Chapter 227 The confident Xalatath

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  Chapter 227 The Confident

  Xal'atath Xal'atath, an artifact full of dark power, is a perfect match for the small arcane puppet tailor-made for it.

  The powerful shadow energy he outputs flows in the body made of shadow stone, which is enough to meet the action needs of a small arcane puppet.

  The small arcane golem with the Xal'atath card energy source now no longer needs to worry about energy shortage.

  The only regret is that this dark artifact is too short.

  Even if Xal'atath is straightened, it is only a little over half a meter long.

  This strange-shaped dagger, which is slightly curved than the full-moon scimitar, is destined to be used in close combat.

  Is it possible to let Herard transform into a martial arts master and teach a small arcane puppet a cool magic sword attack?
  In fact, even if Herad really knew how to slash with the magic sword, it would be impossible to use it on the battlefield.

  On a battlefield with tens of thousands of enemies, martial arts skills can't kill so many enemies!
  Ding Peng, the protagonist in "Full Moon Scimitar", was able to kill more than 300 martial arts masters when his strength reached its peak.

  Even if you kill an enemy with one blow, you still have to cut him down with one blow.

  How can a giant sword or a long-handled sword be as satisfying as slashing and slashing, killing ten enemies with one sword?

  Although it feels like a headache, I still have to use this short dark artifact.

  After all, the sharpness of this strange-shaped dagger is absolutely satisfactory!

  The ancient gods are at the level of gods after all.

  How many weapons are there in the world that can be made with the claws of gods?

  In order to master the advanced skills of using daggers, Herard asked Alleria to teach her how to use daggers.

  As for Xalatas, who has lived for countless thousands of years.

  All of his skill points are spent on Chatterbox Mastery.

  He knows nothing about melee combat skills and can't provide any guidance at all!
  Alleria, who was good at using daggers and daggers, tortured Harad so hard that he couldn't find his way to the north during practice.

  Xal'atas was directing from the side "beep beep beep".

  "Be careful, she's going to come up and wipe your neck!"

  "Hurry up! There's no way to stop her!"

  "She's going to get behind you, turn around quickly!"

  Xal'atath may have a good vision.

  But after all, it was just an afterthought and would not be of any help to Herard.

  Every time he analyzed it, Alleria had already succeeded.

  Fortunately, the daggers used during training were blunt, unedged daggers.

  Otherwise, Herard would have been riddled with wounds by her.

  Even so, the feeling of being backstabbed or cut with a blunt dagger is still not pleasant.

  Alleria was agile and her steps were ever-changing.

  A novice like Herard who has mastered basic combat skills is a living target in front of her.

  However, as he received more beatings, Herard's fighting skills improved rapidly.

  Even Alleria was surprised by this rapid improvement in combat skills.

  In fact, it is not unusual for Herad to improve his combat skills so quickly.

  He had previously been blessed by Malygos, the Blue Dragon King.

  The blessing effect of Malygos is somewhat similar to the arcane wisdom in the game.

  The arcane wisdom effect in the game is the upper limit for improving intelligence attributes.

  That is, increasing the mana limit of the caster's profession.

  Those professions without mana can have the effect of accelerating the improvement of weapon proficiency.

  This special effect is the conclusion reached by players after extensive testing.

  After being blessed with arcane wisdom, the weapon proficiency of attacking monsters is obviously improved.

  In reality, this effect is even more obvious.

  After all, it was a blessing from the majestic King of Magic.

  If the effect of the blessing is too poor, Malygos will definitely be embarrassed to use it.

  After half a day of intensive training from Alleria, Herad could already use the dagger in a decent manner.

  He began programming dagger combat for small arcane golems.

  It's a bit of a waste of energy and time to bother with the skills of using the dagger.

  In fact, these efforts are worth it!
  Being able to master a weapon like a dagger will make it easier to use other weapons.

  Seeing the small arcane puppet using dagger skills quite professionally, Alleria was deeply moved by this situation.

