124. Chapter 123 Breakup!

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  Chapter 123 Breakup!

  The year 1024 of the New Calendar is destined to be a very exciting year in the history of Torres Continent.

  At the beginning of the year, half a year after the advent of the era of evil spirits, the Principality of Solomon suddenly sent troops to the Third Theocracy!
  When everyone thought they were just talking, the Principality of Solomon launched its troops brazenly, and the cavalry invaded a quarter of the territory of the original Lionheart Kingdom within a month!

  Only then did the world realize that the declaration of war half a year ago was serious!

  And in the subsequent war, the Principality of Solomon showed extremely strong strength, an organized knight army!
  A true knight corps!

  Facing the Crusaders led by the Holy Knights of the Third Theocracy, they did not fall behind. In the past six months, they not only defended the territory they captured, but even pushed in a little bit and fought back!

  This simply subverts the world's views.

  That's the Crusaders!
  The world-recognized army second only to the Knights!

  Of course, in fact, when everyone reanalyzed afterwards, they also understood the key point. King Solomon Iris had a standard knight army in his hands!

  Although I don’t know how he did it, with the Knight Legion, victory is a given.

  Unless the Holy Knights leading the Crusaders collectively explode and perform divine descending.

  That's how the Knights are, the more there are, the more terrifying they become. There are even rumors that a Knights' Order composed of 10,000 high-level knights can kill gods!
  Of course, this is just a legend. It is difficult to gather 10,000 high-level knights, let alone form a knighthood.

  Therefore, the victory of the Principality of Solomon with its knight corps is natural.

  However, the church is not a vegetarian. After discovering this, it quickly mobilized some troops from the First Theocracy and the Second Theocracy to support them. If it were not for the Dark Blue Knights led by the Demon God, they would have the upper hand on the Theocracy from time to time. They "accidentally" rushed into the battlefield at the right time, causing them to miss the opportunity to attack.

  The current Principality of Solomon must have been beaten back.

  This is also one of the reasons why the Theocracy has not fully dealt with the Principality of Solomon.

  They don't want to be hostile to the Demon God Territory, which claims to be absolutely neutral. No one dares to underestimate this pioneer territory, which is not as big as the Baron Territory. After all, although it does not have a knight corps, a knight corps composed of great knights is enough to make them fearful.
  However, what they didn't expect was that today, half a year later, the Demon God Leader would once again shock the world!

  They declared war on the Kingdom of Warcraft!

  The Kingdom of Warcraft is a first-rate kingdom second only to the two great empires!
  And what about the Demon God Leader?
  He is just a pioneer lord who is not as big as a barony. Even the knights in his hands are probably given by his brother. Just like this, you dare to declare war on the country of Warcraft?

  At first, everyone just thought it was a joke and thought it was just a casual move by the Principality of Solomon. After all, the Kingdom of Warcraft had already deployed troops on the border of the Principality of Solomon. But when the news about what happened in the Demon God Territory spread, they suddenly discovered that the Demon God Territory seemed to It is indeed not as simple as they thought.
  The demigod witch can be destroyed with just a wave of her hand!
  There is no ability to resist!

  At this moment, they understood that the Demon God Territory was not a new territory at all. It was probably an old wizard who had woken up and opened up a territory for fun. After all, this was quite common in Torres Continent.

  Lilith did this.

  "The demigod witch. That Solomon, is so powerful?!" In the side room of the church in the Holy City of the Third Theocracy, Saint Yellen looked at the information in her hand in disbelief. Is this really the great wizard Solomon?
  That's a demigod witch!

  "Solomon is definitely strong. Don't speculate on him based on normal rules. He is different from all of us. This realm is just a decoration for him. He is just a demigod and a witch. It is nothing." The White Queen turned over the things in her hand. Ben watched "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" hundreds of times and frowned slightly.

  She is very greedy for this thing. Unfortunately, Isaac's protection work is very good. It is really difficult to break in without anyone noticing.

  "Teacher, do we really still care about his thoughts?" After a moment of silence, Saint Yellen looked at the White Queen firmly.

  The White Queen sighed after hearing Yellen's question, which had no meaning at all.

