Chapter 70--Mysterious Identity

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  Since this battle, Yu Ling used this improved physical technique for the first time with unlimited power.

  Although there is a certain amount of preparation time, with the previous series of body swing attacks as a foreshadowing, the required potential energy has been collected, and he directly shoots out with a kick, hitting the little monster's abdomen horizontally.

  The black substance in the abdomen suddenly swelled. A thick layer was piled up. The moment the whip leg arrived, he withstood the blow. He stood there and made no extra movements except for a shake of his upper body.

  However, the pain is still there.


  "Didn't it cause any damage...the power of this curse seal..." Seeing that the momentum was not right, Yu Ling did a backflip and bounced out with the help of the anti-shock force.

  The next second, a deep pit was smashed into the ground, and a huge fist stood in the middle.

  "Such a body is a bit difficult to control. The clone's ability really cannot make good use of my power."

  Taking advantage of the moment when the little monster's arm was stuck in the ground and could not be pulled out, Yu Ling controlled the clone. Take action again. Swinging his hands back, he immediately seized the opportunity and started spinning around the little monster.

  Speed ​​may be that little monster's advantage, but Yu Ling is not slow either. The wind-attribute chakra in the body naturally gathers into the legs, and along the meridians of the body, it is squeezed by the air in front, enhancing an effect similar to reverse thrust.

  A cloud of sand and dust rose up, making the situation inside invisible to the naked eye.

  The little monster stood in the middle, pulling his hands out of the ground. Transforming from predator to prey, he turned around in circles with a dull expression on his face, staring at Yu Ling who was moving at high speed beside him.

  Maybe, just staring at the afterimages.

  A flashing air blade burst out from the sand, and the sound of an explosion piercing the air attracted the attention of the little monster. The moment he immediately turned his head, the extremely fast flying air blade had arrived. However, it only hit the little monster's feet, and after the ground was cracked, there was no further effect.
  "He didn't react... Could it be that he predicted that he would not be attacked this time? Or maybe It's just that I can't react."

  Actually, this time it was a mistake. When he made a seamless sideways slash during the action, Yu Ling did not fully grasp his own speed and the power of the sword, resulting in the air being shot out. The blade is quite crooked. The knife originally aimed at the back of the head hit the ground directly. A classic miss.

  "Well, we won't make such a low-level mistake next time, right?"

  Yu Ling clenched his fists, tilted his head, and stared at the little monster standing in the circle without blinking. The power transmitted under the feet slowly increased. Chakra of various attributes is also spread throughout the body. Even the remaining thunder chakra could barely cover the hidden blade on the back of his hand.

  "Perhaps, if possible, I will study you thoroughly...and then deal with you."

  "Wow... wow!"

  Without delay, after running two laps, both hands waved out at the same time again. The moment he stepped back with his left leg on the ground, two air blades cut through the sand and flew towards the little monster again. There was no miss this time, but the little monster also didn't react in any way.

  "Oh? Then it seems that there is no time to react at such a speed." Yu Ling was secretly happy. He had already exploded at his highest speed just now. If this little monster could escape, then the shadow clone on the battlefield would probably not be able to come back. But as far as this result is concerned, at least at this speed, it can still effectively cause damage.

  "Uh ha ha ha!" Dust also rose around the little monster, completely covering his body. He could only barely see a terrifying body roaring and shaking in the middle. Crimson chakra also erupted from time to time, shattering the dust around him again and again. The arms were waving, and the ever-changing black matter extended or contracted from the arms. The roar showed no sign of abating.

  "Huh? What's going on? Why don't you take the opportunity to come out and attack me? The enemy is in the dark and we are in the dark. This is obviously a good opportunity... By the way, is the attack just now really effective?" This kind of strange The physical increase brought about by the curse seal is huge, not only the increase in physical strength, but also the body's recovery ability. This ability that did not exist originally was developed by Orochimaru.

  This is not a natural substance in the first place. I don’t know how it was synthesized as a powerful booster. For Jugo, a ninja who is powerless in his normal state, after releasing that strange and violent power, can even crush the jounin of various ninja villages.

  The roar never stopped, and the swaying figure continued, but the eruption of chakra became more frequent.

  After a while, the dust slowly dispersed, and the figure in the middle was revealed. The back was scarred, with cut-like scratches and torn black material, all exposed to the sun.

  "The air blade... can the damage be so great?"

  To be honest, Yu Ling had not expected such scars. It was just a simple burst of chakra. It didn't even carry any attributes, so it cut the air directly with pure chakra. Originally I thought it would be enough to leave some scratches, and the purpose was just to prove the speed of this little monster. But this kind of injury can be regarded as an unexpected surprise.

