100. Chapter 100 Seventy-two Original Nobles

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  Chapter 100 Seventy-two Original Nobles

  "Purpose?" Isaac looked at Lilith curiously. Indeed, she didn't look like she was here to seek revenge.

  "Yeah." Lilith nodded, "You just recognized me, so you should have heard of my legend and the seven-day resurrection spell, right?" "Well, it is said that it takes

  seven days for you to regain all your strength." "

  Now Not only that, many of my enemies have strengthened the seven-day resurrection spell on me while my strength has not yet been restored. It will now take me seven years to regain my full strength!" Lilith said angrily, "They were not my opponents in the first place. , just because of this damn seven-day resurrection spell! It’s all the fault of that bastard of the God of Light! He tui!" '

  It seems that she really hates the God of Light.' Looking at the beautiful girl who spat every time the God of Light spoke, Isaac Thinking silently.

  "This is my purpose. Theoretically, the Seven-Day Resurrection Curse cannot be lifted, because it is a curse forcibly placed by that bastard of the God of Light using part of his own godhead as a sacrifice. How disgusting! He tui!" He spat out again, Lilith continued, "But it's only in theory. Two hundred years ago, my prophecy magic suddenly had a response. The prophecy told me that the key to lifting the seven-day resurrection curse lies in those two ordinary people, your grandfather. "

  'Ordinary person' Isaac was a little helpless, but he was unable to refute that the knight was indeed an ordinary person to a being like Lilith.

  "But what's interesting is that when I made further predictions, I found that it was not your grandfather who could lift the curse, but you, who was born more than two hundred years later. And I also saw that your Solomon family has been doing this for the past two hundred years. We are all just children. Until you, the second son, appear, don’t worry about the cause and effect of the prophecy. Your head is going to explode and you can’t figure it out.” Seeing the confusion in Isaac’s eyes, Lilith waved her hand, indicating that he did not want to delve into the prophecy. Causal relationship.

  "Anyway, I saw you from the prophecy. No, to be precise, I felt your existence. So in order to conform to the development of the prophecy, I put a curse on your ancestors. Until you, there will only be one The child's curse, and then I came, oh no, a little more." Lilith tilted her head.

  "What is it?"

  "The place where I was resurrected should be in my kingdom, but I don't know why, when I woke up, I was in front of your brother Iris. He seemed to have taken my coffin out of my kingdom. What a strange guy. He is so weak, but he has some weird props. He seems to think he has cut off the curse on you, and then he also used a devil's contract on me, asking me to protect you for three years. Three years later , he will help me remove the seven-day resurrection spell, and then I will come."

  "Huh~ I'm done, you can ask anything." Lilith breathed a long sigh of relief, and then looked at Isaac.

  Isaac was silent for a while. There was too much information and he needed to absorb it.
  "First question, my mother's death in childbirth had something to do with your curse?"

  "No." Lilith said decisively. , "Your mother's death was really just an accident. As for the other examples in your ancestors, didn't I tell you? I want to ensure that your Solomon family will only have one child before you, so the specific content of the curse I placed is actually to give birth to After one child, you will lose your fertility, so..."

  Isaac: "..."

  He understands.
  This kind of thing is not a glorious thing as a fig leaf for aristocrats, so it is covered up in the name of a curse. After all, Solomon's curse is indeed It exists.

  This should be the reason for the few cases where the curse broke out. Harmon's eyes in the palm of his hand were always staring at Lilith. What she said was not a lie, but... "
  You said that Iris thought he cut off the curse on me. ?My curse is still there?"

  "Huh? Don't you know?" Lilith looked at Isaac in surprise.

  "?" Isaac looked at Lilith in confusion. Don't tell him that there is a big boss behind Solomon's curse. This is a matryoshka story.

  "Oh yes, that curse has a certain element of knowledge. If you don't know it, it's really difficult to detect." Lilith suddenly realized after realizing that the doubt on Isaac's face was not a lie.

  "Do you know the concept of original nobility?" Lilith lay on the back of the chair and asked, blinking her ruby-like eyes. Obviously she was different from the Riddler Rey and Iris. She planned to tell Isaac everything. matter.

  This may be her character, or it may be part of her sincerity.

  "Original noble?" A thoughtful expression appeared on Isaac's face, and he thought of Iris's incredible soul weapon.

  Soon, during Lilith's explanation, Isaac gradually understood everything.

  The so-called original nobles are the seventy-two nobles, or kings, who first ruled this land. The reason for their destruction has been too long and it is impossible to verify, but they have all been overthrown. The continent of Torres has officially entered a new era. era.

