Chapter 210 Mistake

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  Chapter 210
  Chen Mu and Chang Junyan were stunned.

  Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to embarrass Tang Jing, so as to destroy the academic master's usual majesty.

  As a result, Tang Jing's reaction speed was even faster than Chen Mu's.

  There are only two possibilities.

  First, Tang Jing has known about Chang Junyan's improvement in abilities for a long time, but has never revealed it. The second possibility is that Tang Jing's mental power is even stronger than Chen Mu.

  This is not impossible.

  Chen Mu had long suspected that Tang Jing had acquired some kind of ability, but he never said anything.

  The strength of mental power has nothing to do with the type of ability. A useless ability can still be trained to produce strong mental power. It only depends on the talent and diligence of the person with the superpower.

  The two of them didn't have time to speak.

  I heard Yu Yuan, who was pouring water behind Tang Jing, scream out loud: "What's that, it's itchy." Yu

  Yuan, who had his back to the three of them, didn't even have time to put down the cup, so he stretched out his hand and started scratching his back, which turned out to be itchy. It happened to be in a very awkward place, and it was impossible to hook it from above or from below.

  The little fat man was so anxious that he scratched his head and scratched his head, and water spilled all over the floor.

  Chang Junyan quickly put away his magical power and smiled mischievously.

  "What's going on?"

  Yu Yuan, who was almost about to lie down on the ground and rub her, felt that the tingling suddenly disappeared, with a confused look on her face.

  "It's been too long since you took a shower. I want you to pay more attention to your personal hygiene." Chen Mu went up and patted him on the shoulder.

  "Ah." Yu Yuanleng said, "Senior, how do you know I haven't showered in three days?"

  This time it was Chen Mu's turn to be stunned. He just said casually, who knew this guy was so lazy? In this weather, I sweat so much every day. I couldn't do anything about it before, but now that I have the conditions, why don't I take a shower?
  However, Yu Yuan quickly continued: "I don't need to go to the toilet, and I don't sweat, so I don't feel uncomfortable. Sometimes I am too lazy to take a shower." "

  You are awesome."

  Chen Mu gave him a thumbs up , and then said: "But there will still be dust outside, so go take a shower quickly. You saw that your body was itchy just now." "


  The little fat man had no idea that he had been plotted just now.

  He couldn't stay too long within the confines of the crowd and was ready to leave.

  As soon as Yu Yuan left.

  Tang Jing smiled meaningfully: "Sure enough, your ability has improved a lot. Can you release it to others?"

  Chang Junyan felt a chill on his back and went straight to the top of his head. At this time, he hated Chen Mu to death. He also blamed himself. Why is it so bad? As soon as I got hot, I thought about teasing the Great Demon King of Tang Dynasty. How would I live my life from now on?
  He hurriedly showed a flattering smile: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Tang Jing, look, I originally wanted to let Yu Yuan give it a try, but I was in a hurry and didn't pay attention to the direction. Fortunately, you reacted quickly." Chen Mu also

  said Helped: "Yes, yes."

  Tang Jing did not hold on to this point, but asked: "You started with horse steps and exercises, do you have to do these vain things? "

  Chang Junyan hurriedly said: "No, it's just that I got used to it at the beginning. Doing this can provide psychological cues and improve the success rate." "

  Change this habit." Tang Jing said directly: "Otherwise, if you use it against the enemy in the future, it will be useless. Let you use it there?"


  "In addition, practice more on the speed of onset of effect. At this level, taking you out won't be of much help." Obviously, Tang Jing had already expected When Chen Muhui arrived, he thought about taking Chang Junyan out.



  Tang Jing gave a few more casual instructions, and Chen Mu nodded frequently in a very stupid way, and looked like he was thinking hard.


  It's time for dinner.

  Dong Junwei hung a big bell in the dining hall. When Du Jiajia finished cooking, she would ring the bell vigorously and make a jingling sound to remind everyone to eat.

  Everyone must eat dinner together, of course, except those on duty. Someone will serve it to them.

  Tang Jing turned around and walked towards the dining hall.

  Chen Mu and Chen Mu let out a sigh of relief.

  "What a risk."

  "It's all your bad idea."

  "Don't you also want to see Tang Jing make a fool of yourself?" "

  I don't want to do that anymore, it's good to be alive."



  While eating, Chang Junyan used his ability to He told everyone about the breakthrough. Everyone was amazed and stayed away from him slightly.

  Of course, everyone then started the discussion mode.

  A new ability, or a new breakthrough in ability, can always bring about a heated discussion, with everyone helping to make suggestions or put forward their own creative ideas for the reference of those with abilities.

  Of course, some people will take this opportunity to make noise and come up with some bad ideas that make people laugh.

  Such a scene made An Ruosu a little surprised and confused.

  Today, Dong Junwei was sitting next to her. Seeing that she hadn't moved her chopsticks for a long time, she asked, "What's wrong? The food doesn't suit your taste?" Although

  Du Jiajia kept coming up with new tricks, there were only a few ingredients in total, and morning and evening would be different. There will be a time when you get tired of eating, but An Ruosu and Yang Li have just arrived not long ago, so it's reasonable to think that they haven't gotten tired of it yet.

  "No, no." An Ruosu said quickly: "When I was in Qingbei, with my status, it usually took two weeks to have the opportunity to eat such cooked food. How could it not taste good?" "Then why don't you eat it


  " I think everyone is discussing their abilities together?"

  "Yes." Dong Junwei asked: "Don't Qingbei discuss this aspect?"

  "Maybe some people will discuss it among themselves, but most of the time, everyone will try their best to To keep your abilities secret, you must tell the truth only to the Qingbei supernatural power research team, but there are only four people in that team, and they are all quite mysterious." "Have you been asked by them?" At this time, everyone gradually started to


  . calm down.

  In the past few days, it has been quite interesting to listen to An Ruosu tell all kinds of strange things about Qingbei.

  "Asked, twice."

  "What did they say?"

  "They won't say anything, but they will arrange different tasks for us based on their research results." An Ruosu said.

  "Aren't you going to guide your training?"

  "No, I figured it all out myself."

  "Then what's the point of their research?" Yu Yuan said angrily. The little fat man was only allowed to interact with everyone during dinner. Sitting together, usually as far away from other people as possible.

  "You can't say that." Chen Mu said: "After all, there are too many people in Qingbei. There are more than 100 superpowers. It is really impossible for only 4 people to cover everything. It is already difficult to give detailed division of labor according to different abilities. It's easy."

  Dong Junwei said: "Actually, everyone's abilities can indeed be regarded as privacy. It's understandable that you don't want to tell others. We don't force everyone to communicate, but I think there are definitely benefits to communicating. ”

  (End of chapter)

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