Chapter 21 Big Purchase

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  Chapter 21 Big Purchase

  I have to say that the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce really paid enough attention to Isaac. Generally speaking, for other pioneer knights, the Eldar slaves were already the highlight, but then Paul also took him to see the Orcs. , the gold standard slave barbarian of the pioneering realm, and even a knight and a wizard!
  Sol was stunned when he saw this. He had taken out everything from the bottom of the box.

  "How's it going? Are you satisfied?" Paul looked sideways at Saul.

  Satisfied, that's very satisfying. It would be great if the price was also so satisfying.

  However, Thor still looked calm and calm on the surface. After saying a few words, he turned to look at the other slaves. His eyes did not stay too much on the knights and wizards, although these two were indeed the best. .

  However, it is too expensive, fifty gold coins for knights and one hundred gold coins for wizards. Moreover, this power is too strong for the current Blackstone Castle and is not easy to control. What Blackstone Castle needs are high-quality and cheap slaves.

  In the end, after going around and around, Thor stopped in front of the Eldar. After thinking about it, this was the best. Every Eldar was born and would awaken a spiritual spell. Although it was ineffective against Thor, that was because he He is a great knight, far stronger than ordinary Eldar.

  For ordinary people, this thing is an accurate and high-quality army.

  Not to mention that for Isaac, psychic spells are also something worth studying. The only pity is that there are only 10 people, and a total of 20 gold coins were spent. In addition to these ten elves, Thor also purchased two hundred young men. War criminal slaves, these people's original kingdom has been destroyed, so basically they don't have to worry too much about their allegiance.

  Not to mention the checks and balances of the slave contract.

  Compared with the Elf Tribe, these ordinary young men are much cheaper. Added together with other materials, they only cost one gold coin minus the fraction.

  After buying these, Thor was not in a hurry to take people back. Instead, he stayed at the military camp in Blackstone Town for two more days. Firstly, he could take a rest. A long battle would be of no benefit. Secondly, it was also to get used to the new weapons. Although the team has the checks and balances of the slave contract, they want to fight, and the contract forces them to fight. These are two effects.

  In other words, brainwashing.

  This went quite smoothly. As slaves who were going to be sold to the pioneer knights, they had been told by the Chamber of Commerce before that as long as they performed well, they could break away from their status as slaves and become citizens of the pioneer territory. This was also their last step. The possibility of escaping from slavery.

  So in less than two days, two hundred young men and ten spirit tribesmen have completed preliminary naturalization. It will take some time for full allegiance. Then it depends on whether Blackstone Castle can really make them surrender.

  It's just that these two days have not been entirely satisfactory.

  The last goal was not achieved - recruiting servants.

  As a member of a duke's family, Thor subconsciously rejects the direct purchase of slaves as servants. That is too barbaric. He prefers to recruit from ordinary people. Although it requires a certain amount of training time, this is the most orthodox recruitment method for high nobles.

  It's a pity that Blackstone Castle is in that barren dark place. As long as it's not impossible, no one will go there. And their luck is obviously not that good. After waiting for two days, Thor didn't recruit anyone. However, he had no choice but to go to the Lion Heart Merchant Guild, purchase thirty maids, and take them back with him.

  On the way back, due to the continuous hunting in the past two days, they encountered significantly fewer monsters than before. In this way, it took nearly a day for the group to return to Blackstone Castle without any danger, with one casualty. nothing.

  Returning to Blackstone Castle, Thor saw Amon guarding the door from a distance, and hurried forward: "Sir Amon, please wait, these are the slaves and servants purchased for Master Isaac. "

  Amon looked at everyone, his eyes paused on the Eldar, nodded slightly, looked at Thor, and said: "Your Majesty already knows about your return and is waiting for you in the meeting hall. Go, I will arrange for these people. Okay."

  "Then your Excellency Lao Amon will be here." After Sol saluted respectfully, he handed the slaves to Amon and walked quickly towards the meeting hall.

  "You guys, come with me." Amon glanced at the trembling people, gave a faint command, turned around and drifted towards the residential area, all the slaves looked at each other, they now suspected that they might have been deceived, this is very possible It's a devil's territory!

  Although Amon's image has become much more amiable after obtaining his real name, to normal people, Amon is still similar to a devil.


  "Master Isaac, this is the purchase list. Please take a look at it." Saul handed a list to Isaac.

  "Huh? So many battle slaves?" Looking at the number of slaves among them, Isaac was a little surprised, but he just glanced at Thor and didn't say anything more. He could roughly guess what Thor was thinking.

  He will not interfere in this, but he will not be too supportive. He has his own ideas about the real army in the territory. Human beings are still too complicated. He is not sure whether he will have such a strong personality charm in the future. Ensure their loyalty to him, so he won't gamble.

  In the future, the army of Blackstone Castle can only be magical creations, magical creatures, or even demons that are completely controlled by him!
  But now he doesn't have that ability, and if Thor wants to do it, let him try it.

  Therefore, he did not spend too much energy on it, but the ten elves caught his attention. Psychic spells were a good thing. It would be better if the psionic spells awakened by each elves were different. !

  "Huh? Is there really a magic book for sale?" Isaac looked up and looked at Thor in surprise. Originally, he just asked Thor to ask with the idea of ​​​​trying it, but he didn't expect that it was really for sale. You have to know this thing. He had been looking to buy it for many years without receiving any news.

  Hearing this, Thor also smiled: "Yes, the Lion Heart Merchant Guild has a total of three magics, but I only bought the cheapest magic sword, fifty silver coins, and the other two magics: Legend Concluding and Illusion World Walking They are 10 gold coins and 17 gold coins respectively. You need to make your decision."

  After that, Thor handed Isaac a magic book, which was the magic sword.

  Isaac nodded while flipping through the magic book curiously. He soon understood why this thing was so cheap. It was a melee magic. The
  general effect was to attach magic to the sword to increase its hardness and sharpness. , it’s already useless for melee combat. What’s even more useless is that this thing can only be used by the wizard himself. Once he lets go, the magic will be released.

  Who among the serious wizards plays melee combat?
  However, Isaac was still happy to put it away. It didn't matter if it was practical or not, as long as it was there, it would be practical if he improved it anyway. For him, the magic reserve was important.   On the other hand , Isaac was a little hesitant to buy

  the Legendary Formation and Illusion World Walking .   (End of chapter)


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