  And the descendants of these original nobles are also cursed by the world. All descendants of the original nobles are not allowed to become nobles above the baron!
  Of course, the so-called "baron" is just a title of this era, but the title is just different, and the power it represents is similar.

  This is why Iris, who was obviously born into a military aristocrat, was born a knight and still had soul weapons when he reached adulthood.

  My ancestors were rich.

  "So, the heart will be pierced and die, is it the original curse?"

  "Yes, and it belongs to Iris, not yours. You have not awakened the original power, and you are only a baron now, but they are all controlled by you. I think the curse was misguided."

  "Iris will die?!" Isaac's eyes narrowed.

  "That's right, and he died from a stabbing of the heart. This is the way your corresponding original noble died, and it was also his favorite way to kill. The original curse cannot be lifted, and it will come sooner or later. Of course, your words may not mean Yes." Lilith's jade-like chin rested on her small white hands. She had no doubt about this. After all, Isaac was the person she predicted could lift the seven-day resurrection curse.

  "Original Curse." Isaac muttered the name and frowned. This made sense. Why was the curse that Iris feared so much that he only needed so little power to lift? Why did even the Demon God Only a little trace of the curse can be seen.

  It's not because the curse on him is too strong, but because he's not cursed at all!

  No, to be precise, there is a curse on him, but it is not the original curse, but something that Lilith uses as a locator, so it is very simple to remove it.

  However, Isaac couldn't be happy because Iris was cursed.
  "Piercing the heart will kill you. What if the heart is not a vital part?" Isaac asked with a frown.

  "It's useless. You have to understand that Iris will die because of piercing the heart, not because of the piercing of the heart. It has nothing to do with whether the heart is vital or not. As long as the concept of heart is pierced, he will die. This It's the original curse, but you don't have to worry. There is a very strong witch next to him. Well, it can also be called a wizard. Anyway, she is very strong. The original curse has been suppressed by her. You don't have to worry for a while." Lilith said. Shaking the chair, he said casually.

  "How long is a moment and a half?"

  "Well, it's the original curse after all. Even she can't suppress it. It's probably three to five hundred years at most. It's a bit short, but that's all. It's the original curse after all." Isaac

  : "."

  He suddenly stopped being anxious.

  Three to five hundred years, let's call it three hundred years. In three hundred years, no matter how hard he fishes, the demon will definitely have grown up, and it will be easy to solve the original curse.

  "." After a pause, Isaac looked at Lilith, "So, what's your purpose? Do you just want me to help you lift the curse? I can ask Iris to lift the devil's contract for you." "Yeah

  . "Lilith nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, but shook her head again, "I want you to help me lift the curse. I can do the three things I think I can do for you, but not now, but in seven years. Finally, that way I can return in full form, otherwise I have to find a way to restore my strength, which is too troublesome. As for the devil's contract, don't worry about it, it's not the first time I've violated that thing. As we all know, Lilith doesn't keep her word!"

  Lilith said proudly with her head held high.

  "So can I understand that you want to follow me?"

  "Almost, okay, okay, I won't live in vain, I will help you, don't look at me like this, ordinary evil spirits are not my opponent !" Lilith danced her white and tender little fists.

  "Okay, then you just stay. By the way, who is the witch next to my brother? Do you seem to know her?" "Don't tell me, she asked me to keep it a secret

  for the time being!" Lilith raised her head and made a quick picture. The expression that came to beg me, even though she promised to keep it secret, who is she Lilith?

  Immortal witch!
  or the witch who doesn’t keep her word!
  "Is that so? Okay, is there anything else? I'm going to study alchemy."

  Lilith: ".You really don't want to know?"


  Lilith: "."

  Lilith opened her mouth slightly, trying to say What, in the end turned into a weak sigh, boring. Unbelievable, there is actually a legendary wizard like the truth in this world.
  After Lilith opened the door and went out, Isaac put down the things in his hands, leaned on the chair, and raised his head. Looking at the ceiling, Youyou sighed. She
  was exposed to too much information at once, and her mind was a little hard to relax.


  The next day, Isaac and Lilith stood in front of the gate of the castle, looking outside with solemn expressions. Rael and others stood aside and looked at the two people in confusion, but they were not familiar with magic. None of them made sense, so I didn't dare to ask, I just stood aside and watched.

  "There are two ceremonial grounds, one belongs to the church, and the other belongs to an unknown wizard. It seems that the establishment of the Theocracy will not go so smoothly." "That's for sure

  . That bastard of the God of Light has made many enemies. No one would want to step on him if he sees it. Two feet? He tui!" As she spoke, Lilith spat to the side again without any image.

  Rael and others were speechless for a while. Even though Isaac had explained it last night, they still couldn't connect this graceless girl with the legendary immortal witch
  (End of Chapter)

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