  "It is impossible to deal with the Principality of Solomon and the Demon Lord at the same time with the current Third Theocracy alone. It is still possible to fight with the Principality of Solomon." The White Queen closed the book, stood up and looked up at the sky, her eyes flickering with a flicker of light. , seems to be suppressing something.

  "The Demon God Leader, so strong?" Yellen frowned.

  "It's very strong. What you see now is just the tip of the iceberg. The Dark Blue Knights? Ha~ That kind of product that only has the strength of a knight but no heart of a knight. At first glance, it is just a test product that was made casually. That can be considered It is not as strong as Solomon's real power."

  After a pause, the White Queen turned her head and warned, "Don't think about mobilizing power from the church anymore. This has reached the limit now. The game must be fair and just, otherwise that guy will also Breaking the rules."

  After saying that, the White Queen looked in the direction of the Principality of Solomon and smiled slightly, as if she was responding to someone.

  Yellen suddenly fell silent when he heard this. Games, the goal they were fighting for turned out to be just a game in the White Queen's eyes.
  "That's it for us?"

  "Of course not." Seeing Yellen's surprised look, the White Queen turned around and smiled. Looking at her Yingying, "I said, I will not interfere with any of your decisions. What I appreciate is your free will, so I will not use my will to make decisions for you. What do you want to do? Just do whatever you want, I'm only responsible for letting you see some things you can't see. Only in this way can you make the most correct decision."

  Yellen lowered his head and carefully considered the White Queen's meaning. If there is any He nodded thoughtfully, and then said firmly: "I'm not going to give in anymore! Fight against the Demon Lord! If it weren't for their repeated obstructions, the Principality of Solomon wouldn't have been able to hold on for so long!" "You are wrong, the Dark Blue Knights have indeed eased the situation

  . You have experienced many crises in the Solomon Army, but if you underestimate the Principality of Solomon because of this, that would be wrong. You have not used real power, but the Principality of Solomon has not used it either. When have you ever seen the king of the Principality of Solomon, Iris? He is The Knight of Destiny is a person who has awakened the original power. His destination is on the battlefield, but have you seen him?"

  Yellen's excited heart slowly calmed down.

  "So, in King Solomon's opinion, is there anything more important than the war here?"

  "Correction." The White Queen raised a finger, "He is the king of the Principality of Solomon, but not King Solomon. That's your point. It must be clear and clear. These are two concepts. No one stipulates that when we choose the king, the wizard cannot choose himself to be the king. Based on my understanding of Solomon, if being the king is interesting enough, he does not mind being the king himself, so I must call you Clearly."

  Yellen nodded silently. At this moment, she once again understood what God is and what is a human being. She
  also understood who her opponent was, or in other words, whose opponent she deserved to be.
  "So, what the teacher means is , if we start a war with the two Solomon brothers at the same time, will we lose?"

  "High probability." The White Queen glanced at Yellen, who was full of unwillingness, and shook her head slightly. In her opinion, the current situation is actually very good. The Demon God Leader sent troops to the Kingdom of Warcraft to relieve the Principality of Solomon. At the same time, it also liberated the Third Theocracy, so that they did not have to fight with their hands tied, which was good for everyone.

  , as expected, the next day Saint Yellen announced that because of repeated interference in the Theocratic battles, the Demon God Territory was officially expelled from the Third Theocracy. From now on, the Demon God Territory will no longer be a pioneering territory of the Third Theocracy!

  And issued a crusade order, allowing all pioneer knights belonging to the Church State to crusade against the Demon God Territory!

  This treatment shocked everyone. No one knew what Saint Yellen was thinking, including the White Queen.

  A crusade order for the entire church state.
  This thing’s deterrence is second only to the church’s crusade against heresy!

  “Punitive order?” Iris, from the Principality of Solomon, dressed in white, looked at the document in his hand with cold eyes. The paper instantly turned into ashes as the thunder surged, “How arrogant. "

  It's quite arrogant. I didn't expect that the White Queen would teach such a student. It's really interesting." The mysterious witch next to Iris was still wearing a pure white dress, and her right hand wearing a white silk glove was sitting gently. The chair slid past, and a black rose suddenly bloomed.

  He picked off the black rose and sent it to Iris with the hand of the mage: "This is the Rose of Desire. Give this to Solomon. You will send troops to support him." "You won't stop me?

