Chapter 22 Isaac: After three months, if you perform well, I will give you a little red flower.

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  Chapter 22 Isaac: Three months later, I will give you the Little Red Flower Legend for   good performance . It is mentioned in the magic book given by Jennifer Ni. It is one of the high-level magics drawn from the core magic legend of the legendary wizard. .

  When it comes to absorbing legends, we have to mention three ways for legendary wizards to improve their strength. The first is meditation and learning that can be used by wizards of the three factions. Meditation improves magic power and learns to master spells. The second and third methods It is a method that only legendary wizards can use.

  One is to explore the fantasy continent. Moving in the fantasy continent will increase the wizard's own magic power and obtain spells. Although other wizards also have methods to enter the fantasy continent, they do not have this treatment.

  The second is to absorb power from legends. The most basic one is legend absorption, which can absorb magic and spells from various legends. One of the upper-level abilities of legend absorption is legend conclusion.

  He can gain extremely powerful power from the stories he writes. The wider the story spreads, the greater the power he can gain. From Jennifer's words, Isaac can roughly feel the importance of establishing and absorbing legends. There are fundamental differences, but he still doesn't understand what the differences are.

  Isaac is bound to get this spell!

  But another spell - Walking in the Illusion World, this thing is even more expensive than the Legendary Establishment, and much more expensive. It is obviously not a simple thing. Judging from the name and price, it is most likely a space spell!

  This thing is even rarer!
  He wants both, it's his instinct as an adult.

  However, another instinct of an adult tells him that he can only choose one because he has no money
  unless he is willing to use his source power to print money.
  But he is not ready to use this ability at the moment. First, the source power is precious, and second, he does not have enough. With his strength, ordinary people are not guilty of carrying a treasure. It is always right to think about the worst of anything.

  "Next time you go shopping, buy Illusion World Walking." After thinking for a moment, Isaac made a decision. Legendary Creation is a high-level spell that can be absorbed by legends. He himself knows how to absorb legends. When the time comes, he will use his source power. Creation is also simpler.

  But walking in the illusion world is different. This may be a space spell. He doesn't know much about this aspect of knowledge, and it is quite expensive to create.

  So it’s more cost-effective to buy directly.

  Next, after Isaac and Thor discussed the distribution of various supplies, they went to the school grounds to meet these new slaves.

  Arriving at the school grounds, fifty prospective knights were standing in the school grounds together with the two hundred and ten new knights. As for the other thirty maids, they were managed by Fei Li in Blackstone Castle.

  Isaac looked at them, his eyes lingering on the black collars around their necks for a moment, which was the symbol of slaves.

  There is nothing much to say about the two hundred young men. They are ordinary soldiers who have not even embarked on the road of knighthood. They are just a little stronger than ordinary people. The two hundred men are fully armed and can only barely surround and kill some weaker dark monsters. The strength is completely incomparable to that of the Quasi-Knights.

  What Isaac really values ​​​​is the Eldar.

  He had only heard of this race, and this was the first time he had seen it.

  "The Eldar will first serve as my assistants to help me research magic. What are you going to do with these two hundred people?" Isaac looked at Thor curiously.

  Anyway, with his knowledge base, he couldn't think of how to solve this problem. For a normal territory, most of the army remains in the ordinary class. Extraordinary people like knights are generally the commanders of an army. Quasi-knights are the mainstay. Fighting mainly relies on It's up to ordinary people to decide.

  Exceptions were made for pioneering territories such as Blackstone Castle. What they faced was not human lords, but dark monsters. Ordinary people played too little role in a battle of this scale.

  If it is training, these people have average qualifications, so you should buy younger and qualified ones, who are more malleable and more expensive.

  But it’s much cheaper than buying prospective knights and knights directly.

  "My subordinate once captured a training secret in a battle. Through training, you can become an extraordinary profession - a warrior." Thor said with a smile.

  "Warrior?" Isaac looked at Thor curiously. Is this the warrior he thought of?

  "The warrior profession is a new extraordinary path created by the truth wizards of the Wizards Council who imitated the power of knights. It has only been around for a few decades. It is normal that Young Master Isaac does not know about it. Although warriors are not as good as knights, the advantage is that it is easy to get a job. As long as there is a method, anyone can become a warrior and master extraordinary power."

  Isaac raised his eyebrows, is it the wizard of truth again? These guys are quite wild. They improved Blackstone, they invented the witchcraft model, and they also created the warrior profession. Each of these is an epoch-making invention. These guys really deserve the name of truth.

  "What's the difference between a warrior and a knight?" Isaac asked curiously.

  "The power of a knight is the seed of life. If you dig deep into your own power, you will have a chance to master the power of elements or other special abilities when you reach the stage of great knight. Even if you don't master it at the stage of great knight, you will definitely awaken it when you reach the next high-level knight. But warriors Otherwise, warriors only have pure physical strength, and their current future is locked in the formal warrior stage, with a limited future."

  Isaac understood that the real diaosi fight was the kind without belief.

  However, even though there are slightly more shortcomings, warrior is an extraordinary profession after all, and it seems to be an easy extraordinary profession to get started with. If you use this to form an army, it really should not be underestimated!

  When a huge number of warriors gather together, perhaps the title of King of the Knights' Army will change hands.

  "By the way, which wizard invented the warrior profession?" Suddenly, Isaac thought of a strange place and asked curiously.

  "I don't know about this. I only know that it was invented by the Wizard of Truth." Thor was stunned for a moment and said with a frown.

  Isaac narrowed his eyes slightly. The black stone was invented by the Truth Wizard, the spell model was invented by the Truth Wizard, and the warrior profession was also invented by the Truth Wizard, but he didn't say who invented it.

  Even if a single wizard didn't invent it, then the team should have a name, right?

  So this is not in line with common sense. These inventions, without exception, represent huge interests. He does not believe that all truth wizards are saints, so there must be deep-seated reasons... "Master Isaac, is a warrior.

  " Is there any problem?" Sol frowned and asked worriedly.

  "It should be fine. Let them use it. I will ask Amon to keep an eye on it. If anything happens, he will notify you as soon as possible." Isaac waved his hand and then looked at the two hundred and ten slaves on the school ground. .

  "My name is Isaac Solomon, and I am the lord here. I know that for you now, any dream is empty talk, so I hereby promise in the name of Solomon that in three months, the first phase of the Blackstone Castle plan will be launched. After completion, the one hundred people with the best performance will be directly relieved of their status as slaves and officially become the citizens of Blackstone Castle!"

  (End of this chapter)

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