Chapter 198: Developing a very successful black-robed monster

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  Chapter 198 The Black-Robed Monster was Successfully Developed.
  The huge black-robed monster wandering in the corridor didn't react at all when the small arcane puppet rushed forward and struck the first blow.

  There are billions of problems with its head, and the charge speed of the small arcane golem is very fast.

  Although it is not really as fast as lightning, it is comparable to the flight speed of conventional bullets!
  By the time the stupid black-robed monster came to its senses and figured out what was going on, it had already been struck several times.

  But this black-robed monster is not a physical creature.

  Under that black robe was an empty body, almost like a ghost.

  When the blood-red giant sword struck it, it was almost as if it was cutting the air.

  In fact, even the black robe is made of energy.

  The sword blade spread out when it passed through the black robe, and then quickly gathered together, making it impossible to break.

  Although the energy contained in the sword caused some damage to the black-robed monster.

  But judging from the reaction of the black-robed monster, the damage was to the level of scratching.

  Seeing that the blood-red giant sword was doing useless work, Herad was not in a hurry.

  It was never really a melee weapon before or after the modification.

  This is a growable artifact created to kill the fallen titan Sargeras!
  Seeing that there was nothing he could do about the void body, Herad activated its true fighting form.

  After Usalus accepted the instruction, the majestic soul power and anima actively blessed the sword.

  The originally blood-red giant sword glowed with red light, just like when it was still in the form of a sickle and its soul power was running rampant.

  This kind of active blessing of soul power and anima can produce effects that are not trivial.

  After just the first blow, the black-robed monster let out a soul-shaking scream.

  The soul of the black-robed monster is very strong.

  The scream is also comparable to the aggressive soul howl.

  Even if Herad protected the soul, he could still feel the slight vibration of the soul.

  If you start howling in a densely populated city, it will be no different from massacre!

  But there are no ordinary people here at the moment.

  The soul howl of the black-robed monster is meaningless!
  By the time it finished howling, it had already been slashed several times by the small arcane puppet.

  It used its solid claws to grab it, but the claws were chopped off by the small arcane puppet.

  The small arcane golem has experienced countless battles and possesses powerful combat skills.

  Regardless of combat skills or movement speed, this black-robed monster was completely crushed.

  All martial arts in the world are invincible, except speed!

  This was a one-sided killing with no suspense at the end.

  It's nothing more than how many swords the black-robed monster can take.

  In fact, only such a powerful non-entity enemy can persist for so long.

  The confrontation between energy and energy is a process of gradual consumption.

  Similar to a battle of skills between two spellcasters, it is difficult to quickly determine the winner.

  Powerful soul aggregations like black-robed monsters are not very common in the Shadow Realm.

  More of the kind of ghost that can be forcibly ingested by Ursalus.

  Even if there are soul aggregates, they will subconsciously put a solid body on themselves.

  Relying on a strong body, it can better withstand damage.

  But relying too much on the body to resist attacks will prevent the soul from being tempered.

  When their bodies can be easily penetrated by weapons, they are doomed!

  This unconventional black-robed monster was probably specially developed by Emperor Denathrius.

  Being able to withstand so many blows from the blood-red giant sword, the development of the black-robed monster was very successful!

  Its only flaw is that its IQ is so low that it is almost non-existent.

  Apart from the primitive fighting instinct, Herard did not see any qualities that intelligent creatures should have.

  This makes it the same as the monsters in the game.

  I will hit whoever hits me the hardest.

  With the tank drawing aggro from the front, Herad can comfortably cast various spells from behind.

  Soul impact, soul extraction, soul ravage, soul strangulation.

  Various types of soul spells are arranged for it. Soul spells consume the caster's soul power to cast.

  So it's definitely going to be very taxing on the soul.

  This power cannot be abused, otherwise sudden death is likely to occur.

  Horad would cast a soul spell from time to time, and then bombard it with the high-level arcane energy given by Elune.

  The high-level arcane energy bestowed by Elune is more suitable to be displayed using the Lunar Railgun.

  But the use of the Luna railgun in this kind of dungeon seems a bit unfair to the reputation of the Luna.

  Although this dungeon is not small, it is still not comparable to the dwarf's dungeon.

  From the ground to the ceiling of the corridor, the height is only about twenty meters at most.

  The Luna Railgun falling from the ceiling, this one is really out of class!
  Simple and crude arcane missiles bombing indiscriminately have the same killing effect.

  Purple light bullets blasted towards the black-robed monster intensively.

  These seemingly ordinary arcane missiles are actually equivalent to the power of high-level divine spells.

  Every arcane missile can make the black-robed monster tremble all over.

  Under the enemy's shameless two-on-one siege, the black-robed monster was quickly beaten to death.

  When it was weakened to a certain extent by the attack, it had no choice but to be captured and suppressed by Ursales.

  Once you are pulled in and suppressed, you will never be able to stand up again!

  After taking care of this difficult black-robed monster, there are no hard ideas in the dungeon.

  The small arcane puppets pushed forward and killed all the monsters they encountered.

  Herad modified the anima storage devices along the way so that they could not be remotely detonated by Emperor Denathrius.

  In the dungeon in the game, Emperor Denathrius detonated the anima storage device, leaving only a collapsed ruin.

  A few damaged corridors and a few complete halls are all there is to the dungeon.

  The way these anima storage devices are triggered has now been modified.

  If Emperor Denathrius was forced into a desperate situation and had to use this last resort, he would definitely feel very depressed.

  Chu deliberately deducted so much of his anima and prepared to deliver it to the warden of the Maw Abyss to help him escape from prison.

  In the end, nothing happened, and all the work was in vain.

  While modifying the anima storage device, Herard discovered that the anima inside was slowly decreasing.

  It is estimated that this is used by Emperor Denathrius, or those Venthyr nobles with authority.

  He conveniently cut off the energy supply pipeline.

  Being suddenly cut off from the anima storage device would probably make those guys very depressed.

  In fact, his behavior of cutting off his confession hurt the rebellious Venthyr nobles.

  Anima is a very important energy in the Shadowlands.

  If undead creatures want to become powerful, they only need enough anima and time.

  This energy can also maintain the operation of offensive and defensive circles.

  Anything ordinary energy can do, heart energy can do.

  What ordinary energy cannot do, anima can still do.

  The energy supply was suddenly cut off, which meant that all operations of Nasriya Fort came to a halt.

  The defense system cannot be activated, the gate cannot be closed, and the lifting platform fails.

  The red light that was shining everywhere in the castle dimmed.

  Both sides, who were fighting fiercely, were all shocked by this incident.

  The defense then panicked, while the offense was pleased with the situation.

  These scattered enemies made the attack smoother!
  Emperor Denathrius stood on the top of the castle, looking at the mysterious abyss of Bo Yun in the distance, and planning the plan with high spirits.

  When he discovered this special situation, he quickly checked the status of the anima storage device in the dungeon.

  Those mental energy storage devices that quickly lost contact suddenly made him panic like a mortal.

  A grand plan that has been planned for tens of thousands of years.

  I didn't expect that this most important link would have problems at the critical time!
  At this time, it was impossible for him to go to the dungeon to deal with the situation.

  Because those traitors have already come to kill them!
  (End of chapter)

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