  "But, is the air blade powerful, or is this little monster incomplete? My air blade..." The experience of cutting through the air has only started to be accumulated today. It was the third time he had used it just now, and Yu Ling was actually not very familiar with this ability. Apart from knowing its attack method, it can only be said that it knows nothing about it.

  Including damage, chakra consumption, coordination, etc...

  "It's just that I can't figure it out no matter how many times it happens... I need to plan the battle carefully. Why do I feel like I'm always being dragged along by it?"

  That little monster Yu Ling's defense power made Yu Ling feel a little helpless. After all, there is only one ordinary shadow clone, which is far different from the five chakra attribute clones in terms of control and attack. To put it simply, this shadow clone is not good at anything. Ninjutsu with various attributes cannot use pure chakra, physical skills cannot explode at the speed of the main body, and clones cannot be created. It is impossible to deal with a weakened version of Jugo at best without difficulty.

  The only good thing is that this little monster's IQ is lower than Jugo's.

  The little monster moved again. This time, he didn't even let out his signature silly roar. He just dug a few times into the soil, his limbs touching the ground and popping up at the same time. Each step caused a crack on the ground. But this time, Yu Ling's eyes couldn't keep up with the speed.

  "I can't use my eyes anymore... Then I'll just rely on my muscles. I believe my muscle memory can help me avoid this rush..."

  Just as my eyes closed, the thoughts in my mind were still going on, and my body was also relying on The so-called muscle memory is directly biased to one side. But the little monster took the lead this time. The sharp claws stretched straight out, far reaching the abdomen of Yu Ling's shadow clone. Before he could react, he tore the white robe to pieces and sent his whole body flying upside down. go out.

  The balance had long been out of control, and Yu Ling, who was in mid-air, turned into a salted fish at the mercy of others.

  But the imaginary pursuit did not appear. His closed eyes could not help but open a crack, secretly observing... the little monster still in the distance.

  "Uh... wow wow wow!"

  The little monster started roaring again.

  "Wow... actually..." He stretched his neck forward with difficulty and squinted his eyes to search for the little monster in his field of vision. Yu Ling forgot the fact that he was still in the air and was stunned by the scene in front of him.

  The little monster held up the cloth strap torn from the shadow clone's body and waved it high. The other free hand was beating his chest vigorously, exactly like the gorilla.

  "Has your IQ returned to its ancestors..."

  This was the only inference that Yu Ling could make.

  "Hiss...ah, it hurts, it hurts!" His body was already on the ground while his neck was still tied. He forcefully threw his intact neck into a stiff neck state, and he couldn't twist it back for a while.

  "Can the shadow clone still have a stiff neck... The strange knowledge has been added again."

  Maintaining this awkward posture, Yu Ling swayed twice to adapt to this perspective, then turned around and prepared to take the next blow from the little monster. Attacked.

  "How long can I maintain this posture... I can't even control my own actions."

  Helplessly... I shook my head. For the sake of information, I had no choice but to go forward like this. If you can't get past this little monster, it will be impossible to sneak into Orochimaru's stronghold.

  "There are two jounin behind...what are they trying to do?"


  "Why hasn't the captain come back yet? Brother, it's been a long time since you came back. Captain, he should be fine, right? His body is motionless... Huh. Fortunately, I'm still breathing. It's so quiet." Tomorrow walked around a cave that the three of them found temporarily. After confirming that the surroundings were safe, they walked into the cave, leaving the clones outside to protect them. Inside the cave are Kimimaro who is still sleeping in the genjutsu, Jugo who was knocked unconscious after waking up, and the Tianling team. Among them, only Yu Ling is still controlling the shadow clone, and the other three can directly enter the battle.

  "Don't worry, the captain hasn't come back yet, which means the clone is still alive and well. Isn't that a good thing! If the clone is still there, it is possible to get the information we want, and then we can rescue Yamato after he comes back. You're the captain." Yuetu hit Tomorrow's forehead angrily, and closed his eyes again as soon as he opened them, controlling the illusion while explaining to Tomorrow.

  Ming Yue stared at Chong Wu in the corner. It felt like she had talked too much today. From the moment she entered the cave to now, she had been silent and the two of them ignored him.

  He was still wondering about the clone that seemed to be tomorrow, and of course, he felt a little guilty.

  If that one is really Tomorrow's clone, then his sin is huge... As the older brother, he should be the one to do the baiting. In his opinion, the consequences caused now are all his problems.

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