Chapter 124 Wooden Box

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  Chapter 124 Wooden Box
  Chen Mu followed the same method and made a similar "birdcage" for another person.

  The abilities of these two people are companions. It seems that they can only take effect when they are within a certain distance, so once they are separated, there is no curse to recite.

  The cage made by Chen Mu had no door at all. Even if someone wanted to save them, they would have to break the steel bars as thick as their thumbs or move the entire cage.

  Chen Mu had no idea how to deal with these two people.

  Speaking of which, he had only heard about all the evil deeds of No. 1 Middle School. Although the people he met in the cafeteria last time were a little arrogant, they were not hatred-based. But this time, he was the first to steal someone else's car. It was understandable that the other party would fight back. If he really wanted to kill two people who had no ability to fight back, Chen Mu really couldn't do it.

  Therefore, we had no choice but to bring these two people back first.

  By the way, let’s take some information about No. 1 Middle School.

  Of course, after questioning, it was impossible to let them go. The environment and personnel here had been seen by the two of them. It was impossible for No. 1 Middle School to just let them go after they returned.

  And these two people obviously thought of this. They looked like dead pigs who were not afraid of boiling water. They neither resisted nor cooperated.

  Chen Mu originally wanted to ask briefly first, but Tang Jing stopped him and said that he would be locked up for one night first.


  The two birdcages were placed separately, and the hands and feet of the people in the birdcages were still tied.

  After settling these two people, everyone's eyes returned to the container truck again.

  From the open door, you can see that there are several huge wooden boxes blocking the doorway.

  But when I looked over the top of the wooden box, it was completely dark inside, and I couldn't see anything at all.

  It seemed a little inappropriate to walk in hastily. It would be great fun if the two people like before were killed again.

  After discussing with Tang Jing and others, we decided to move things out bit by bit.

  Dong Junwei made a light bulb out of plastic on the spot.

  Due to advances in capabilities, the luminosity of plastics is now significantly higher. At first, it could only look like a 40-watt old-fashioned orange light bulb. Now, it can probably be compared to an LED tube.

  And the duration has been extended from the original one night to about 24 hours, but the brightness will still gradually weaken over time.

  At present, Dong Junwei uses the least material, which is plastic. Although this is the least difficult, it is not very useful.

  Even though the cracks in the door have been blocked so that nothing like moths can come in, for the sake of safety, no one will light the lights for a long time at night.

  If someone is wandering around outside at night and happens to pass by here and is attracted by the lights, it is equivalent to exposing themselves.

  There are such people, Lu Shanshan and the other four are examples.

  Tang Jing's idea is that when conditions improve and people have bigger houses, and the materials of the houses are no longer transparent plastic, they can light lights indoors without being discovered.

  A glowing plastic ball was quickly handed over to Chen Mu's hand. Chen Mu shook it twice and threw it into the container. However, it only passed the outermost wooden boxes and was soon caught by something. Block.


  It was almost full.

  There is no choice but to move slowly.

  Wei Dalei is naturally the main force when it comes to moving things.

  Soon, the wooden box closest to the door was completely pulled down by Old Wei and smashed to the ground.

  "Be gentle, Old Wei." Chen Mu was afraid that there was something fragile inside.

  "This thing is too big, and it doesn't have a handle, so it's hard to lift."

  From the appearance, the wooden box is about a cube with a side of one centimeter, solid wood color, fully enclosed, a bit like the box used to transport arms in the movie. It seems as if you can see several submachine guns as soon as you open it.

  Tang Jing walked over and touched it with her hand, saying "Hey".

  "What's wrong?" Dong Junwei asked.

  "It looks like it's a replica of a wooden shipping box commonly used in logistics."

  "What's so strange about that?" "

  This material is wrong."


  "Wood is an anisotropic and non-uniform material. When used as a wooden box, It is necessary to consider the grain and the difference between radial and chordal directions. Therefore, if it is a wooden box with better quality, coniferous trees such as pine will be used. This kind of tree has smooth texture, soft material, is easy to process, and is not easy to crack when nailing. But if Just consider the low cost, birch, beech, etc. from broadleaf trees can also be used."

  "What about this?" Chen Mu had no idea what Tang Jing's words were related to.

  "This is nothing." Tang Jing frowned slightly.

  "What is that?"

  "This doesn't seem to be wood."


  Chen Mu was stunned. He stepped forward and touched the wooden box. Although it did feel smoother than ordinary wood, it looked like ordinary wood, even You can also see growth rings and wood knots.

  "It just looks like wood."

  "If it's not wood, what is it?"

  "I don't know, it seems to be some kind of composite." Tang Jing shook her head.

  "Then why is it made to look like wood?"

  "I don't understand. Maybe it's the work of a certain person with abilities. It's just a matter of his personal aesthetics that makes it look like this?"

  "The ability to mix materials?" Chen Mu suddenly thought of it I was wondering a few days ago if I could mix two different materials to form a brand new material.

  As a result, someone did it?

  However, Tang Jing shook her head: "It doesn't look like it. A new material must at least have its special advantages before it can be valuable. But there is nothing special about this wooden box." "Otherwise

  . Open it and take a look?"

  "Wait a minute and move all the boxes down first."

  Several boys started working together to help Wei Dalei move the boxes.

  Chen Mu built a flat plate that connected the truck to the ground. After the box was placed on it, it would come down like a slide.

  Wooden boxes as tall as half a person were moved down one by one.

  The further inside, the more nervous Chen Mu became. If he didn't want to save the car, he could have violently dismantled it. With his current ability, it would be no problem to dismantle it, but it was not enough to restore the car to its original state. far away.

  The plastic light bulbs really helped a lot.

  Every time he moved forward, Chen Mu installed two light bulbs on the inner wall of the carriage.

  It took about twenty minutes. Judging from the comparison between the inside and outside, it was almost completed.

  At present, the entire interior of the container truck is filled with wooden boxes of the same size and specifications.

  Nothing else.

  A group of zombies escaped did not happen, and Gundam and Unit Zero did not exist.

  Chen Mu's tense heart gradually relaxed as the carriage was gradually emptied.

  However, at the moment when the last few wooden boxes were being moved.

  Wei Dalei suddenly shouted:

  "F*ck, what is this?"

  Chen Mu followed the direction of his finger and saw an iron cage that looked somewhat similar to the birdcage he made placed at the end of the carriage. The corner was revealed as the wooden boxes were removed.

  Can be seen very clearly.

  There is a person inside.

   I don’t have time to write it down, so I’ll make it up in the third update tomorrow.

  (End of chapter)

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