99. Chapter 99 Solomon’s Curse and the Immortal Witch Lilith

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  Chapter 99: Solomon’s Curse and the Immortal Witch Lilith
  Isaac raised his head to look at Rael, who still looked worried, and raised his brows slightly.

  "Look at what you mean, dad. It seems that there is something I don't know about? Is it a curse? My brother's founding of the country will also trigger a curse?" Thoughts flowed, and Isaac quickly figured out what Rael was worried about. He frowned slightly.

  It's a bit troublesome.

  He doesn't have enough energy now. If he wants to lift the curse, he has to go to Xingjiefang City first, and he also has to prevent the guy who cursed from coming. It's best to prepare a complete demon god just in case. This is needed There is even more source power.

  Even if there is a huge market like Xingjiefang City, it will take some time.

  He couldn't be sure whether Iris would be in danger during this period.

  "Well, do you know why Capricorn became a duke while Solomon was only a baron despite being both members of the first generation of the Lionheart Knights?" Rael didn't show off, and then replied, "Because of the curse! Solomon's curse is a member of the same generation. No more than one! And no title above or below baron!"

  Isaac frowned. This was the first time he had heard of this curse in full. Before, he could only vaguely feel that this curse should be aimed at the Solomon family. He thought it was to prevent it from developing and growing, but he didn't expect that it actually wanted Solomon to exterminate the clan.
  "What did the ancestors do? To cause such a big trouble?" Isaac has been curious about this question for a long time.

  As far as he knew, ancestor Solomon was just a knight. How did he get into trouble with such a being? A blood curse, and a curse that can transform people into vampires, is not something that ordinary wizards can do, at least great wizards can never do it.

  The last thing to do is to be a high level wizard.

  As for the high wizard,
  to put it bluntly, let alone two knights, even the Lionheart Knights are not the same.

  "This is a misunderstanding." Rael sighed and said with some melancholy, "Back then, our ancestors followed His Majesty the Lionheart King to fight in all directions. With the power of the Knights, he was invincible. For a time, he was so high-spirited that he got into trouble that he shouldn't have. The person—the ancestor—pierced the heart of the witch with a spear, and the ancestor of Capricornus cut off her head with a sword, and then the two families were cursed respectively." ".???

  " Isaac's mind was full of Question, "A witch of that level can use such a high-end curse?"

  It's no wonder that Isaac is confused, because even he, who hangs on the wall, can't use such a high-end curse now. Even if he specializes in curses, it's the same. Forgot that this is a curse that lasts for more than two hundred years!

  And not even the devil can see through this curse!

  So how did a witch of this level get killed by two idiots?

  Forgive him for being disrespectful, but this is what Isaac really thinks. The two knights cannot withstand the bombardment of his flaming crown.

  "Hey~" Speaking of this, Rael was obviously more melancholy, "About this, I don't know whether the ancestors and the others are lucky or unlucky. Normally, if they encounter such a witch, the ancestors and the others will never have a chance of survival. , Even if the knights went, it would be the same, but they met the immortal witch Lilith."

  Isaac was stunned for a moment, and then became speechless. He had heard of this name. The
  immortal witch Lilith, and... There is a name called Blood Queen Lilith. She is the first vampire in the world to use magic to become a vampire alone. She has the advantages of a vampire, but does not have the weaknesses such as fear of sunlight. It is perfect, especially after she took away the ancestor of the vampire. After hiding all the power and authority, she became more perfect and became the king of all vampires!
  But what she is really famous for is actually the former name, the immortal witch Lilith.

  This title was given before she became a vampire. She was immortal in the true sense!

  No matter who it is, there is no way to kill her, or really kill her. She will die at that time, but she will crawl out again somewhere soon, whether it is memory or magic power, it will be exactly the same.

  It was this ability that allowed her to use various transformation spells on herself unscrupulously, and finally turned into a perfect vampire!
  Her most famous deed was that she used her immortality to launch a suicide attack on the God of Light. As she
  died one after another, the world slowly discovered a frightening fact. Even the God of Light could not kill her. she!

  At that time, the God of Light was still very popular, and the Seven Sins, the King of Witches, was still born.

  In the end, the God of Light, who couldn't kill Lilith through various means, sealed Lilith's power, then killed her in a powerless state, and exerted some power on her at the cost of a part of her godhead. Seven-day resurrection curse, although Lilith still has the ability to be resurrected, it takes seven days for her to regain her strength every time she is resurrected.

  Therefore, the conclusion is obvious.
  The ancestors of Solomon and Capricornus met the newly resurrected Lilith, and Lilith, who died at the hands of two mortals, also cursed the two of them unceremoniously, and then they should be thrown away Ignore it aside.
  "The legendary immortal witch." Isaac frowned. There is no worse news than this. "Now that the curse has been triggered, what will be the consequences?" "Capricorn will be beheaded

  . Solomon's second son will be stabbed through the heart."

