Chapter 16 The Bronze Dragon’s Hesitation

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  Chapter 16 The Hesitation of the Bronze Dragon
  Herad sold the purchased long-barreled muskets to the rangers at the original price.

  He disdains the middlemen to make profit from the price difference.

  Rangers are equipped with a large number of long-range weapons such as muskets, which can attract the attention of other high elves.

  When the first batch of muskets opened to the market, the weapons factory opened by Herad had orders.

  After agreeing on a date with Sylvanas for actual musket combat, he quickly left the ranger training camp.

  He had already wasted a lot of time in order to enhance the war potential of the high elves.

  Next it’s time to seize the time to practice!

  However, the teaching at Silvermoon City Royal Magic Academy is relatively strict.

  He still had to attend the classes he was supposed to attend every day.

  Moreover, those lecturers did have some useful information, and they were not just explaining things from a script.

  Herard thought he was good at puppetry.

  He transformed the arcane puppet to be stronger, more intelligent, and more precise in its movements.

  But after listening to the lessons of Grand Magister Romance, he found that these were just a trail.

  Even if he plays tricks on the arcane puppet, it is still an arcane puppet.

  Romance made fundamental changes.

  He is working on how to make the golem powered by other magical energies instead of arcane energy.

  The current arcane puppet absorbs the arcane energy between heaven and earth as a power source.

  Quel'Thalas has a lot of arcane energy due to the Sunwell.

  But if the arcane golem leaves Quel'Thalas, it will be like a robot powered by an ordinary battery. It will run out of power soon.

  Arcane Golems are very important war machines.

  But they are bound by arcane energy, making it difficult for them to exert their strength in the outside world.

  When Herard went to Dalaran, he didn't see arcane puppets wandering around the streets and alleys like Silvermoon City.

  The energy they consume while patrolling the streets cannot be sustained by Dalaran's energy density.

  However, Dalaran's energy concentration is at least twice as high as the outside world.

  There is no way to maintain the arcane golem operating at full capacity.

  You can imagine the situation outside!
  No matter whether the arcane puppet is wearing heavy armor or has flexible movements, it is not as effective as opening up a new energy source.

  But finding a new energy source is not that easy.

  The right energy is difficult to tap.

  For example, the liquefied energy well water in the Sun Well.

  When Herald brought it up to Rommath, the powerful magister said in a very depressed mood:

  "Only members of the royal family can access the Sunwell. We can't get the well water for experiments! "

  At this time, Romance is not yet a powerful leader with one person under his command and more than ten thousand people.

  He is just a member of the High Elf Council.

  Thinking of the strange High Elf Council, Herard shook his head helplessly.

  The congressmen must be smart people.

  But too many smart people gather together, which means it is difficult to unify opinions.

  Maybe the enemies have arrived at the doorstep, and hundreds of congressmen are still chattering and discussing.

  By the time they come to the conclusion of their discussion, I'm afraid the High Elf Kingdom has already perished!

  Although everyone knows that the parliamentary system has great disadvantages.

  It is absolutely impossible to change this!
  When the high elves and night elves separated, the Sunstrider family took everyone to the new continent.

  Belongs to the nature of a leader who works hard and achieves great results.

  Everyone respects the Sun Chaser family and recommends it to become the royal family with more say.

  However, the plan proposed by the royal family must be approved by the majority of parliamentarians.

  The mixture of large and small clans and influence has turned the politics of the High Elf Kingdom into a mess!

  Changing this huge and cumbersome structure means carrying out a brutal purge of the high elves as a race. Only by wiping out at least 50% of the population can the regime become the sole voice of the Sunstrider family.

  This kind of tragic dynasty change is acceptable to the human kingdom.

  It will take at most thirty to forty years for the population to return to its original base, or even significantly exceed it.

  Europe on earth has experienced all kinds of ravages such as the Black Death, smallpox, and influenza, and its population base has been greatly hit, but it still prospered very quickly.

  Therefore, no matter which world we are in, humans can do well!
  High elves do not have this advantage.

  Their population increases very slowly, almost measured in millennia.

  A large loss of population means that thousands of years of hard work have been wasted.

  No matter how ambitious those in power are, they will not consider a purge.

  Therefore, the miserable high elf king could only watch the members of the council doing various things.

  The royal party, the centrist party, the new party, the old party, and the opposition party.

  These factions are interfering with each other, creating a speechless situation.

  Faced with this situation, even though Herad had the advantage of being a prophet, he still could not make many changes.

  And Azeroth has a bronze dragon that controls the power of time.

  Without knowing those guys' bottom line, he really didn't dare to make any big moves.

  If the Bronze Dragon discovers that he is an unstable factor, he will form a group to kill him.

  Isn’t that completely over?

  All he can do is practice hard and improve the racial strength of the high elves from some very reasonable points.

  For example, no one stipulates that high elves cannot cooperate with dwarves to set up factories.

  What's wrong with high elves using muskets to hunt?
  The high elves discovered that muskets were very useful, and then used them to kill trolls. This is also very reasonable.

  If the bronze dragon feels this is unreasonable, it can forcefully blast through the high elves' magic shield and eliminate all unstable factors!
  Herard did not think that the bronze dragon on the mission would dare to run wild in the territory of the high elves.

  The relationship between high elves and red dragons is very good.

  Korestrasz, the consort of the Red Dragon Queen, even transformed into the high elf mage Krasus, and entered the six-member Dalaran Council together with Prince Kael'thas.

  The two groups, the red dragon and the bronze dragon, are both part of the guardian dragon.

  And the red dragon is the most powerful group among them.

  It's okay to say that the bronze dragon quietly killed some high elves.

  If they massacre the high elves who use thermal weapons, they will definitely attract the wrath of the red dragon.

  Herard's approach was quite cautious.

  He has been quietly testing the bronze dragon's reaction.

  However, the bronze dragon obviously didn't care about his small role.

  Jindi attracted a group of dwarf engineers to Quel'Thalas, but they also did not attract any attacks from the bronze dragons.

  Looking at the factories that were being rapidly constructed on the small island off Yangfan Port, Herad's fear of the bronze dragon was much reduced.

  Such actions did not touch the bronze dragon, which shows that the supervision of the bronze dragon is not good.

  But it was impossible for him to do the more serious temptation to commit suicide.

  If he really touches the bronze dragon, he might be evaporated from the world.

  Herard believed that he was not tempted to commit suicide.

  However, inside the space-time fault that he could not detect, an earth-yellow dragon was observing him.

  The khaki dragon is the bronze dragon.

  At this time, there was an hourglass shadow flickering in its eyes.

  This is the bronze dragon using time magic and looking at Herad's past experiences.

  It has clearly seen all of Herald's experiences over two hundred years since he was born.

  Seeing that there was no abnormality in the young high elf, the bronze dragon finally chose to give up surveillance after struggling for a while.

  (End of chapter)

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