Chapter 199: Assaulting Emperor Denathrius

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  Chapter 199: Assaulting Emperor Denathrius
  "Denathrius, your vicious behavior of embezzling anima has been exposed. Justice is about to come!"

  The reapers made a stern declaration, which shocked Emperor Denathrius. So angry.

  He glanced at all the Reapers present and the Reaper medals they wore.

  Seeing the transformed Stone Forger, his eyes suddenly shrank.

  The Stoneforger was a fanatical believer in the moon god during his lifetime.

  She transformed into the Moon Night God of War, destroyed the ancient gods, and purified the entire planet, allowing the planet to be truly reborn.

  But in the process of purifying the planet, the Stoneforger's sins were also deep.

  Anyone suspected of being contaminated by the Ancient God will be ruthlessly eliminated by her.

  So after her death she was sent to Revendreth instead of other realms of the dead.

  Logically speaking, such a sinner should not receive Elune's salvation at all.

  However, she was redeemed and became the powerful Moon Night War God again.

  With the power of the Reaper Medal gathered together and the powerful assistance of the Moon Night God of War, Emperor Denathrius suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

  He angrily condemned the reapers who came to attack them.

  "You were all created by me, and I gave you great power! What a bunch of ungrateful bastards!"

  Most of the reapers were embarrassed when they heard Emperor Denathrius's condemnation.

  But Prince Renathor is an exception.

  He did not hesitate to fight back against Emperor Denathrius.

  "These are two different things. We will not just watch you embezzle anima!
  Anima belongs to the entire Shadow Realm and is not your private property to fulfill your conspiracy!"

  Prince Renathor, who has the most determined attitude, was created by Emperor Denathrius. The first Venthyr.

  But his eldest son is the one with the strongest will to oppose it among all the reapers.

  The main reason is that Emperor Denasius taught him so well back then!
  When Emperor Denathrius himself violated the taboo, Prince Renathor couldn't stand it at all.

  Corruption on the main plane is a little better and will not directly cause death.

  Corruption in the Shadow Realm is the most serious and deadly!
  Anima is the lifeblood of the Shadowlands.

  Without the nourishment of anima, a large number of souls will wither.

  Faced with Prince Renathor's accusation, Emperor Denathrius didn't care.

  "I am the master of destiny, and everything in Revendreth belongs to me!"

  His extremely arrogant declaration immediately aroused the anger of all the reapers.

  If Emperor Denathrius is willing to repent.

  They can also take a step back by proactively returning the corrupted anima and promising not to make this mistake again.

  After all, Revendreth needs a strong ruler.

  But now it seems that this guy has gone crazy!
  Perhaps it's time for Revendreth to be governed by a different ruler.

  Thinking of this, the Reapers activated the power of the medal one after another to contain Emperor Denathrius.

  The seven Reaper Medals united to exert force, and the suppression of Emperor Denathrius was very obvious.

  The Stone Forger rushed forward and confronted him head-on with melee combat.

  In the game, it is Prince Reinasol who lures the footman with gold coins and equipment rewards.

  Then a group of immortal footmen came in and formed a group to surround Emperor Denathrius.

  In front of those footmen who can easily tear apart the ancient gods with their hands and destroy the fallen titan Sargeras with one punch, Emperor Denathrius is the tool god who will drop equipment when he dies.

  If it would drop a cool mount, it would be wildly purchased by footboys every week.

  In reality, Emperor Denathrius was not so easy to get rid of.

  He is the Eternal One of the Shadow Realm, and his status is one level higher than the Titans of the main plane.

  After all, there are dozens of Titans, but only six Eternals.

  Status can be indirectly linked to strength.

  As long as there are enough resources accumulated, a pig can become a pig demon king.

  Therefore, the combat power of Emperor Denathrius should not be much weaker than that of Titan.

  Even though it was mostly weakened by the Reaper Medal, it was still difficult for the Stoneforger to defeat him.

  The moon blade and the big sword, which were filled with powerful energy, collided fiercely.

  The other reapers couldn't intervene at all and could only retreat outside the circle to carry out long-range attacks.

  However, the long-range attacks of these reapers are not yet qualified to participate in this battle.

  They were just tickling Emperor Denathrius!
  Herad, who came out of the dungeon, was not going to watch the battle on the upper level of the castle.

