Chapter 125 Potatoes

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  Chapter 125
  The people in the Potato Iron Cage looked thin and small. Because they were curled up and lying on the inside, no one could see their faces clearly. They didn’t even know whether they were men or women.

  Chen Mu was quite surprised, but not very worried, because this person looked like he was imprisoned.

  Being locked up in the deepest part of a container, with goods piled outside, makes me feel pitiful just thinking about it.

  The man seemed to be asleep, and was not awakened by the loud movement of moving boxes outside.

  Chen Mu and He Ying looked at each other, and then walked over cautiously.

  At this time, the interior of the carriage is bright and every detail can be seen clearly.

  After getting closer, Chen Mu felt a little more relaxed.

  This man was wearing the uniform of Ziwei High School and was obviously captured by No. 1 Middle School. It's just that No. 1 Middle School has always killed other people in the school on sight, but for some reason, this person was left behind.

  Walking around to the side of the iron cage, I finally saw his face clearly.

  This is a girl.

  The childish temperament can still be seen on the face that has not been washed for a long time. Coupled with her extraordinarily petite figure, she does not look like a high school student, at most, she only looks like a freshman in junior high school.

  The two looked at each other, obviously not recognizing this school girl.

  Chen Mu waved and asked Wei Dalei to come over and lift the iron cage out.

  The size of this cage is not as big as the "birdcage" made by Chen Mu, but it is square in shape, but the height is not high enough for people to stand in it. I wonder how bad such a living environment is.

  It's like treating people like dogs.

  For the first time, Chen Mu felt personal anger towards Yizhong.

  Wei Dalei held the iron cage in one hand and quickly walked out of the container.

  Perhaps the shaking finally woke her up. The girl inside moved slightly, but curled up tighter.

  Everyone gathered around.

  Dong Junwei looked around at everyone: "Does anyone know her?"

  After speaking, she looked at Lu Shanshan, wondering if they were both in the lower grade and might know her by chance.

  However, Lu Shanshan, Cao Zishan and others looked at each other and shook their heads.

  There are more than 2,000 students in Ziwei High School. It is normal for them not to know each other, but now this situation has stumped Dong Junwei and others.

  Looking at the girl sleeping soundly in the iron cage, although everyone felt that this was inappropriate, they were reluctant to wake her up.

  Tang Jing knelt down, looked at the girl carefully, stood up and said, "Let her sleep first. Let's open the wooden box and see what's inside?" "


  This proposal was approved by everyone.

  Everyone, including Chen Mu, was very curious about these wooden boxes and had long wanted to open them and take a look.

  A whole truckload of supplies.

  There's definitely a lot of good stuff.

  This feeling is a bit like receiving a gift during the holidays and getting ready to unwrap it.

  "How many are there in total?"

  "I just counted them." Du Jiajia said: "There are 36 in total."

  "How can it hold so many?"

  "This model car is scaled down according to the actual size." Tang Jing said: " I made a visual inspection and found that the container is of the standard 40GP specification, 12 cm long, 2.4 cm wide and 2.4 cm high. The wooden box is a cube with a side length of 1 cm. If it is full, it can hold 48 pieces. Look at what it looked like before. It should be about the same."

  "The model car is easy to understand, but the guys from No. 1 Middle School don't know how they got these wooden boxes." "

  I'll take them apart."

  Wei Dalei walked forward with a big ax in hand and looked around.

  I originally wanted to find a gap to pry open the box, but after searching for a long time, I found that the box was flat and smooth, and it was completely one piece. There was not even a gap.

  "No wonder it was so difficult to move just now. What kind of wooden box is this?"

  Wei Dalei was a little anxious and was about to split it open with an ax when Chen Mu stopped him.

  "I'll try."

  He stretched out his palm and put it against the wooden box.

  next moment.

  A circular hole slowly opened right above the wooden box.

  Because he didn't know much about this kind of material, Chen Mu didn't dare to do whatever he wanted. But when he reached out, he found that the material of this wooden box, at least in terms of density, was no different from ordinary wood.

  Everyone came over and wanted to see what was inside.

  When they saw the result, everyone was dumbfounded.

  Inside are some irregular round objects, one by one, khaki in color, looking a bit like potatoes.

  A smaller version of a potato.

  Chen Mu reached out and took one out, handed it to Tang Jing and said, "It is indeed a potato."

  Tang Jing took it in her hand, rubbed it a few times, and made a few marks with her nails.

  "It's true."

  "How come there are such shrunken potatoes?"

  "Is it some kind of ability?"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their attention to the girl in the iron cage.

  "Is it possible that it's a shrinking object?"


  This guess seems reasonable, and although this ability sounds ordinary, when you think about it carefully, everyone is horrified.

  Shrink objects.

  If it were before, it would really be of little use.

  But after humans shrink, this ability is simply amazing.

  Although Chen Mu's ability can achieve this goal to a certain extent, in actual operation, it is too precise and beyond the scope of his understanding to implement it at all.

  For example, regardless of whether it works or not, theoretically, as long as he has enough materials, he can build a computer.

  But the fact is that Chen Mu can't build a computer just by thinking about a computer. He must understand all the details of the object's structure.

  With his ability, at best he can only create a shell similar to that of a computer.

  As for the structure inside, how much can you expect a senior high school student to know about, graphics cards, processors, hard drives...not to mention the life-threatening integrated circuits, even a relatively simple cooling fan, which cannot be made by manpower.

  This is no longer a question of ability, but knowledge.

  But if one's ability is to shrink objects, that's a completely different story.

  Everyone thought of this possibility, and their eyes gradually became eager as they looked at the girl in the iron cage.

  However, at this moment, Tang Jing poured a basin of cold water down:

  "Maybe there is the ability to shrink, but these potatoes should not be the product of this ability." "


  "Actually, it is very simple. These numbers of potatoes, If the original volume were to be used, the pile would be much bigger. Even if the canteen would reserve some food, it would not be possible to buy so many. Where did No. 1 Middle School find so many potatoes?" Tang Jing explained.

  "It seems to make sense."

  "The most important thing is that even if there is a person with the ability to shrink objects, I don't think he can do this at this stage." "How to say?"


  As far as the current ability is concerned, The strength of one's body is the biggest prerequisite for restricting superpowers. Among us, Chen Mu is considered the strongest, but the size of the objects he can control is only several times his own size. It really has to be as big as a potato. It’s unimaginable, let alone such a huge amount.”

  (End of chapter)

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