Chapter 107 Bring it!

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  Chapter 107 Bring it!
  Facts have proved that the orc warlord did not lead the pursuit, which was a very far-sighted act.

  The retreating enemy forces fought fiercely in Draenor, and then fought fiercely with the defenders of the Blasted Land.

  Although it has experienced successive battles, it seems that it is at the end of its strength.

  However, the defenders of the Cursed Land went up to intercept him, but in the end they failed!
  Although the defenders mobilized a large number of troops to participate in the encirclement and suppression.

  Those dozens of flame monsters still caused a lot of casualties to the defenders.

  The last method of self-destruction made the orcs even more frightened.

  Huge fireballs rose into the sky one after another.

  It also meant that hundreds of Orc infantry were killed.

  The most powerful self-destruction took away more than a thousand orc infantry.

  There are countless injured orc infantry!
  Even standing two hundred meters away, you can still feel the blazing temperature.

  However, amidst the billowing flames, the enemy holding the sickle walked out leisurely.

  The seriously injured orc infantry along the way stopped struggling and wailing.

  When friendly forces came to rescue them, they found that they had lost signs of life.

  It was as if his soul had been taken away by that enemy.

  Even though the orcs are big and thick, they seem to be fearless.

  In fact, they are a very superstitious race.

  Seeing the strange death of their friendly troops, they remembered the legend of the ghosts of Karazhan demanding their lives.

  There are ghosts coming out to claim their lives in broad daylight. This is really scary!

  Looking at the dark sky in the west, they suddenly felt a chill on their backs.

  The latest version of the ghost knight legend has not spread to the cursed land yet.

  But when they find out about the new version, they will probably be so scared that they can’t sleep at night.

  Herard flashed to the top of the hill with a small arcane puppet.

  At this time, the orc infantry below were busy running around and had no intention of looking for traces of the enemy.

  He took out the magic rocket with confidence and left.

  I saw an unknown object flying up from the hills and flying quickly towards the west shrouded in darkness.

  The orc infantry who were cleaning the battlefield instantly confirmed their previous guesses.

  There is no mistake, he must have escaped from the haunted mage tower!

  But knowing where the enemy comes from, what can they do?

  Do you dare to go there and encircle and suppress them?
  There are thousands of ghosts in that haunted mage tower.

  Herad, who was flying to Karazhan, did not mean to scare the orcs this time.

  The arcane scavenger he left behind had just captured a black knight.

  The Black Knight plays a big role.

  They are artifact hounds trained by the fallen titan Sargeras.

  Wherever there are artifacts, they can easily sense them.

  So Horad left the Arcane Scavenger there.

  Just a few minutes after the Black Knight was resurrected, he was captured by the Arcane Scavenger.

  Seeing the black knights pinned to the ground with their horses and men, Herard felt deep sympathy for their plight.

  This is an absolute crushing of body types.

  With the size and tonnage of the Arcane Scavenger, it is absolutely impossible for the Black Knight to break free!

  Three arcane scavengers squatted at the tunnel exit to catch people, scaring the other black knights so much that they dared not go out.

  Encountering such an enemy, they are helpless.

  If he rushes out to fight directly, he will definitely not be his opponent.

  Without looking at the unlucky guy who went out first, the dark war horse was crushed to pieces!
  The only thing they can do is hide and wait for each other to leave.

  Herard tied up the Black Knight with chains and fixed them on the magic rocket.

  The wind in the sky will be a little bit stronger, and the temperature will be a little bit lower.

  But he believed that the Black Knight could resist.

  After all, it is an immortal undead creature. It is absolutely impossible for it to be blown to death by the wind or frozen to death by low temperature!

  The magic rocket took off smoothly. Although the black knight fixed on it was a bit annoying, it had little impact on it.

  As long as there is no problem with this alternative passenger, then there is no problem.

  The Black Knight, flying at high speed on a magic rocket, felt very unhappy at first.

  Except for dying and waiting for resurrection, they spend the rest of the time wandering outside, looking for clues about the artifact.

