Chapter Sixty-Nine - Duel

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  "Is it really just Orochimaru?" Yu Ling was very doubtful about this.

  He and the little monster had been back and forth for more than ten times. Logically speaking, the person ambushing behind should take the opportunity to enter. According to the amount of chakra observed before, both of them belong to the level of jounin. The combat effectiveness will naturally not be low.

  Speaking of rank, Yu Lingcai is just a genin of Konoha. If Orochimaru's purpose was to expel him, then the two jounin would have come forward long ago. There is no need to deal with this little monster at all.

  Whether you are powerful or not, and whether you have a plan or not is a question; but whether you can handle the problem well is the most important thing.

  From Yu Ling's point of view, this little monster was nothing compared to a normal jounin. He also became suspicious of Orochimaru's purpose.

  "Does this person...really want to expel me? His subordinates...were so cowardly as was not his order."

  The little monster's screams grew louder. The traces of his limbs digging into the ground also became a little deeper.

  "It looks like it's about to attack... huh? The chakra of the shadow clone is really not as good to use as the chakra of other clones. It feels like it's stuck every time I use it."

  After a slight complaint, a self-deprecating sneer appeared. , chakra also appeared on the body surface of the shadow clone at the same time.

  "Just make do with it."


  The little monster had already run over, and the farthest extended leg was thrown in front of Yu Ling.

  "So fast! Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!" Before he could react, Yu Ling could only make a defense. But the quality of things that were made quickly was not guaranteed and was directly smashed to pieces. But it still bought time for Yu Ling to distance himself.


  the flow of chakra accelerated, and the strange substances visible on the body surface moved, changing shapes, carrying chakra and transmitting it to various parts of the body.

  "Looks like this... are you ready to enter that state? Orochimaru's subordinates... all have the same ability. That curse seal..."

  Yu Ling wiped his hidden sword, and the clone's chakra gathered again. Only a powerful enough ninjutsu can break through the monster's defense, and this ordinary shadow clone does not have the ability to extract chakra instantly. So we can only prepare in advance.

  "Uh, wow!" The screams became more and more incoherent, and the monster started running in a circle around Yu Ling. Like a wild beast hunting prey.

  "The beast... it's really true."

  There was no extra time to think about it, so he could only assume a defensive posture and face the monster that might attack at any time.

  "Tian Lingliu·First Style·Take advantage of every opportunity!" He skillfully pulled out his left hand and held it in front of him, but his right hand was still placed awkwardly on his waist.

  "Well..." The transformation seemed to be complete. The tan hard skin covered the whole body, and no part of it could still reflect the human form. Spikes sprouted from the back of his elbows, and each of his fingers turned into claws.

  "It's a bit similar to Jugo's, but not the same." In Yu Ling's impression, Kimimaro's transformation seems to be lighter and more flexible, and the bonus to the body is more about control and Penetrating. Jonggo is thicker, and the bonus is also on defense and explosive attack.

  The monster in front of me is not as thick as Jugo, but it is still not as flexible as Kimimaro.

  "Is it because of individual differences...or the differences in the spells applied?"

  The first blow has been struck. There was no continuous attack, just a flying leg attack. Gravity plus speed, and a momentary burst of chakra, produced an impact that was impossible for humans to produce.

  The unexpected attack caused Yu Ling to be knocked back two steps.

  "There is still a bit of a gap between him and Jugo."

  Indeed, if you compare this kind of power with Jugo, you will be completely crushed.

  However, this kind of strength is enough for a shadow clone with one-tenth of the combat power of the original body. The situation is really not optimistic for Yu Ling. And if the shadow clone is defeated here, the stronghold in front of us will be missed.

  "Sorry...I offended you. Tian Lingliu·First Style·Take advantage of every opportunity!" He predicted the direction of the little monster and arrived at a point in the encirclement before him, preparing to take the lead to break the deadlock. The high-speed fist suddenly hit him head-on.

  The little monster with curse seal amplification and good dynamic vision actually caught Yu Ling's figure. Without retreating or flinching, he punched forward, bringing up a compressed wind and blasting towards Yu Ling's seemingly thin body.


  It was like the excitement before success. The moment when the beastly nature explodes, the moment when the corners of the mouth curl up and the fangs emerge, this is also the moment when Yu Ling's tactics begin.

  "As expected, they are just as irrational... Then, be prepared to be led by the nose by me! I will control the rhythm of the battlefield. Tian Lingliu·Second Style·Phantom Trace!" The frontal attack

  suddenly Changing his moves, the entire figure disappeared in the blink of an eye. The high-speed movement left behind fragments of afterimages. The entity had already landed safely behind the little monster, holding the hidden sword flashing with lightning in his hand, and once again He displayed the Tian Lingliu starting hand for attack.

