Chapter 270 The Embarrassed Night Elf Sentinel

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  Chapter 270 The Embarrassed Night Elf Sentinel

  The members of the Silvermoon City Council were troubled by the stubborn attitude of the night elves.

  The high elves are all very arrogant, and the congressmen are even more arrogant.

  They definitely can't stand seeing the stubbornness and prejudice on the faces of the night elves!

  Therefore, the councilors assigned the task of communicating with the night elves to Horad.

  Let him experience the scene that everyone least wants to face.

  This is regarded as a punishment for building high-energy-consuming magic buildings privately.

  However, most of the council members did not know that Harad was the favored one of the moon god Elune.

  Let him talk to the night elves, that's a sure thing!
  After getting the location of the fleet docking on the continent of Kalimdor, Herad immediately teleported there.

  The high elf fleet that came to visit followed the route taken by their ancestors when they left, and docked at Azshara with a fragmented coastline.

  At this time, the night elves still lived at the foot of Mount Hyjal, which was the area that would become Ashenvale in the future.

  Therefore, it was a very correct choice for the fleet to dock in Azshara, east of Ashenvale.

  As long as you pass through the ruins of Azshara's city, which is full of ruins and walls, you can quickly reach Ashenvale, where the night elves live.

  In fact, the night elves have routine patrols and fixed outposts in most areas of Azshara.

  Through patrols and fixed outposts, they effectively control the area.

  Knowing that the High Elf fleet was docked on the shore, the Night Elf outpost moved to the ruins of the city near the coast.

  The sentries were very envious of the high elf warship, which was similar in appearance to their own ships but used magic sails.

  This kind of magic ship moves super fast, which is not comparable to that of a sailboat.

  Although Azshara's coastline is broken, its geographical location is quite advantageous!
  Its coastline is concave toward the land, forming a huge U-shaped bay.

  This could become the largest port in Azeroth.

  In the game, the goblins occupied this place and built it into the largest gathering place of the goblin clan.

  This obviously doesn’t work in reality!

  If the goblins dare to reach out, they will soon be exterminated by the night elves.

  Their shabby guns and cannons are vulnerable to natural magic!
  That is to say, the high elves, a branch of the night elves, can safely dock here.

  Herad teleported here and did not attract the attention of the night elf sentries.

  It is very common for high elf mages to teleport back and forth.

  Seeing Herald coming to lead the negotiations, Alleria, who was in charge of fleet affairs, breathed a sigh of relief.

  Several councilors who were previously responsible for the negotiations were so angry with the night elves that they gave up their responsibilities.

  The fleet has been here for half a month.

  The Silvermoon City Council has been unable to come up with a solution.

  The crew almost vomited when they saw this fragmented coastline and the urban ruins stretching for tens of kilometers!
  The arrival of Herald gave Alleria hope.

  Only his special identity can deal with those stubborn guys.

  After excitedly hugging him and exchanging greetings, Alleria wrote a letter and gave it to the sparrowhawk pet to send to the night elf outpost.

  Seeing that pets were used to send messages to the night elves, Herard was speechless at this method of contact.

  "Sister, are the night elves' communication methods so backward?"

  Alleria watched as the pet sparrowhawk flew towards a high tower in the ruins of the city.

  After making sure it landed safely, he explained it to Herard.

  "They also have communication methods similar to magic messengers, but they are different from ours.

  So we can only use this primitive method to send letters to them."

  Using pets to send letters is actually acceptable over short distances.

  The advantage of a magic messenger is that you don't have to worry about being intercepted.

  Alleria was looking at the pet sparrowhawk just now because she was worried about being attacked by the night elf sentry.

  Fortunately, the Night Elf Sentinel is not that mean.

  Not long after, the pet sparrowhawk came back with a reply letter. The content of the letter is simple.

  Passage is allowed and you can go to the last meeting place.

  After getting permission from the outpost, there will be no problem passing through the ruins of the city!

  As long as they don't show any obvious hostility, the night elf sentries along the way will let them pass.

  In fact, these night elf sentinels are sympathetic to their former kin.

  The high elves left Kalimdor less than ten thousand years ago.

  Unexpectedly, they came back again and turned into this thin and pale appearance.

  Malnutrition and fading, the high elves are really miserable!
  In fact, the new generation of night elves are also fading.

  After the new Well of Eternity was sealed by the World Tree, the purple of many new night elves' skins has become much lighter.

  Some faded so badly that they even turned gray.

  However, due to the blessing exerted by the Guardian Dragon King, the new night elves are still tall and strong.

  Male height can reach 2.34 meters.

  Women can also generally reach about two meters.

  Although height does not play a decisive role in combat.

  But the impact is definitely still there!

  This can be seen from the fact that the bows and arrows carried by the Night Elf Sentinels are significantly longer than those of the High Elf Rangers.

  The bows and arrows used by both sides were made from branches of ancient trees.

  With the same material, a longbow can definitely shoot farther than a shortbow.

  When the high elf envoy team entered the ruins of the city, night elf sentries poked their heads in to watch from time to time along the way.

  This blatant wait and see expressed their confidence in the high elf envoy team.

  Otherwise, they would hide in the shadows and stalk quietly, or even shoot ruthless hidden arrows.

  Look at those little giant-level night elf sentries.

  Herad was speechless at their unwillingness to become warriors.

  This tall and powerful body is very suitable for charging into battle wearing armor!

  The night elf warriors from ancient times were wearing a full set of magic armor, and their combat effectiveness was impressive!

  But Herard never thought that because the night elves were unwilling to use magic power, their forging strength had regressed to a very poor level.

  The blacksmiths do not have magic furnaces and can only use ordinary charcoal stoves.

  They can barely maintain their swords, weapons and metal arrows.

  As for making metal armor, that is unrealistic!

  No matter how good their forging skills are, they can only make steel through hard work using local methods.

  As for better metal materials, it is impossible to burn the charcoal stove until it explodes.

  In order to save metal resources, it is more suitable for warriors to switch to archers or druids.

  The former does not have high demand for metal resources.

  The latter only requires wood and fur that are close to nature.

  Horald believed that the night elves were experiencing life.

  In fact, the night elves really have no choice!

  Naturally, the only thing that can be provided to the night elves is food that they are not afraid of running out of.

  As for turning metal mines into usable metal resources, there is nothing we can do about it!

  We must be close to nature and obtain sufficient metal resources.

  This is an endless cycle with no solution.

  Seeing the thorium arrows in the high elf ranger's quiver, the night elf sentry was so greedy that he almost cried!
  But before the two sides established trade relations, Thorium Arrow could only think about it in his mind.

  (End of chapter)

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