123. Chapter 122 Meeting of the Five Demon Gods

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  Chapter 122: Meeting of the Five Demon Gods

  "Huh? Didn't you recognize me?" Isaac blinked his eyes as the evil god's magic power was taken away from him in the sky above the Demon God. He looked at the direction of the Robbery Witch and thought for a moment, then turned around and flew back to Blackstone Castle. Inside.

  After only a moment of fighting, Isaac understood that the Robbery Witch was not that easy to deal with.

  Unless he "borrows" more magic power.

  Unfortunately, borrowing the magic power of two evil gods at the same time is his current limit. It was okay at first, but those evil gods are stupid, and they will take the bait if you don't put the bait.

  It doesn't work anymore, the evil spirits are broken, they have to be deceived and baited before they are willing to bite the hook.

  So it's still a bit troublesome to face the Robbery Witch. Of course, it's just troublesome, not impossible to win.

  If there was no Snow White World, Isaac would definitely pursue it to the end, but the Snow White World has not been explored yet, and this is more interesting than fighting.


  After returning to the castle, Isaac’s mind sank into the world of snow again and began a new exploration. He believed that Malbus could handle the aftermath of the witch’s attack.

  This is also true.

  After Isaac defeated the witch, Marbus quickly appeased the people and compensated small organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce and Adventure Group that were affected by the battle. Then he issued an order to let Thor "patrol" the Dark Blue Knight outside. The group is back.

  After doing all this, he sat on the chair with a sinking face, closed his eyes slightly, and his mind sank into a dark subspace.

  This is a vast but dark subspace. Here, there is no concept of time and space. An invisible magic envelopes the entire space. No existence can peek into this place except the devil.

  At this time, in the dark space, a tall stone pillar emitted a faint light, and Malbus's mind instantly fell on it. Then, one pillar after another lit up in sequence, each representing - the person in charge of the flame

  . Demon God Amon!
  Astaroth, the demon god who controls time and space!

  Dantalin, the devil who controls the mind!

  And, Baimen, the demon god in charge of knowledge!

  The five demon gods of the Demon God Leader gathered together in this dark subspace at this moment.

  "Is there a problem in the territory? Malbus." The first person to ask the question was Amon, who was the oldest and the oldest despite having fallen behind in strength. Although he was only a few months older, he was still older.

  "Yes, a demigod witch led an evil apostle to attack the territory, and tried to steal the storybook that Your Majesty cherishes." "." After a simple


  , the atmosphere in the subspace became extremely solid. After a while, , the most powerful Baimen Youyou said: "Demigod Witch, then Your Majesty did it yourself?" "

  Yes." There was a touch of anger in Marbas's low tone.

  This anger is not only towards the daring Witch Willy, but also towards her own incompetence.

  "Don't blame yourself. The demigod witch is indeed not something you can deal with now." Baimen said comfortingly, "Since you summoned us, it means that your Majesty has no idea about the forces behind the witch. Let's start a war, right? ?"

  Before Malbus could respond, Baimeng said to himself: "Demigod witches. Currently, there are only two forces in the world that can have such demigods. One is the Church of Light, and the other is the Witch Cult. It is impossible for people from the Church of Light to follow. When the Apostles of the Evil God come together, there is only the Witch Cult. There are three countries directly governed by the Witch Cult. One is the Kingdom of Witches, a country founded by the legendary Seven Sins Witch, and the other is the Kingdom of Warcraft, which is ruled by half-dragons. The country he leads is the Kingdom of Luo Yun, and the King of Witches is friends with His Majesty. It should not be the kingdom of witches. So, who should we attack?" "

  All!" Marbas looked at Baimeng with cold eyes. Of course, that touch The coldness was not because of Amon. "Whether it's the Kingdom of Warcraft or the Kingdom of Luo Yun, we have to go to war! It doesn't matter who does it." "

  Calm down, Malbus." Amon said in a deep voice, "Don't let anger swallow you up. The current demon kingdom cannot deal with the Kingdom of Warcraft and the Kingdom of Luo Yun at the same time, and don’t forget that the Principality of Solomon is at war with the Third Theocracy. The Dark Blue Knights, one of the main forces in this war, also have to take care of the battlefield here. , unable to devote myself wholeheartedly to the crusade."

  "Yes, Master Amon is right, Master Malbus, you are too excited. I have been to both the Kingdom of Warcraft and the Kingdom of Luo Yun, and I have no idea about their strength. We know very well that unless we dispatch the Demon Legion, the chance of winning is very low, but you also know that the Demon Legion cannot be used in the Demon Lord's war against humans unless it is absolutely necessary. This is Lord Feili's order, which means that we The only forces that can be used are the Dark Blue Knights and the newly formed Elf Legion. It is too difficult to deal with two of them at the same time, and it is very likely to arouse the fear of the Kingdom of Witches, prompting them to intervene." Dan was holding a book

  . There was a strange light in Talin's eyes.

  "Stop being so pretentious and tell me your opinion." Baimon looked at Dantalin.

  Although she controls the power of knowledge and is the wisest among the demon gods, this does not mean that she is good at everything. Baimen is just knowledgeable, but when it comes to scheming, even a hundred of her cannot compare to Dantalin. .

  "There is no special plan, just defeat them one by one. The Kingdom of Warcraft and the Kingdom of Luo Yun will deal with one first, and the rest will go smoothly." "

  Then which one should be dealt with first?" Astaroth, who gave up thinking, then asked, Adds a little more involvement.

  But Dantalin did not answer her, but looked at Malbus. It was not that he had any problem with Astaroth, but that he did not dare to answer the question.

  Noticing Dantalin's eyes, Malbus understood instantly and said it for him: "The first goal is that the country of Warcraft is the best."

  Although there was not much explanation, the demon gods still understood what Malbus meant.

  The Kingdom of Warcraft, also known as the Kingdom of Dragons, is led by half-dragons with dragon blood. They have several armies of Warcraft and half-dragons, and it is rumored that there are even dragon legions!
  But no one has seen it, because the opponents of the Kingdom of Warcraft are usually destroyed before the dragon army appears.

  Extremely powerful!

  It is completely different from the Luo Yun Kingdom, which is nothing except the witch group. Logically speaking, the soft persimmon Luo Yun Kingdom should be given priority.

  However, the Kingdom of Warcraft has a grudge against the Principality of Solomon.

  And it’s deep!

  No one knows the specific reason, but now the Warcraft Legion of the Kingdom of Warcraft has been stationed at the border of the Principality of Solomon, which undoubtedly puts great pressure on the Principality of Solomon, which is at war with the Third Theocracy.

  Therefore, once the Demon God Kingdom declares war on the Kingdom of Warcraft, it will undoubtedly greatly alleviate the plight of the Principality of Solomon. At the same time, it can also officially mobilize the Dark Blue Knights to the frontal battlefield.

  After all, declaring war on the Kingdom of Warcraft would help the Solomon Kingdom more than putting pressure on the Theocracy on the border between the Principality of Solomon and the Third Theocracy.

  It’s also more in line with Isaac’s wishes.

  This is also the reason why Dantalin dare not say it. It is inappropriate for him, a demon god who controls thinking, to make such an opinion.

  (End of chapter)

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