Chapter 17 Eat, sleep and fight trolls

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  Chapter 17 Eat, Sleep and Fight Trolls

  Yangfan Port is the largest port among the high elves.

  This area is the import and export trade center of Quel'Thalas.

  A large amount of supplies are transported in every day, taking away precious magic props.

  Herard built the factory on a small island in the outer sea, which is equivalent to blocking the throat of Yangfan Port.

  However, Yangfan Port is the property of the Chenfeng family.

  To be precise, the Chenfeng family occupies most of the port industries in the High Elf Kingdom.

  This is the main reason why Herad can easily occupy the island.

  Surrounded by his own property, naturally no one reported him to the parliament.

  The small island off the coast is not large, so building a large industrial park is not a problem.

  However, the number of dwarf engineers is not large, and only part of the factory buildings can be used.

  As for the high elf workers recruited, the number is even pitifully small!
  The welfare conditions of the high elves are very good, and the common people eat, drink and have fun every day.

  Only those high elf civilians who are interested in engineering will choose to work in factories and be exposed to this new thing.

  The dwarf, who himself is facing a shortage of human resources, has already developed countermeasures and implemented them.

  It looks tacky on the outside, but it is really effective automated equipment that replaces a lot of manual work.

  Seeing the old-fashioned looking computers in the factory, Herard suddenly felt that his outlook was ruined.

  In his opinion, the size of a computer should be small and exquisite.

  If computing power is insufficient, multiple computers can be used to form a computing cluster.

  Yet the gnomes simply don't consider proper miniaturization.

  The computer they made is as big as a double-door refrigerator!

  Either you don’t have it, or you have to do your best.

  What? Are you saying it's too big?

  Only when the size is large can the computing power be strong!
  Herard put forward the suggestion of shrinking the host, and the dwarf engineers discussed it at the time.

  The computing power is quite different, but computers that can be carried around are very attractive to them.

  This means that they can turn on the computer anytime and anywhere to conduct scientific research or transmit experimental information remotely.

  Robots can also have greater intelligence than perform simple tasks.

  But this needs to be changed from the source of computer manufacturing, which cannot be solved in a short time.

  When the factory started operating normally, the first production items were guns and ammunition.

  Herard picked up a rifle that had been debugged, turned it over and over carefully, and then tried firing a few more shots.

  A rifle with a silencer still makes quite a lot of noise.

  But it is no longer the clear and clear sound without any suppression.

  "Bang bang bang" becomes a duller "bang bang bang".

  Although it is similar to the sound of a tractor, it is not so harsh and abrupt.

  Herard nodded with satisfaction.

  "Well, the sound is enough. The shape is also very good!"

  This newly released rifle, equipped with a scope and a silencer, has a more technological look and is infinitely close to a sniper rifle.

  In order to meet the two requirements of being equipped with a sight and a silencer, the shape was actually fixed from the beginning.

  At most, there are some differences in the materials of the guns.

  Guns on Earth, find ways to reduce gun weight.

  The intelligent creatures in Azeroth are more powerful and naturally do not need to consider these things.

  Except for the diminutive gnomes and goblins, all other intelligent creatures are strong men.

  Warriors who can still run and charge despite wearing one hundred kilograms of plate armor are the weakest junior warriors.

  The most powerful dwarf warriors in the mainland, their junior warriors start with 200 kilograms of plate armor.

  The dwarf warriors wear plate armor two to three centimeters thick, hold large metal shields and battle axes, and carry small-caliber artillery-level muskets. That is a very normal configuration!
  So weight is never a consideration for most races.

  Some very high-end guns even use heavier Thorium barrels.

  Thorium is much heavier than steel, but its hardness and toughness are far greater than steel.

  Used to make gun barrels that are more durable and can withstand higher chamber pressures.

  However, Thorium barrels are quite time-consuming to make and are not the first choice for mass production.

  Of course, the factory will release customized models with modified Thorium barrels. A few days after the factory officially started operations, the border clearance plan submitted by Sylvanas also passed numerous reviews by the parliament.

  The efficiency of the High Elf Council is very low.

  Congressmen spend most of their time arguing with each other.

  The plan was approved within half a month after it was submitted, thanks to the general trend of political correctness in fighting trolls.

  MPs from whatever faction believe the troll must die.

  They held meetings every now and then and passed the plan after several discussions.

  If it were any other matter, a clear answer would not be given within half a year or even a year.

  Knowing that the cleanup plan had been approved, Herard pounded the table excitedly.

  "Great! Finally, we can test the effectiveness of the weapon in actual combat!"

  His drastic actions startled the owl that delivered the message.

  The owl clucked twice in dissatisfaction.

  This owl is Sylvanas' pet.

  It has evolved into a Warcraft, possessing considerable intelligence and combat power, and can perform reconnaissance and information transmission missions.

  Therefore, most high elf rangers will cultivate owls as pets.

  Herard took out a small dried fish and fed it to the owl, and then rubbed its big head.

  The owl that had eaten the dried fish flew out of the window with satisfaction and quickly left the brightly lit city.

  Although it is no longer afraid of strong light, this city that is still brightly lit at night is still not what it likes.

  Of course, the main reason is that there are no mice in the city for him to catch.

  Only the forest is its favorite.

  Because the rats in the forest are big and fat.

  Warcraft-level owls also eat mice, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that!

  It was just a little dark, and Herard had already left Silvermoon City on his Chocobo and rushed to the ranger training camp deep in the Eversong Forest.

  When he arrived outside the camp, Sylvanas's ranger troops were leaving the camp.

  The rangers riding chocobos headed south in a mighty way, preparing to go to the border to eliminate the trolls.

  The territory controlled by the high elves is located at the northernmost tip of the continent, bordering the Kingdom of Lordaeron to the south.

  However, there are mountains and mountains separating the two countries, and only a small road can pass through.

  Humans and high elves are loose allies.

  So just set up an outpost there to manage the incoming and outgoing caravans.

  What really qualifies as a hotspot for conflict is the area in the southeast corner.

  Zul'Aman, the capital of the forest trolls, is located there, maintaining the last appearance of the forest trolls.

  The fighting in this area has continued intermittently for thousands of years.

  Either the high elves take the initiative to attack, or the forest troll destroys the magic defense barrier and starts a war.

  Magical defensive wards are powered by the Sunwell.

  You can imagine how sturdy it is!

  This huge barrier covering the entire Quel'Thalas is theoretically impossible to break through by forest trolls.

  But the forest troll's voodoo magic is very strange.

  Voodoo can contaminate a place and allow troops to enter the barrier smoothly.

  The barrier has an automatic repair function, and the gap will be closed again soon.

  Entering the barrier means embarking on a path of no return.

  The crazy forest troll doesn't care.

  They want to drag those white-skinned long ears with them to death.

  The dark green skin of the forest troll is covered with a layer of naturally growing moss.

  This is the best disguise.

  If you let them lurk in the grass, you can imagine how hidden they are!

  Monitoring the movements on the border is what the high elves have been doing.

  Otherwise, I don’t know how he died.

  (End of chapter)

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