!"

  "When those orcs passed by here, they ate up all the plants."

  "Young man, don't be so stubborn. There is definitely no black lotus you are looking for here!"

  As the ancient god The remains of Xal'atath's claws are beyond doubt.

  Of course, it's definitely not as good as Yogg-Saron.

  That was a professional liar who had deceived the Titan Guardians just by beeping.

  Although Xal'atath's words were annoying, they were true.

  When the orc war just started, he was going to trick the orcs into working for free.

  Therefore, Xal'atas has naturally done a lot of work for the orcs, an invasive species.

  Understand the behavioral patterns of invasive species and know what they want most.

  These are all necessary elements for manipulating people's minds.

  It is equivalent to a PUA maniac conducting preliminary research on the girl who is ready to attack.

  Therefore, even if Xalatath said a few words casually, he would hit the mark.

  The orcs plundered the Burning Steppes quite thoroughly.

  Although the Burning Plains is very large, every blade of grass here has been cut up by them!

  According to Xal'atath's speculation, the situation in the Searing Canyon, where the environment is more harsh, should be better.

  Because the environment there is bad enough.

  In the game, the level of monsters in the Searing Gorge is lower than that of the Burning Steppes.

  In reality, there is no such thing as monster levels.

  It is even more nonsense to use this to evaluate the level of a region.

  For example, the wild wolves that hunt for food in the Burning Plains are not much better than the wild wolves in Elwynn Forest.

  The quality of the natural environment is an important indicator for evaluating regional conditions.

  In the real-life Searing Canyon, the earth was torn apart by earthquakes with huge wounds.

  Therefore, the situation here is much more serious than that in the Burning Plains!
  Orcs are lucky to be able to pass through such a harsh environment safely!

  Herard thought about it and decided to try his luck in the Searing Gorge.

  After all, that side is also an extension of Blackstone Mountain.

  Teleporting to the highest point of Blackstone Mountain, Herard saw the platform of the Blackstone Tower extending out of the mountain below.

  On the platform where there was no decent defensive force before, there are now several tall black dragon men standing guard.

  A black dragon more than thirty meters long was lying on the ground and taking a nap.

  In the game plot, the Black Dragon Prince Nefarian is on this platform, and greedy players come here every week to buy equipment.

  Glancing at the black dragon man standing respectfully on guard and the black dragon that occasionally moved, Herad suspected that this was Nefarian.

  Regardless of size or status, the black dragon seemed to be of high status.

  But Herard didn't want to experience the good things about killing dragons and getting buffs in the game.

  After all, at this point in time, only Deathwing himself was guilty.

  The other black dragons have not yet truly confronted the guardian dragon.

  Moreover, at the top of Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight, the Black Dragon Ambassador was still attending the Aspect Dragon Meeting there.

  If we really kill the black dragon and hang its head on the gate of Stormwind City, the consequences can be imagined!

  So Herard just glanced at the platform below and quickly flashed down the mountain on the other side.

  As soon as his figure disappeared from the top of the mountain, the black dragon lying on the platform basking in the sun opened his eyes and glanced at the empty top of the mountain.

  There were space fluctuations flashing there just now, as well as the auras of several other giant dragons.

  "Could it be that the Bronze Dragon took other dragons to spy on me while I was sleeping?"

  The Black Dragon muttered in confusion, then closed his eyes and continued to bask in the sun.

  As long as you haven't done anything bad, there's no need to worry about being spied on by the bronze dragon. At this time, they had arrived at Herad at the foot of the mountain and headed straight to the north of the Searing Gorge.

  The Searing Canyon is divided into two regions, the north and the south, by a huge rift that runs east-west.

  The southern part is the range of activities of the orcs, and there is basically no grass growing.

  Although there is a road to the north.

  The orcs, however, were not so idle that they went to places where birds did not poop.

  Therefore, there will be a greater chance of finding Black Lotus in the north.

  Looking at this land with extremely harsh environment, Herad felt that it could not be much better than the Fel Wasteland.

  Even in some places, the Evil Wasteland is better than here.

  At least there is water in some places in the Xie Neng Wasteland.

  Although it is green evil-energy sewage.

  But it's better than the lava flowing everywhere here.

  What kind of plants can survive here?
  Herard had never seen such a natural miracle with his own eyes.

  However, as we gradually go deeper into the northern region, plants that have escaped the clutches of the orcs begin to appear.

  And there are quite a few of them.

  It was a red plant that looked like it was burning.

  Comparing the encyclopedia of herbal medicine, Herard discovered that this was his second target, the flame flower, which was also very resistant to high temperatures.

  The high temperature resistance of this thing is no worse than that of Black Lotus.

  But in terms of overall resistance, Flame Grass is really not that good.

  Black lotus is resistant to high and low temperatures and is also particularly resistant to pollution.

  Or wherever the environment is harsh, it will develop special hobbies.

  It is this special hobby of not giving up until death that makes the black lotus particularly rare.

  Fire flowers, a kind of high-temperature-resistant plant that knows the time, can be seen everywhere after leaving the range of activities of the orcs.

  After observing that these stems, leaves and flowers were all fiery red plants, Herard decided to look for the black lotus again.

  He wanted to use the best plants to improve the mushroom people.

  If you really can't find black lotus, choose this kind of flame grass with single resistance.

  Looking at the thriving flame flowers that could be seen everywhere on the road, Herard lamented that plants could be so tenacious.

  He has been searching for a long time on the land where magma flows, and so far he has only seen this kind of high-temperature-resistant plant.

  A person's power is limited.

  Herard decided to find some helpers to come and search together.

  Arcane golems and fire elemental creatures are suitable for activities here.

  But these guys are all color blind and can't tell what color the plants are.

  As for the reconnaissance satellites in the sky, the resolution is not high enough to clearly see small things on the ground.

  Maybe a small black stone will be regarded as a black lotus.

  Therefore, Herard decided to find the help of a high elf ranger with good reconnaissance ability.

  Soon, more than thirty high elf rangers with sparrowhawk pets walked out of the portal and came to this very hot area.

  However, Herad provided them with magic props that could activate the ice shield.

  As long as you input your magic power, you can experience the two worlds of ice and fire in this hellish place of hot roasted eggs.

  As for those sparrowhawk pets, they would be much better if they could fly higher.

  The eyesight of birds like hawks is exaggerated.

  They can clearly see a mouse on the ground from an altitude of several thousand meters.

  Although they focus more on active stuff.

  But you can also find something small and black.

  With the help of these fully autonomous drones in the search, Black Lotus will be nowhere to be found.

  (End of chapter)

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