Chapter 269 The decision of the Silvermoon City Council

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  Chapter 269 Decision of the Silvermoon City Council
  In order to celebrate the completion of the Arcane Forge, Herad organized a large-scale cross-system cluster building event.

  The scenery of Nagrand Grassland is beautiful.

  Blue sky and white clouds, vast plains.

  But in the eyes of goblins and gnomes, the feast of clefthoof cattle is the most important!
  The withered ones care less about the scenery than they do.

  When can we have a feast of clefthoof cattle? This is the only thought of all the withered people.

  For the feast of clefthoof cattle, the withered ones joined in the hunt one after another.

  Seeing the Withered Berserker chasing down the Clefthoof with a long-handled sword, Herad shook his head speechlessly.

  It was okay at first, but the clefthoof cow stupidly took the initiative to die.

  When they find that the enemy is not easy to mess with, they immediately turn around and run away like crazy.

  Although clefthoof cattle can also be regarded as cattle, their running speed is amazing!

  It runs fast and has rough skin and thick flesh.

  These characteristics make the clefthoof very difficult to deal with.

  Therefore, orc warriors are proud to be able to hunt an adult clefthoof independently.

  The Withered Berserkers are very powerful in combat.

  But they are not really warriors.

  These guys are just pretending to be warriors because of their strength.

  The Withered Berserkers, who had not mastered the secret of anger and could not use their charging skills, could only follow behind and eat ashes.

  Only by tiring the Clefthoof Oxen enough can we successfully kill them.

  Hunting with the Wither Mage is very easy and enjoyable.

  The ice arrow shot up with a "whoosh" sound, freezing the originally vigorous and vigorous Clefthoof Cow into a severe form of Parkinson's disease.

  The meat quality of clefthoof cows that have been frozen by the force of ice will be slightly worse than those slaughtered normally.

  However, only gourmets can appreciate the slight taste impact.

  Regardless of the withers, goblins and gnomes, they are not so picky about food.

  Seeing his compatriots happily hunting with ice arrows, the withered berserker who caught a clefthoof cow after chasing him for a long time suddenly felt very humiliated.

  Their interest in learning magical knowledge skyrocketed.

  The Withered Ones were tortured terribly by their addiction to magic.

  But their magic talents have improved a lot as a result.

  As long as they are willing to study hard, their probability of becoming a mage will be quite high.

  Herard did not expect that bringing everyone out to experience the real buffet barbecue would actually inspire the Withered Berserkers to study hard.

  He certainly supports the idea of ​​withered warriors working hard to become stronger.

  In the magical world, only the Master is the real protagonist!
  The Master's fighting power is powerful, and he is also the primary productive force in the magical world.

  Looking at the collapsed holy mountain Oshugu in the distance, Herad was filled with emotions.

  The wreckage of the Draenei's crashed interstellar battleship can prove how important the Master is.

  The reason why the draenei discarded it was because they knew that the cost of repairing it would be too high!
  Without a mage to deal with it, this treasure can only be abandoned here.

  By the time they trained some mages, the wreckage of their own star battleship had turned into the orcs' sacred mountain, Washugu.

  Taking back their property by force was not on the draenei's list of options.

  After the Burning Legion instigated a war between the orcs and the draenei, the draenei's mages once again lost all.

  Now they are even less able to exploit this treasure.

  The group of guys lying flat are now waiting for the Naaru reinforcements to arrive.

  Then they shamelessly asked for a complete starship.

  Feeling impressed by the strange thinking of the Draenei, Herard went to inspect Washugu, which was being mined.

  Due to energy constraints, the Arcane Golems' mining of Washugu is not progressing quickly.

  Draenei crystal is poisonous when cut.

  This work can only be done by arcane puppets.

  But the arcane puppet requires magic crystals filled with arcane energy to drive the body to work.

  Herad had to wait until they were fully charged before he could teleport them over, cut some of the crystal material, and then leave.