  In the game, Emperor Denathrius is a house-destroying maniac. In every stage, he will demolish the house, smash the floor of the castle, and let the players fall to their death.

  Such a house-demolition maniac actually does more than just demolish floors.

  It might even be possible to demolish the castle!
  Just when Herald was thinking this, the battle at the top of the towering Nazliya Fort was already heating up.

  Emperor Denathius, who was being beaten, was using his mental power to control melee weapons.

  This is similar to the mage's hand, and it is also the category of monkey version of sword control.

  However, he is very powerful and can stably produce sword energy with highly concentrated energy.

  When real fire was used, He no longer cared about destroying the castle tower.

  Then countless red sword energies shot out, sending the enemies flying in all directions, and at the same time, the tower was riddled with holes.

  While the red sword energy was raging, the shadow of the moon appeared in the dark sky, and then one purple light point after another dropped.

  This is the Stone Forger also using his ultimate group attack move, the Luna Railgun, to offset the red sword energy that is shooting around.

  The Luna railgun in the game also comes with a huge moon fire spell, which looks more visually impactful.

  This is more like a group version of Star Fragments, or the Moon Priestess's Star Fall in Warcraft III.

  The purple light fell on the top of the tower and exploded, quickly demolishing the tower.

  Looking at the broken and falling fragments of the tower top, Herard was glad that he didn't get close to it.

  He found the second tallest tower and flew up.

  When he stood firm on the top of the tower, half of the first tallest tower was broken.

  The tall tower under your feet has become the new tallest tower!
  Stars Fall is originally a clearing move.

  A wave of stars falling down can completely destroy the enemy's base.

  If Fort Nazliya hadn't been big and strong enough, stronger than the third-level main city in Warcraft III, it would have been demolished to rubble on the spot.

  Even so, this giant castle was smashed to pieces.

  Soon the two warring parties inside were revealed.

  At this time, the warring parties had no ground to stand on.

  Fortunately, both sides have the ability to levitate, so they will not fall on the broken ruins.

  Emperor Denathrius was a six-meter-tall quasi-giant.

  His magic sword was also over three meters tall and could completely crush a normal-sized stone forger.

  However, the Stone Forger, who transformed into the Moon Night God of War, was even sharper in attack.

  The continuous and smooth moon blades continued to attack, making Emperor Denathrius exhausted.

  Moon Night God of War, Moon Night is the attribute of strength, and God of War represents the peak of combat skills.

  Being able to become the Moon Night War God, in addition to gaining access to the dark power of the dark side of the moon, can also gain extremely powerful combat skills.

  The characteristics of Emperor Denathrius are the summoning of mobs and the fancy monkey version of sword control.

  It is really difficult for him to encounter such an enemy who specializes in fighting!
  Moreover, Zilali, who flew up to the tower with Herad, suddenly went into a rage when she saw the culprit who had imprisoned her for countless years.

  She asked angrily: "Can I hit that guy?"

  Naru's weird brain circuit made Herad speechless.

  I obviously want to beat the enemy, but I still want to ask other people's opinions.

  Do you still need to worry about beating up a drowned dog?

  Herard pointed at the somewhat embarrassed Emperor Denathrius in the distance.

  "Fight, hit hard!"

  Finding a reason to take action, Zilali excitedly gathered her holy energy and fired a powerful Holy Light Focused Cannon.

  The golden beam of light hit Emperor Denathrius's chest accurately without any deviation.

  In order to highlight his strong muscles, Emperor Denathrius deliberately did not wear a complete breastplate.

  This allows everyone to see his well-developed pecs and eight-pack abs.

  When the golden beam of light hit his strong pectoralis major muscles, a burning smell wafted out.

  If it were Emperor Denathrius in his full state, Naru's level of holy light burning would not cause too much damage to him.

  But since He was already in a weak state, there was no problem in burning his flesh.

  Emperor Denasius, who was already exhausted, was in a worse situation!
  Seeing how miserable He was, Herard guided the Luna railgun to fire without hesitation.

  A purple beam of light fell from the sky and struck Emperor Denathrius's Heavenly Spirit Cap.

  Beating up a drowned dog is such a joy to do!
  (End of chapter)

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