Chapter 108 The terrifying Apocalypse Demonic Sword

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  Chapter 108 The Terrifying Demon Sword of Apocalypse
  Although the Black Knight’s artifact was snatched away by the Arcane Scavenger before it was warmed up.

  However, it, a loser, can still experience the satisfaction of finding an artifact.

  When Sargeras controlled the Black Knight, the curse he placed was not strict at all.

  Finding an artifact and getting it and bringing it back to Karazhan are two completely different things.

  Now the artifact hound he created has presented two artifacts to the enemies of the Burning Legion.

  Ursalus, a powerful artifact scythe, has the property of infinite growth.

  The origin of Tianqi's magic sword is equally extraordinary.

  Over thousands of years, the Apocalypse has been passed down among many Dreadlords.

  Every Dreadlord who has ever wielded this weapon has used it to successfully attack the mortal civilization on the planet, making it easier for the Burning Legion to capture it later.

  The apocalypse creates plague and famine, spreading the fire of fear.

  Apocalypse seeks lives and invites betrayal, turning the Legion's enemies against each other.

  Mortals lose power and tremble in fear at the sight of this weapon.

  Every time Apocalypse changes hands, the new owner changes and improves it.

  They learn from the lessons learned from their journey of conquest, and continue to imbue the magic sword with new plagues and curses.

  The Dreadlord's dark arts were combined to create a terrifying weapon!

  When Herard approached this evil magic sword, he could immediately feel a cold and strange aura.

  If you reach out and touch it, maybe it won't be completely contaminated by the dark will.

  But it is inevitable that they will behave strangely and have random bad thoughts.

  The powerful mage of Tirisfal Council initially wanted to use Apocalypse to give Aegwynn some color.

  Slowly, his will was twisted, and he changed from giving a lesson and catching him to killing the traitor.

  When the powerful mage with twisted will led Apocalypse to search for Aegwynn, the villages along the way were shrouded in fear.

  The villagers seemed to see the four horsemen of the apocalypse spreading plague and war.

  The unconscious villagers fled their homes one after another.

  The reasons for escaping were varied, but they were all stated clearly and logically, as if they had really happened.

  No one wants to go back anyway.

  People from other places are even less willing to go there.

  The land that was already short of water had no one to take care of it, and over time it became a barren land.

  Just the power emitted passively is so terrifying.

  If the Demon Sword of Apocalypse is fully activated, destroying the world will not be a problem at all!

  However, ordinary races cannot fully exert the power of the Apocalypse Demonic Sword.

  Only a guy like the Dread Lord who is good at deceiving can make the world perish in fear and suspicion.

  Such a terrifying world-destroying artifact, destroying it is the best way.

  But Aegwynn, who could kill Sargeras's clone, couldn't do anything.

  Aegwynn is a demigod-level mage, and Harald, a quasi-archmage, can help her out in front of her.

  If she couldn't destroy something, who else could?

  Maybe put it in a furnace and melt it down.

  But will this thing explode during smelting?
  Herard looked at the desolate land with harsh environment and felt that it would not be a good idea to do this here.

  This is the birthplace of dwarves and gnomes.

  And despite the fact that the land looks barren, it can still be reclaimed in the future.

  As long as the snow water from Dun Morogh is brought over, these thousands of miles of desert will become thousands of miles of fertile wilderness.

  It would be really sinful to destroy this place!
  He decided to go to the Blazing Canyon to the west to do experiments.

  The floor of the Scorching Canyon was torn apart by Blackstone Mountain, and there were cracks everywhere that led directly to the magma. There was no possibility of improving the environment.

  Even if the Scorching Canyon is destroyed a little more, it will not affect the dwarves and gnomes.

  When entering the scorching canyon, Herard was shocked by the temperature here.

  The temperature over there in the desert is already very high.

  It stays around 40 degrees all year round.

  The ground temperature here is at least above 80 degrees. Break an egg on the ground and it will be cooked in a blink of an eye.

  No ordinary creature can survive here for long.

  Of course, the Blackstone Orcs and Dark Iron Dwarves who can withstand high temperatures are not included.

  Faced with this terrible environment, Herard couldn't figure out how the coalition forces could pass through the scorching canyon and then fight in the even hotter Blackstone Mountain.

  The heat was unbearable, so Herad activated the ice shield.

  The cool air coming out of the ice shield immediately dissipated the terrible high temperature.

  However, he was so high-profile in enemy-occupied areas that he could easily be discovered by the enemy.

  The Blackstone Orc patrol, which was on routine patrol, saw the mage wearing an ice shell from a distance.

  They ride on black wargs with the same special physique and charge towards the intruders in a menacing manner.

  The equipment of the Blackstone Orc Patrol is very good, all made of fine steel armor.

  Even their black wargs are protected by steel collars and steel helmets.

  Seeing these guys coming to cause trouble, the small arcane puppets walked up to them holding Apocalypse and Ursalus.

  The violent warriors wielding two-handed weapons made the Blackstone Orc Wolf Cavalry hesitate a little.

  Enemies who dare to use two-handed weapons like this will definitely be difficult to deal with!

  They are hesitant, and the small arcane puppets don't care what they think.

  Now that he has mastered powerful power, it is only reasonable to use it on these enemies.

  Facing this strange and violent warrior who rushed over, the Blackstone Orcs no longer hesitated and urged the wargs to speed up.

  The well-equipped Blackstone Orc Wolf Cavalry uses long-handled axes.

  Although not as easy to use as a lance, it can also be used in foot combat.

  The way Wolf Troopers fight is hilarious.

  After they complete a round of impact, they will stop and fight fiercely with the enemy instead of reorganizing a new round of impact.

  This is destined to make it impossible for them to choose lances like human knights as weapons.

  But when they charged, the dozens of raised long-handled axes still looked very intimidating!

  The sharp edge of the long-handled ax reflected the sunlight, like dozens of shining crescent moons.

  If it were an ordinary enemy, they would have been overwhelmed by the ferocious aura they displayed.

  The small, emotionless arcane golem didn't care.

  It spun rapidly as it approached.

  Two powerful evil artifacts, like wild beasts that were devouring flesh and blood, tore the wolf cavalry in fine steel armor into pieces.

  The stainless steel armor was cut into pieces and flew away, while the flesh and bones turned into pulp.

  The battle scenes look bloody.

  The Blackstone Orc Patrol lost most of its troops in the first round of the confrontation.

  The few wolf cavalry who were lucky enough not to be swallowed by the sword storm turned around and fled the Shura field with fear on their faces.

  They have no idea of ​​revenge for their companions, they only hate that their wargs are not fast enough.

  Under normal circumstances, with the orcs' fearless character, they would definitely fight to the last man alive.

  Seeing how frightened they were, it was obvious that the Apocalypse Demonic Sword had played a role.

  The small arcane puppet seized the opportunity and killed two wolf cavalry, but the other party had no intention of stopping and fighting it to the death.

  The faster the better at this time, who wants to fight this demon?
  The Wolf Cavalry quickly distanced itself from the small Arcane Golem.

  The small arcane puppets that couldn't move fast enough had no choice but to give up chasing them.

  Judging from the combat performance, the fear effect of the Apocalypse Demonic Sword is very good.

  However, the benefits obtained from using this terrifying evil artifact are not high, and the potential threats are difficult to estimate.

  Therefore it is better to destroy it.

  Herard chose the deepest part of the scorching canyon as his target.

  Try using the lava pool there first to destroy it.

  (End of chapter)

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