  "Hmm...wahahaha!" The little monster didn't see Yu Ling's movement, and rushed straight over with confidence. It even increased the chakra output a second before the hit, and the outline of its arm suddenly increased in size. One lap.


  The fist was passed. Naturally, it hit the air. Just because of the supersonic fist, a sound barrier was detonated.

  "Huh... Fortunately, the plan is right. What I just said was not in vain. I am in charge of the rhythm!"

  Now it's too late to defend yourself. Thunder and lightning wrapped around the Hidden Blade and let out bursts of screams, pointing directly at the back of the little monster's head - the weakest defense point. With the blade of the sword, it pierced in mercilessly.

  Keep poking it in until only the mechanism used to pop out the Hidden Blade is still exposed.

  "It should be solved. It's been inserted so deep. If it doesn't work, it won't make sense." Yu Ling breathed lightly and observed for a while; when he found that the two jounin still hadn't rushed over, He jumped up high on the spot, turned ninety degrees horizontally in mid-air, kicked hard on the little monster's back with his feet, and pulled out the hidden sword while jumping back.

  "Uh... uh, uh wow!"

  Bright red blood spilled out...

  Yu Ling didn't know that this was originally just Tomorrow's clone. The presence of a substance like blood was unbelievable for the clone. He wiped his hidden sword with satisfaction, took a deep breath, turned around and prepared to continue the mission.


  "Aren't you dead yet?"

  A whimper came from behind again, which immediately caught Yu Ling's attention. "The enemy cannot be spared."

  Although he had only arrived in ANBU not long ago, Yu Ling had already memorized these commandments by heart. After all, he is also a squad leader, so he must lead by example when it comes to rules. Faced with such a scene, this sentence jumped out directly.

  "Yeah, I can't let it go."

  He calmed down and drew out his hidden sword again. It's just that he didn't use the thunder attribute chakra amplification ninjutsu.

  The amount of chakra in the shadow branch's body is too small, and it will soon be unable to support the form of this clone.

  "I can beat you with physical skills..."

  Now I am not as confident as before, but I still have a standard starting position, as a capital to challenge that little monster.


  in the distance, on a big tree.

  "Hey, ugly guy! What's going on over there? Why did I just see a puff of white smoke and then nothing happened? Hey, you're talking? Hey, it's really boring. I just know how to watch..." "

  Asshole... ...I'm sensing. Why are you making such a fuss? If you do this again next time, I'll kill you with my own hands! Send your body to Orochimaru for specimens..." "

  Oh, okay, okay, stop talking nonsense. What's going on over there?"

  "Well... that clone was suppressed. He was defeated directly with just one move." "

  Defeated? No way, why is this one so weak? What happened, Orochimaru-sama, is it possible? Did I make a mistake just now? It's impossible. Did you do the fragrant phosphorus? I clearly put the reagent for the curse seal liquid." "

  Hey... can you stop arguing for now? That clone!"

  "Speak quickly, hurry up. Say something."

  "You, you, shut up! Didn't I just say that? He! He's bleeding." "

  What? Just leave some blood. That's something everyone can do." "

  You're really a brainless person. Doppelgänger. How could it be bleeding?"

  "Yes... wow, it's haunted!" Shuiyue jumped directly onto Xiang Lu's shoulders, and tied her limbs tightly around Xiang Lu, making her unable to move. Like a gangster, Sui Yue used his hydration ability to wrap around Xiang Phosphorus's body, his neck still stretched out, trying to see this spectacle with his own eyes.

  Even if it was impossible, he was struggling to look in the direction of the battlefield.

  "You can't see it, idiot"

  "You! Ugly monster!"

  "Get off here..." Xiang Ling shook his body with contempt and tried to throw Shui Yue down. But it has been wrapped around it like brown candy, without any trace of falling off.

  Even if these two people were sure that no one else was around, they still used the power of Xiang Phosphorus to directly convert information with their brains. It's like a private space for two people.

  "Ugly monster"



  "Take advantage of every opportunity!" Yu Ling's fist with the hidden sword fell on the little monster like a rainstorm, and the blood holes as big as fists expanded under the blow. The blood that slowly flowed out has condensed, and dark red blood clots are attached to the surface of the skin, adding a touch of demeanor that matches the temperament of a monster.

  "Hmm!" The little monster's attack was completely unorganized, like a completely irrational ninja, mindlessly throwing around the ninjutsu he could use, and unscrupulously wasting limited...maybe infinite chakra.

  "Such endurance... Is he the same kind of tired person like Zhongwu? He can still fight after being like this..." Yu Ling was shocked by such a spirit... just a little bit, and the corners of his mouth seemed to curl up in regret. Down, the movements of his feet did not stop.

  "Tian Lingliu·First Style·Finishing Move! Horizontal Whip!"

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