Chapter 131 Useful anti-gravity spell

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  Chapter 131: Useful Anti-Gravity Spell.
  By locating and hunting down the most diligent small arcane puppets, Herard quickly found the orcs on their way.

  When the orcs of the Blood Hollow clan were in Draenor, they played hunting games with the arakkoa in the jungle for a long time.

  The arakkoa are the rare descendants of demigods in the world of Draenor.

  Their appearance is somewhere between birds and humanoids, with gorgeous feathers, sharp beaks and sharp claws. They belong to an extremely advanced intelligent race.

  At their peak, they created the Apexis Civilization, the first imperial civilization in the world of Draenor.

  With the collapse of the Apexis civilization, the arakkoa race declined in endless civil war and split into two factions.

  The flying high-level arakkoa soar into the sky and are powerful aerial overlords.

  The low-level arakkoa with degraded wings are the elusive killers in the jungle.

  No matter what kind of arakkoa decides to hunt down the Blood Cave Orcs, they are not something the Blood Cave Orcs can fight against!

  Being able to survive being hunted by arakkoa, he is naturally very good at hiding with the help of trees and terrain.

  However, faced with the invisible force arriving across space, the fleeing Blood Cave orcs were attacked one after another.

  They try to hug the surrounding trees to immobilize their bodies.

  However, Herard was not as gentle as during the experiment.

  Anti-gravity spells do not reduce gravity to zero gravity and create a weightless suspended state.

  This spell can reduce gravity to a negative number.

  Moreover, the amount of deduction can be continuously increased according to the strength of the caster.

  As the anti-gravity strength increases one, two, and three times, the branches cannot support the heavier and heavier force.

  If the intensity continues to increase, the trees and the ground will collapse and then fly into the sky.

  The Blood Cave Orcs screamed in horror and flew high into the sky one after another.

  Soon those Blood Cave Orcs hugging the tree trunks could not bear to let go and ascended to the sky.

  Herard did not raise them too high.

  When they reached more than a thousand meters, they were thrown down.

  Although the creatures in the magical world have stronger vitality, they are still fatal when they encounter such a high-altitude fall!

  In fact, surviving a fall from a height of 100 meters is a lucky thing!

  The screaming blood cave orcs who fell down made the nearby tribesmen feel chilly.

  But they don't even understand what's going on.

  I could only watch helplessly as my clansmen flew into the sky, and then fell down and shattered into pieces.

  Looking at the twisted and broken corpses, they could only spread out more to minimize their own casualties.

  At this time, Alleria was hanging far behind and hunting.

  She was also very afraid of this unprecedented attack method.

  The white chocobo that acted as a temporary mount also stopped to look at the Blood Cave Orc who fell to death in front of him.

  This invisible and mysterious power feels so dangerous!
  However, the small arcane puppet acting as a pawn still walked through the incident area leisurely and continued to chase the enemies.

  Realizing that the hostess had not followed, it stopped vigilantly and looked around.

  But it found no threats.

  Alleria hesitated for a while and found that there was no problem with the small arcane puppet standing over there.

  In order to maintain the leading hunting speed, she chose to keep moving forward.

  The white chocobo is very fast, but the small arcane golem is not.

  The small arcane puppet was instructed not to stray too far from itself.

  If he stopped here, it would mean wasting valuable pursuit time.

  And with Xiaobai, who is far stronger than ordinary chocobos, Alleria believes that the situation just now can be resolved perfectly.

  After all, Xiaobai is a super chocobo that can fly short distances.

  It can completely fly in that weightless area.

  While continuing to hunt the Blood Cave Orcs, Alleria found that every time a mysterious power appeared, she would deliberately avoid the small arcane puppets and herself.

  Her pet sparrowhawk used for investigation would happily fly in every time it found a mysterious force shrouding it.

  For a flying unit like the Sparrowhawk, weightlessness reduces its burden.

  The sparrowhawk shuttled back and forth in the weightless area, catching panicked green-skinned enemies from time to time.

  Although this guy is not big in size, he is a monster with some strength.

  Both the claws and the beak are very hard and sharp.

  Scratching or pecking through ordinary armor is not a problem.

  Encountering this cunning sparrowhawk who was taking advantage of the situation, the Blood Cave orcs felt like crying without tears.