  Today, I was first beaten up by the big guy guarding the entrance of the tunnel. Then he was tied to a weird flying mount and taken away, unable to fulfill his sacred mission of finding the artifact.

  Just when it was very unhappy, it discovered that this weird flying mount had flown over the Black Stone Tower, which they had repeatedly attacked to no avail.

  Blackrock Tower guards the road leading northward via land.

  When the fallen titan Sargeras transformed the Black Knight, he did not consider that some places would not be accessible.

  Neither the Black Iron Dwarves nor the Blackstone Orcs would let these weird black knights pass.

  The Black Knight, who has no ability to fly, is forced to retreat every time by the defenders of Black Rock Tower.

  Although the way the Black Knight passed this time was embarrassing.

  It's still very exciting inside.

  Collecting artifacts is their only mission.

  And the north happens to be the place with the most artifacts.

  When it was abandoned in a barren and barren land, the smell of a strange artifact immediately attracted it deeply.

  Herard knew that there was an artifact in the deserted land, so he brought the Black Knight here.

  By observing the Black Knight's reaction, he quickly determined the approximate location of the artifact.

  The black knight, who had just been released from the restraints, immediately looked for him with a clear purpose.

  The person who buried the artifact here was the human guardian Aegwynn.

  She dug a hole and buried the evil artifact she obtained, and then placed a misdirection seal on it.

  All creatures approaching the seal will subconsciously leave the area.

  In her opinion, this foolproof measure was no trouble at all in front of the Black Knight, the artifact hound.

  Herard knew the artifact he was about to acquire very well.

  It was an evil magic sword called Apocalypse.

  It was forged by the Dreadlord, who was good at deception.

  Therefore, the magic sword itself is not too powerful.

  It is estimated that there is a high probability that the opponent will be chopped into two pieces by the Ashbringer very aggressively like Frostmourne.

  But this magic sword has a very unnatural characteristic.

  That is to spread terrible rumors among mortals, turning mortals from unity to mutual suspicion, and quickly evolving into killing each other.

  The Demonic Sword of Apocalypse is a powerful magic weapon used by the Burning Legion to attack the living planet.

  The human guardian Aegwynn seriously underestimated this evil artifact and simply dealt with it.

  Seeing the rock box pulled out by the Black Knight, Herard visually estimated that it was only buried two meters deep.

  To deal with a world-destroying demonic sword like this, that maverick guy is really speechless!

  Aegwynn spent her life hunting down the demons of the Burning Legion that had infiltrated Azeroth.

  But she's terrible at handling follow-ups.

  The fallen titan Sargeras made a clone and sent it to Azeroth.

  She spent a lot of effort and finally beat the clone to death.

  Then find an abandoned elf temple on a small island to bury it, and then sink the island under the sea to hide it.

  It is normal to handle such a big threat casually and dig a hole to bury the Apocalypse Demonic Sword.

  The black knight who dug up the artifact opened the stone box and took out the Apocalypse Demonic Sword inside.

  The moment the Demonic Sword of Apocalypse was acquired, it was contaminated by the dark will inside the Demonic Sword.

  The Black Knight, who was originally relatively simple, was soon blinded by the ambition in his heart that should not have arisen.

  The Black Knight seeks the artifact just to satisfy the terrible emptiness inside.

  They don't care whose hands the artifact ends up in.

  Under the instigation of the Demonic Sword of Apocalypse, the Black Knight, who originally did not dare to resist oppression, suddenly had the idea of ​​​​showing his sword to a powerful enemy.

  It decided to set a small goal first.

  That is to first kill the powerful enemies that oppress you, and then obtain more artifacts.

  Next it wants to kill Medivh and conquer the whole world!

  Just when the Black Knight imagined that he was holding several artifacts and fighting against invincible opponents in the world.

  A big hand slapped it on the face, and at the same time took away the Demon Sword of Apocalypse.

  "Bring it here!"

  The black knight, who was knocked to the ground, finally managed to straighten his head, only to find that his artifact was gone.

  After looking at the Arcane Scavenger, which was nearly three times taller than itself, it helplessly returned to reality.

  (End of chapter)

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