  " Si looked at the black rose up and down, and then put it away after confirming that there was nothing wrong with it. After Jennifer's incident, he had to personally inspect anything given to Isaac.

  "Is it useful? Brother control." The witch curled her lips. Iris has not been fighting on the front line for the past six months, just to get the ultra-ancient magic of the time system, and she also stayed in that dark environment. for several months.

  That familiar feeling almost made her fall asleep.

  Iris smiled noncommittally, then looked at the witch seriously and asked, "What do you think the chances of winning are?" The witch

  looked at Iris, and she knew that this man was not asking about her winning rate against the Third Theocracy. With his confidence, it was impossible to ask such a question, this was for Isaac.

  "If Solomon doesn't take action, it will be 30% to deal with the Kingdom of Warcraft, and 20% to deal with the Third Theocracy."

  "So low!" Iris frowned, "Isn't Isaac very dangerous?" "

  That's 30%. Theirs!" The witch rolled her eyes, "You underestimate Solomon. His best field is creation. Whether it is knowledge, magic, power or life, he can create it. I even suspect that the demon he manipulates is also him. Created by him, that guy is too weird, so he can't lose." "

  Of course, he is my brother!" Iris raised his head proudly!

  However, the witch did not agree with Iris at this moment, but said quietly: "Are you really sure that he is your brother?"

  Iris was silent.

  This is the biggest doubt in his heart, and the place where he dares not think deeply.

  However, all the incredible things around Isaac are invisibly confirming this.
  "Ah~~ah~~" Looking at Iris who was suddenly silent, the witch suddenly shook her head and wailed, "Sorry, sorry, old problem. I always can't help but want to induce some negative emotions. It's my fault. Don't worry. Your brother should be your brother. You will know when the time comes." "Is that time?" Iris nodded

  . , then looked out the window, "How long will it take then?" "It's

  almost, soon, the last king-selecting wizard Solomon has appeared, and the real king of Torres Continent is coming!" As she said that, the corners of the witch's lips raised. With a crazy smile, "Let's see together, who is more powerful, our king, or the king of the world!" "

  I'm also looking forward to it, Solomon's Curse, the Original Sin? Haha~ I've been looking forward to it for a long time!" Ai Reese looked at the endless sky, and seven tyrannical lightning flashed in his eyes!


  “This day has finally come.”

  The demon leader, Marbus and Thor stood face to face, looking at the map in front of them, their faces a little solemn.

  They knew that the Third Theocracy would declare war on them, and this day would come sooner or later. After all, the Dark Blue Knights wandered around other people's battlefields every day. It was strange that they could tolerate such provocative behavior.

  But it seemed a bit stupid to have a thunderstorm at this time.

  But is Janet Yellen a fool?
  That's obviously impossible.

  So there must be other factors involved, but they don't know it.

  But that's not important.

  "In this case, Thor, you Dark Blue Knights can only continue to be stationed in the Demon God Territory to defend against attacks from the Theocracy. Those pioneering knights Amon and Dantalin will be responsible." "No problem, we will negotiate with the Theocracy

  . Give it to us, they can't get past it!" Saul said confidently.

  "Yes." Marbus nodded, and then looked at Feili, who was sitting in the front seat. A year later, Feili still looked like a child. This was the vampire's curse, or blessing, that her time would always stop. The moment he became a vampire, he could no longer grow up.

  But Feili is currently trying to use magic to get around this. After all, she has to grow up!

  "Lord Feili, in this case, the battle against the Kingdom of Warcraft may require the help of your Blood Guards. The Elf Legion alone may not be a match." "No problem, but my Blood Guards alone are not strong enough

  . It's okay to let them carry out assassination work, but their frontal combat ability is too poor." Feili said with a frown.

  "It doesn't matter." Marbus waved his hand, "The Elf Army is not weak, and Salomanda and Bingnaisi will also join the battle this time, but as you know, Lord Feili, these Elfs, their characters are somewhat, um, free."

  Seeing the helpless expression on Malbus's face, Feili was amused and nodded lightly. The character of those guys is a bit free. Just
  look at Salomanda and you will know. Before sublimation, I was submissive. After sublimation, I am the best in the world!

  (End of chapter)

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