Chapter 228 Attack on the Aqir Hive 1

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  Chapter 228: Attack on the Aqir Hive 1.
  Harad was nagged by the overconfident Xalatath and had no choice but to finally agree to find some enemies for him to test in actual combat.

  "First find a Faceless General. It's interesting to challenge that kind of enemy!"

  Hearing Xal'atath's suggestion, Herad filtered it out instantly.

  Enemies like the Faceless General are very strong and are not suitable as challenge targets.

  If replaced by ordinary faceless men or other servants of the ancient gods, this would be about the same.

  The three ancient gods who are still alive today.

  C'Thun was imprisoned underground in the desert of Silithus.

  The powerful servants under his command were all trapped behind the wall of beetles.

  Yogg-Saron was imprisoned in the Storm Peaks, and part of his body has escaped.

  This guy is too powerful and has corrupted the Titan Guardian Loken.

  It was this very capable guy who sent two faceless generals to hunt down Tyr.

  Therefore, his subordinates are definitely not suitable as test targets.

  The last N'Zoth, this guy has escaped from prison and is dormant, and there is no trace at all.

  The person who corrupted Deathwing was this very stubborn guy.

  It seems that only the Yaqir from the C'Thun faction are suitable.

  Aqir are cannon fodder with little intelligence.

  They have no advantage other than their sheer numbers.

  Of course Xal'atath looks down on the weak lower-level Zerg.

  "These bugs are too weak. They feel they are not worthy of my strength!"

  Herad was not surprised that Xalatath was dissatisfied with the strength of the Aqir.

  Those Yaqirs are really not that good.

  But their carapace is very hard, making them suitable targets for testing the sharpness of daggers.

  "Using this kind of enemy test, the test results can already be achieved.

  And the more powerful servants of the ancient gods are trapped by magic seals."

  Herad's explanation made Xal'atath feel better after being hit. Some.

  Since this is the only one that's most suitable, let's take action against them.

  When it comes time to take action, just don’t tell yourself where you are.

  In the southernmost area of ​​Silithus Desert, a small arcane puppet shrouded in purple mist suddenly appeared on the desolate desert.

  Since this is a desert, the ground is of course very fine gravel.

  Its heavy body fell on it, and most of it was immediately buried.

  The sand in the desert is very fine and has extremely terrible adsorption power.

  Being sunk so deeply into the sand, it would be difficult to break free on your own under normal circumstances.

  In fact, even if it is half buried in the sand on the beach, it will be difficult to fall off.

  Fortunately, this is a magical world, so quicksand traps or quagmire are no trouble.

  The small arcane golem activated the anti-gravity rune without hesitation.

  As the anti-gravity rune rotates, an invisible force is quickly generated, pulling it out of the sand.

  And as the power of the anti-gravity runes overflows, the surrounding gravel also floats.

  However, this degree of suspension is not high.

  It just hovers at an ultra-low altitude close to the ground.

  Herad, who saw this scene through the space window, shook his head speechlessly.

  I have seen stingy people, but I have never seen such a stingy guy!
  Although the small arcane golem has just been activated, the converted arcane energy reserve is a bit low.

  But it was enough to support it from flying to the aqir nest not far away.

  Once you enter the Aqir Hive, you'll find the hard keratin ground beneath your feet. You can turn off anti-gravity and accumulate arcane energy.

  According to the thinking logic of small arcane puppets, they naturally don't care about this consumption.

  It must have flown directly into the Aqir nest.

  The current style of picking and searching is obviously directed by Xal'atas.

  Driving the small arcane puppet with the lowest anti-gravity, he ran to the Aqir nest without leaving a trace on the sand, and used the Aqir zerg here for actual combat testing.

  The Aqir nest is composed of keratin with certain activity, which is equivalent to the underground city of the Aqir.

  Although these aqirs are very low-level, they have powerful abilities to survive and reproduce.

  No matter how many you kill them or how many times you burn down the nest, they will quickly regain their size.

  Bronze dragons and night elves have been fighting for thousands of years, but they have never completely eliminated an aqir hive. The aqir had eyes, but they saw the small arcane golem approaching quickly but did not react.

  This is because these guys are bugs and mainly rely on pheromones to obtain information from the outside world.

  The pheromones tell them that this is an inanimate object.

  Without life, it would be sand or stone.

  Although the eyes saw it, the brain did not think it was a threat.

  Naturally, no Yaqirs rushed to intercept.

  However, the small arcane puppets came specifically for them.

  Its main mission here is to test whether its dagger is sharp.

  How could we let these guys go?
  The aqir beetle, which looks similar to a beetle but is comparable in size to an adult bison, was the first to become a test stone for small arcane golems.

  The aqir beetle, which knew nothing about its situation, stared blankly at the unknown object approaching rapidly.

  By the time it reacted and was about to avoid the unknown object, the other party had already passed by.

  Its slow brain hadn't figured out what was going on, but it couldn't continue to function.

  The small arcane puppet took action the moment it got close, cutting off most of its neck with a strange-shaped dagger.

  Do beetles have necks?

  Judging from the appearance, most beetles do not have it.

  The same is true for aqir beetles, with their necks protected by their hard carapace.

  This carapace is so hard that bullets cannot easily penetrate it.

  But Xal'atath, the artifact dagger of the Blade of the Dark Empire, was transformed from the claws of the ancient gods.

  Cutting through the subunit beetle's extremely hard carapace is as easy as cutting through butter with a hot knife.

  This giant beetle with a very hard carapace and strong vitality could no longer think anymore.

  The only thing it can do is twitch and wait for death to come.

  Sensing the death of its kind, the unknown object was instantly put on the Aqir's blacklist.

  Relevant information is transmitted to the entire group via pheromones.

  At the same time, the entire Yaqir race went into a frenzy and pounced on the intruder.

  Xal'atath, who was just trying his best, also commanded the small arcane puppet to continue attacking.

  "Kill, kill all these bastards!"

  Although Xalatas is also an ancient god, he has no mercy for these servants of the ancient god.

  When the ancient gods corrupted the planet, the subordinates they trained were not fixed.

  They cultivated the first species of life that evolved on the planet.

  The Aqir and the Faceless Ones were chosen by the four Ancient Gods and trained to become their powerful thugs.

  However, Xal'atath, who fell into a box on the ground, is an enemy of the other ancient gods.

  Killing the enemy's men is his favorite thing to do.

  Under his wise command, the small arcane golems slaughtered the aqir efficiently.

  The entire killing process is very methodical, choosing the most reasonable attack route.

  The efficiency of harvesting the Aqir Zerg has increased by at least 30%.

  If it were replaced by a small arcane puppet, it would definitely kill it step by step.

  Kill until there are no targets around, then move on to the next area.

  As for harvesting efficiency, small arcane puppets won't care.

  It only cares about completing the task.

  Xal'atath, who can consider harvesting efficiency, obviously has amazing battlefield command capabilities.

  This is also a very reasonable phenomenon.

  The Old Gods can be sent out by the Lord of the Void to corrupt planets.

  It would definitely not work without two brushes!

  Didn’t you see that Loken, known as the King of Wisdom, was deceived by the ancient god Yogg-Saron as a fool?
  Tyr, the God of War, was killed, and Loken, the King of Wisdom, was deceived.

  This is the embodiment of the strength of the ancient gods.

  If you are strong, I am stronger than you!
  After harvesting the bugs at the entrance to the aqir hive, Xal'atath commanded the small arcane golem to go deep into the hive.

  There is no one on the ground who can hit him.

  He hopes there will be challenging enemies deep within the lair.

  (End of chapter)

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