  "Huh, huh? What's going on with the vampires?" Isaac asked in confusion.

  "Philip will become a vampire. This is a countermeasure that Felipe's father Wilbur came up with after discovering that she triggered the curse. He used the church's ritual array to transform her into a vampire, so that she would not die even if the curse was triggered. Beheading is a good idea for the vampire. It's not a fatal wound, it's a piercing through the heart. The engagement with you is to suppress the curse on you, but unexpectedly, it was still triggered." Rael sighed.

  Isaac blinked, so when would his curse normally trigger? Does it also have a delay?

  But after hearing this, Isaac breathed a sigh of relief: "It scared me to death~"

  Amid everyone's confused eyes, Isaac patted his chest and relaxed.

  "I thought the curse would come after my brother founded the country. That's okay. It's not a big problem. Isn't it just piercing the heart? It's very simple. As long as the heart is no longer my fatal wound, it's no big deal." Isaac waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

  "Really?" Rael looked at Isaac suspiciously. He instinctively didn't believe this statement, but because of the incredible things Isaac did now, he actually felt that it was possible. "Really?
  " Are you okay?"

  "It's really okay. Why did I lie to you?" Isaac looked at everyone helplessly, "Okay, don't worry anymore. You would have died long ago. The country was not founded today. Go and do your work, old man. The commotion caused by brother is too great. We can't stay much longer. We will withdraw in two days at the latest if the saint doesn't come back."

  Hearing this, although everyone was worried, they could only leave slowly.

  When Feili left the room with a worried look on her face, Isaac sighed, and the relaxed expression on his face disappeared in an instant. Of course, he was not that relaxed and immortal
  "I didn't expect you to be the legendary immortal witch. Ms. Lilith." Isaac raised his head and looked at a corner of the room.

  "You are worthy of being the most mysterious being among the five wizards who choose the king. Solomon, the wizard who controls the demon god, you are really special." From the shadows, a girl with white hair and red eyes wearing a wide wizard robe and a witch hat slowly walked out , looked at Isaac with curiosity.

  "How did you find me?" The girl tilted her head and asked curiously.



  A pair of ferocious claws sprouted from the back of Isaac's neck, and a scarlet magic eye darted wildly in the palm of his hand.

  "No, this." Isaac pointed to the magic eye in Harmon's palm.

  Harmon himself is a servant of the Demon God and is not complete. He is only a derivative of the Demon God's power. Therefore, as the Demon God gradually improves, his power will be enhanced accordingly, but not in combat.

  The girl Lilith held up the witch hat on her head and opened her pink mouth slightly: "Oh~ So that's it~ I don't understand it at all~" ".Similar to the ability of true seeing." "Is this like this?!


  The girl Eyes widened.

  Isaac: "."

  Looking at the girl's shock that didn't seem fake, Isaac was speechless. Why did he feel that this legendary witch was a bit stupid?

  "You seem to be thinking about something impolite?" The girl looked at Isaac suspiciously, then waved her hands indifferently, pulled up a chair from the side and sat on it, "But forget it, your impolite idea is indeed correct. , Damn God of Light! He tui!"

  Isaac: "."

  He glanced at the saliva on the ground without leaving any trace. The saliva of the ancestor of the blood clan seems to be a very valuable magic material, right? It may also be a spellcasting material.

  "Let's get back to business. Are you here for revenge?" Isaac looked at Lilith seriously. In his opinion, Lilith came here because the curse failed. Apart from that, he couldn't think of anything else. a reason.

  "Huh?" However, the girl looked at Isaac in confusion, "What revenge?" "


  Isaac looked at Lilith with questions on his face.


  Lilith also looked at Isaac with questions.

  "Wait a minute, let me sort it out. Didn't you come here because the curse failed?" "

  No, I came here because of this. Although there are other reasons, this is the reason why I came." Lilith turned the chair over. , his little face resting on the back of the chair, his little head moving up and down as he spoke.

  "But you're not here for revenge?"

  "Of course, why should I come for revenge? Have you offended me?" Lilith blinked and said with a cute look on her face.

  "Didn't my ancestor kill you two hundred years ago?" Isaac said cautiously.

  "Oh, that, I remembered, it's not their fault, it was all done by that bastard of the God of Light, he tui!" Mentioning the God of Light, the girl spat again without any image, obviously not satisfied with it. The God of Light is very angry.

  "Then why were my ancestors cursed by you?"

  "Well, this is the purpose of my trip. Well, my original purpose has nothing to do with what your brother asked me to do." Mentioning this, the girl Lily Si immediately sat upright and even reached out to adjust the position of the witch hat on her head.

  (End of chapter)

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