Chapter 211 Incentive

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  Chapter 211 Motivation

  "At the same time, I am also worried that when there are more people, everyone may become less and less willing to share and communicate, which is obviously not conducive to ability growth." The questions

  Dong Junwei thinks about are basically from Consider the overall situation and the interests of all members.

  For example, at this point, she neither wants to force others to disclose their privacy, but also hopes that everyone can share information.

  "We don't have this problem yet. All our abilities are basically developed and grown under the guidance of Tang Jing." "That's right, but that may not happen in the future. After all,

  Tang Jing is only one person. When Qing Jing arrives, How can we be so busy with a monument of that size?"

  "Are we thinking too far ahead?"

  "If you don't think too far, you have to worry about the immediate future."

  "I have an idea." Dong Junwei suddenly interrupted everyone's discussion.

  "What do you think?"

  "Many people do have concerns. Even if we don't mention preserving strength, hiding trump cards, etc., announcing his abilities will only make the organization arrange more work for him. Before there are no more rewards, It's a little unfair.

  "So, I thought maybe we could create an incentive system.

  "Incentive mechanism? " "

  When Chen Mu heard this, he suddenly thought that Chang Junyan was appointed as a member of the field team just now because he told him about his ability breakthrough. Speaking of which, it does feel like he has thrown himself into

  a trap.

  Of course, everyone is currently We are as close as a family and will not care about these things, but as Dong Junwei said, when there are more people in the future, the hearts will not be as united as now. By then, even if

  Chang Junyan himself is willing to share his ability progress, Chen Mu will persuade him He had reservations.

  This is the difference between large companies and small companies.

  The latter can rely on the personal ability of the leader to unite and unite employees, but the former must rely on rules and regulations.

  "That's right. Dong

  Junwei nodded: "We will never force members to share details of their abilities, but I think there should be rewards for those who are willing to do so." "

  But, what can we reward everyone now? " "Chen Mu asked.

  Dong Junwei said: "Theoretically, all aspects of our lives can be part of the reward, such as the food everyone is eating now.

  "This should be regarded as a reward, isn't it? " "Chen Mu said.

  "This is just an example. "

  Dong Junwei said with a smile: "In fact, not only the sharing of abilities, I think our contributions and achievements in all aspects should be clearly calculated and given corresponding remuneration and rewards. "

  What exactly? " "He Ying was curious.

  "Actually, to put it bluntly, you can understand these rewards as currency.

  "Currency? "

  "That's right. When you go to work, you will naturally get paid. This is your reward. " Dong

  Junwei began to talk eloquently: "Everyone in a society is contributing and taking. When you go to work, you contribute, and when you get paid, buying food and entertainment is taking."

  "The same goes for an organization, just like us now, everyone is working hard to build Qiming, and at the same time, everyone is also enjoying the benefits brought by the development of the organization. "However, it is obvious that everyone's contribution

  and request ,are different.

  "For example, Chen Mu, he is responsible for almost all food acquisition, construction, fighting and other tasks. Although he also enjoys the convenience of life brought by Du Jiajia's cooking and other people tidying up the room and cleaning, the two are obviously not equal. , To put it bluntly, Chen Mu's contribution far outweighs his demands, and others are sucking his blood to a certain extent. "There are still few of us now, so we may not care about

  these things, but it is definitely not a long-term solution.

  "What should we do? " "He Ying is very interested in this.

  "It's very simple. Those who are capable work harder, and the more they work, the more they get."

  Dong Junwei continued: "We can set up a points system or issue some kind of currency. "

  "First of all, the organization will ensure everyone's basic survival requirements. For example, even if he does nothing, he will be given points every month, but these points are only enough for him to obtain basic food. If he wants more, he must Participate in construction and work. The more important the work is, the more difficult it is, and the more workload you have, the more points you will get. "In addition,

  as I just said, you can also share your own ability status. Get rewarded with points.

  "Of course, the specific reward needs to be judged more accurately. This is convenient, and it can only be judged by Tang Jing for the time being." After

  Dong Junwei finished speaking, she looked at Tang Jing.

  Tang Jing remained silent about Dong Junwei's proposal. It was only now that she said, "I agree with the squad leader's proposal." After

  she said this, as long as Chen Mu did not object, the matter was basically settled.

  As Chen Mu is the biggest beneficiary of this proposal, he naturally has no reason to object. Moreover, if Qiming wants to continue to develop and grow, these regulations are also necessary.

  "However, the biggest problem is that it is difficult to judge what kind of work and what kind of reward should be given." Chen Mu said.

  Tang Jing said: "Absolute fairness does not exist. Even when the collective reaches a certain level - such as a society - it is impossible and there is no need to refine it to that level. "In general, the

  market The principle of economics is to clearly mark the price. When the remuneration for a job is too small, there will naturally be fewer people doing it. If the remuneration reaches a certain level, the remuneration will be forced to increase, and a balance will eventually be reached. Of course, the market situation of the entire society will never be this ideal model. People live in the process. We are always in the transition from one state to another, so we need centralized macro-control, etc. However, we don’t need to think about this just yet. "

  Tang Jing's words are obviously more difficult to understand, but everyone can understand the general meaning.

  An Ruosu sighed: "If Qingbei could think so long-term at that time, it wouldn't be like now. "

  Dong Junwei nodded and said: "Qingbei's strategic countermeasures are not wrong. At this stage, combat ability users are more important, and it is reasonable to give them better treatment.

  "But the problem is that it not only wants to use some rules to restrain the people at the bottom, but also does not give them a clear reward and punishment mechanism. It only statically assigns people levels, but does not give the people below a channel for promotion, even if they want to work more Even sharing more food won't work. These people can't see hope, and their enthusiasm for doing things will naturally become less and less.

  "This is also something we at Qiming need to try our best to avoid, otherwise it will be just another monument in the future.

  "My ideal Qiming, even if he is not a superpower, can still achieve a relatively comfortable life by working hard to do some ordinary work."

  Dong Junwei obviously thought about this issue for a long time, talked about it a lot, and finally said:
  " Of course, to do this, I'm afraid it will take a long time of research and exploration."

  (End of this chapter)

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