  They are already dying, and they are still being bullied by a bird!

  Although the sparrowhawk's attack is not fatal, it is painful to catch it from time to time.

  This kind of plundering behavior has bullied the Blood Cave orcs so much! The depressed Blood Cave Orcs waved their arms randomly, trying to catch the Sparrowhawk and die together.

  However, the sparrowhawk is very cunning and flies away to other places with a "swish".

  In a weightless environment, its flight speed is much higher than usual.

  Harassing those unlucky ones who are trapped is what it likes to do the most.

  But its journey to joy is getting shorter and shorter.

  When Herad was testing the anti-gravity spell, he kept testing the height at which the orcs would fall to death.

  Since you can fall to death at 1,000 meters, change it to 500 meters next time.

  If you can still fall to death at 500 meters, then change it to 250 meters.

  It is important to use anti-gravity spells more scientifically.

  This means that the casting interval can be shortened and spell casting proficiency can be improved faster.

  Do the most with the least effort.

  In the end, Herard set the fall height at fifty meters.

  At this height, most orcs would fall to death.

  As for those who were lucky enough not to fall to death, they only had one breath left.

  The orcs have a very strong physique, with muscle and bone strength exceeding that of many races.

  Therefore, this value should be the limit that ordinary people can bear.

  The Blood Cave Orcs, who had become test props, fled at full speed in fear.

  They tunneled through the mountains outside Dun Morogh and entered Loch Modan, east of Dun Morogh.

  Loch Modan is made up of steep hills and low grasslands.

  The warm wind blowing from the desolate land in the south makes the temperature here relatively high, making it suitable for ordinary people to live.

  There are many mineral deposits and farms and pastures here, and it is an important resource-producing area for the dwarves.

  Therefore, the orcs also have many troops stationed here.

  There are also a large number of orcs who work hard, doing mining and herding.

  Under Kilrogg's instigation, the orcs in Loch Modan exploded.

  Some want to fight to the death with the coalition forces, some want to hide in the fortress and hold on, and some want to flee south.

  Whatever they decided, Kilrogg's goal was accomplished.

  The enemy behind you is chasing too closely, and you need cannon fodder to contain and mislead the pursuers.

  These incited orcs are all its pawns to achieve its destiny.

  There aren't many forests in this area of ​​Loch Modan. How do you survive the enemy's pursuit?
  You must use some despicable means to ensure your own safety.

  Kilrogg didn't know where his fate would end. It all depended on Herad's mood.

  Herard didn't mind it running back to Draenor, so it could survive until now.

  Otherwise spend some effort to find its location and an anti-gravity spell will take it away.

  Of course, Kilrogg's various operations along the way are still effective.

  It definitely saved it a lot of trouble.

  When an area falls into a state of chaos, it can best contain the pursuers.

  The orc army that took the initiative to meet the enemy was easy to deal with.

  The orc armies found a hidden place to ambush, or held on to the fortress.

  The pursuer will definitely have to spend a lot of effort and even pay a certain amount of casualties!

  But those chasing at the front were not the armies of humans and dwarves who liked to fight head-on.

  Both the ranger troops led by Alleria and the dwarf aerial troops have aerial reconnaissance capabilities.

  Once traces of the orc army are discovered, they are shot from a distance.

  The propeller-driven fighters, which had absolute air superiority, flew back to the temporary airport behind to replenish their ammunition after a round of dive bombing and strafing.

  Armed helicopters can stay in the air and shoot accurately, and have relatively high combat endurance.

  Facing these mechanical creations flying in the air, the orc army without the help of the red dragon troops could only watch the enemies run wild.

  In fact, if their red dragon troops hadn't diverted the gryphon knights away, the end might have been even worse than now!
  After all, the Griffin Knight's hammer is very powerful and has powerful lightning magic attacks.

  More lethal to ordinary units.

  The ranger troops of the high elves occupy favorable terrain and attack the enemy from a distance, and will never come into close contact with the orc army.

  Herad, who had already come to join them, would not give the orc army a chance to rush over.

  No need to raise them and drop them to death.

  Just cast a large-scale anti-gravity spell to get their feet off the ground.

  Being shot into a sieve is their only fate!
  (End of chapter)

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