  However, with the Arcane Forge put into use, the Arcane Golems can effectively receive arcane energy replenishment.

  No need to experience the miserable mode of charging for ten hours and only working for five minutes.

  Getting free stuff is the most enjoyable!
  Herad's ultimate goal is to dig out all the crystal materials in Washugu. Turning Washugu into a large lake will help improve the ecology of the Nagrand Grassland.

  As for what the surviving orcs would think, that had nothing to do with him.

  Of course, the project of turning a sacred mountain into a sacred lake is undoubtedly huge!
  For the Draenei to become an exiled race in the universe, they need the support of a large population.

  When they first fled Argus, their population exceeded one hundred thousand.

  The size of that interstellar battleship is more than ten times larger than the largest aircraft carrier on earth!

  Those weak Legion battleships of the Burning Legion are just little brothers in front of the draenei star battleships.

  This is the difference in philosophy and lifestyle between the two.

  Devils are weird creatures with very low requirements for food and entertainment.

  And they are more interested in invading through portals.

  Therefore it is sufficient for legion ships to transport an advance party.

  Draenei are normal creatures, and they have high requirements for food, drink and entertainment.

  With a large population and high living requirements, one can imagine the size of a star battleship!
  The work of mining the remains of the starship, even with the support of the Arcane Forge, will continue for quite some time.

  This is under the premise that the arcane furnace is placed in Quel'Thalas and can efficiently collect arcane energy.

  The Horad side celebrates the completion of the Arcane Forge in the Nagrand Grasslands.

  However, the Silvermoon City Council was quarreling over him, a large energy consumer.

  Although Harad brought many benefits to Quel'Thalas.

  The growing arms trade generates considerable tax revenue.

  The arms trade also drives greater conventional trade volumes.

  Technological innovations in ship power have made the flow of materials on the mainland faster.

  There are these very considerable interests involved, plus the island arsenal is responsible for making the armor of the demigod-level arcane puppet.

  Herard has a very good impression in the minds of the vast majority of congressmen.

  Therefore, the congressmen chose to turn a blind eye to the huge arcane energy consumption of the island arsenal.

  But that magical building that collects arcane energy is really over the top!

  The largest mage tower in Quel'Thalas doesn't even reach half of its collection speed!

  The construction of the mage tower needs to be approved by the Silvermoon City Council.

  If you build a mage tower without approval, the most serious way to deal with it is to demolish it.

  However, the congressmen took into account Herard's contribution and did not make such a violent decision.

  Coupled with Romance's mediation, he proposed a very attractive compensation plan.

  Lawmakers passed the compensation package with great efficiency.

  Not long after Harad returned to Quel'Thalas from the team-building activities, Rommath came to announce the results.

  Looking at the scroll that the instructor took out and stamped with the seal of the parliament, Herard was very surprised.

  "The parliament came out with the results so soon?"

  "That's natural! They can't refuse the compensation plan I proposed!"

  Romans said, raising the scroll proudly.

  Herad already knew the contents of the scroll.

  It's about assisting the Council in negotiating with the night elves and conducting friendly trade.

  "Mentor, what's going on over there with the night elves?"

  The disciple's question reminded Rommath of the bad scene he had with the night elves before.

  He waved his hands very depressedly.

  "Forget it, those old stubborns have such a bad attitude! But you are the favored one of the moon god Elune, so you will be fine!"

  Many night elves have lived for ten thousand or twenty thousand years.

  After they experienced the ancient war, they disliked mages who used arcane power.

  Because the Burning Legion that almost destroyed Azeroth was attracted by the powerful arcane fluctuations.

  Although arcane fluctuations may be large or small, the night elves are unwilling to distinguish between them.

  Anyway, everything is the mage's fault!
  It is normal for mages to receive a cold reception when they come into contact with those old stubborns.

  If it weren't for the fact that they were the same race, they would have been expelled on the spot!

  (End of chapter)

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