  "If these guys master more combat skills, will they replace the role of rangers in the future?"

  After hearing Alleria's worries about the future, Herard put his arm around her shoulders to comfort her. "Sister, if you can completely replace the ranger with arcane puppets, you should be happy about it.

  As long as there is a war, there will be sacrifices. Arcane puppets that can be quickly produced are the most suitable to become victims of war."

  The real The war was very tragic!
  The charging warriors were like ants, being crushed into pieces by powerful enemies or artillery fire!
  Therefore, regardless of the technological world or the magical world, unmanned combat units are a very reasonable development route.

  Normally manned tanks and combat vehicles are fighting on the front line. Only one anti-tank missile carried by a man can easily kill a vehicle of people.

  If it is an unmanned tank or unmanned combat vehicle, the driver can operate it dozens of kilometers away or even farther away.

  The same is true for airplanes flying in the sky.

  Anti-aircraft missiles allow pilots to meet God or Buddha in minutes.

  Drones are the most suitable for battlefields.

  One drone expert can replace a thousand pilots.

  Being shot down is nothing more than the loss of a drone.

  The same is true in the magical world.

  In the face of powerful enemies, especially Masters, the number of warriors is just a number!
  If any large-scale magic goes off, hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of people will be wiped out.

  If you risk your life, you are really risking your life thousands of miles away.

  Therefore, the magical world also needs a large number of unmanned war machines.

  The magical world has a great advantage in unmanned combat.

  Arcane puppets or other series of puppets have a very long service life.

  The magic lines of the runes on the machine body can operate stably for more than a thousand years as long as they are not destroyed by external forces.

  In fact, if the high elf mages weren't too lazy, the number of arcane golems would be several times the population.

  Even at this stage, arcane puppets can be seen everywhere in the living areas of high elves.

  Even the street sweepers are small arcane puppets.

  It's just that it wasn't used in large quantities by the military.

  However, as Horad promotes this trend, more and more arcane puppets will enter Quel'Thalas' military system.

  Of course, this won't squeeze Rangers and other professions out of the game.

  But the most dangerous task must be handed over to the arcane puppet.

  As for professions such as warriors and rangers, just assisting and commanding from the side is enough.

  After hearing the bright future described by Herard, Alleria felt much relieved.

  She was mainly worried about being taken away from her job by the arcane puppet.

  If it's just an additional expansion to the team, then there won't be any problem.

  Let the arcane puppet take the lead in the front, and the ranger can accurately snipe from behind. This is definitely possible!

  While the two were discussing the plan to popularize arcane puppets, Xal'atath, who was directing the small arcane puppets to practice attack routines, was shouting excitedly.

  "It's amazing! This attack angle is really tricky!"

  "The fighting skills of those previous hosts were terrible!" "

  I feel like I can fight the Faceless General!"

  The Faceless General is the strongest creature created by the ancient gods. The faceless one.

  Zakaz from Tyr's Tomb is a faceless general.

  That was a super strong man who could force Tyr to self-destruct before killing him.

  Although Tyr's glorious deeds were all beaten and ravaged by his enemies.

  For example, he relied on self-destruction to eliminate Zakaz, and defeated the ancestor dragon king Galakrond and had his arm bitten off.

  But that’s definitely not because Tyr’s strength is too weak!
  Being able to obtain the title of God of War, one can imagine Tyr's strength.

  The enemy this guy encountered was really too powerful!

  So the faceless general is certainly very powerful.

  Ordinary demigods can't defeat them!
  The servant of the Old God that the troll used the whole country to kill was the Faceless General.

  Only a large number of trolls and several loa besieging him can kill such a powerful monster.

  Despite Xal'atath's boasting, Herad doubted that he could not break through the defense at all.

  After all, the strength he currently possesses is probably not yet at the threshold of the demigod level.

  However, as a member of the King of Strong Mouths, Xal'atath's self-confidence is very inflated.

  He couldn't wait to show off his great strength.

  (End of chapter)

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