Chapter 34 Bone-Eating Wolves (please read it!)

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  Chapter 34: Bone-Eating Wolves (please read it!)

  Just as Yihua finished speaking, a young round-faced maid walked into the house. At this time, Yihua had not yet had time to dress.

  The maid subconsciously glanced at Yi Hua, who had a handsome face and exposed upper body.

  Ihua's silvery gray hair and amber pupils echo each other, and coupled with his identity as a wizard, he has a mysterious charm.

  A blush appeared on the maid's face, and then she seemed to realize that she was a little rude. She quickly lowered her head and said respectfully:
  "Master Wizard, the Lord invites you to the castle hall for a banquet."

  "I understand."

  Yihua took out a towel and wiped it off. Yihua, who was covered in sweat and put on new clothes, followed the maid's guidance and came to the brightly lit castle hall.

  Several wizard apprentices each followed a maid, and came to the hall one after another to sit down.

  After a while, several waiters started playing music, and a neatly dressed waiter carried a silver dinner plate and began to serve the dishes one after another.

  A little girl about twelve or thirteen years old, wearing a pure white dance costume, walked out of the corridor, saluted the wizard apprentices in a decent manner, and said in a childish voice: "Hello, wizards

  , I am Lana, the daughter of Baron Rafael, and I will perform the dance next - the white swan by the lake."

  Melodious music resounded in the hall, and along with the beautiful music, Lana revealed her slender white neck, Dancing like a white swan.

  After a while, the dance ended, and there was sparse applause in the hall.

  Anna in her seat applauded Lana's dance, and a look of appreciation appeared on her beautiful and fair face.

  But in Anna's eyes, there was a hint of loss, as if she was remembering something.

  Yihua looked at Lana in front of him and remembered his sister Yisha, who was close to her age in her previous life and often pestered him to perform newly learned dances for him. There was a trace of nostalgia and regret in his eyes.

  The banquet ended quickly.

  This night, in order to maintain sufficient physical strength, everyone went to bed early.

  Yihua also finished practicing the breathing method, meditated for a while and then rested.

  The next day, when it was still dark, everyone packed their luggage and set off to leave the town.

  When the sun set and the sky gradually darkened, everyone had already entered the border area of ​​Fangorn Forest.

  The surrounding trees became more and more dense and tall, almost blocking all the sunlight above their heads.

  Yihua was also very energetic at this time and did not dare to be careless at all.

  The Black Bone Forest that the original owner went to some time ago is actually a more dangerous area in Fangorn Forest.

  During the march, several apprentices surrounded Yihua in the center, always alert to the movements around him.

  Although he will inevitably scatter when his life is in real danger, he will inevitably get injured at ordinary times. In order to ask Yi Hua for treatment, he will try his best to protect him.

  Seeing that the sky was getting dark, the experienced Ural raised his hand to signal, and the group stopped.

  "We have now entered the border of Fangorn Forest. To avoid being attacked by high-energy creatures, we should camp on the spot and wait until daytime tomorrow before setting off." The group dismounted, took out tools from their

  luggage, and began to camp on the spot.

  After a while, the campfire was lit, and everyone placed the cooking utensils that had already been prepared with ingredients on the fire, and began to wait around the stove.

  The aroma of the stewed ingredients quickly filled the air. Everyone picked up wooden bowls and spoons and were about to share the broth in the pot.

  Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the distant forest.

  The alert people immediately dropped their cutlery, and Yi Hua also pulled out the cross sword in his hand.

  At the same time, a glowing green eye emerged from the jungle.

  Under the illumination of the fire, a rotten body with white bones exposed at the joints, and densely packed maggots moving in and out of the green rotten flesh, was revealed, a terrifying wolf beast as big as a bungalow was revealed.

  This wasn't the end yet. Dense green lights lit up from the jungle, and a large number of small wolf beasts, about the size of a liger, followed closely behind and emerged from the jungle.

  "Be careful! It's a first-class high-energy creature - a bone-eating wolf. There are at least twenty of them in front of you. The leading wolf king may have reached the second class..." Seeing this,

  Ural, as a guide, quickly signaled everyone to be on guard.

  "Damn it, we haven't even entered the Fangorn Forest yet, and there are indeed a lot more high-energy creatures."

  Reg, who seemed to be the strongest among the group, pulled out the giant sword at his waist with a cautious look on his face.


  The scene did not remain deadlocked for long. Following the leader's bone-eating wolf king, dozens of bone-eating wolves rushed towards the crowd.

  At the same time, Yihua's summoning of the dead had also been performed, and five skeleton knights who were comparable to top knights walked out of the twisted space.

  Yihua thought for a moment and only kept two to protect him, while the remaining three skeleton knights stood in front of Anna and Jack, who were relatively fragile.

  Reg, Ural and others, who were fused with the blood of high-energy creatures and had strong physiques, swung their swords and rushed directly towards the incoming bone-eroding wolves.

  In an instant, two bone-eating wolves were chopped into two pieces by the two of them.

  There was a sound of cutting through the air, and not far away, a bone-eating wolf that tried to bypass the Skeleton Knight and sneak attack Yi Hua and others fell to the ground.

  Standing in front of Jack, there were several daggers shining with blue light floating in front of him.

  Without stopping at all, the floating daggers shot out one after another, nailing several bone-eating wolves who tried to spare the skeleton knight to the ground.

  Seeing that the sneak attack failed, a group of bone-eating wolves, under the command of the Wolf King, rushed towards the Skeleton Knight.


  The rusty swords in the hands of several skeleton knights took the opportunity to slash into the body of the bone wolf.

  The bone-eating wolf, which was not dead for a while, scratched the skeleton knight a few times and broke several ribs.

  But for the Skeleton Knight as a whole, this injury is insignificant.

  Behind Anna, a blue long bow had already been condensed in her hands, and crystal-like arrows were condensed from Anna's hands.

  With the gentle movement of Anna's fingers, the arrows on the bow string were like a barrage of cannons, shooting at the bone-eating wolf in the distance.

  The moment it hit the bone-eating wolf, the arrow exploded with a bang.

  The group of bone-eating wolves present was rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the bone-eating wolf king behind them had no intention of moving forward.

  Obviously, this bone-eating wolf king already has a high degree of wisdom, and has even dealt with wizards, trying to consume everyone's magic power and physical strength with the bone-eating wolves under his hands.

  As time went by, there were not many bone-eating wolves left.

  Everyone's condition gradually declined, Jack and Anna could no longer attack frequently, and the frequency of swinging the swords in the hands of Reg and Ural also began to slow down.

  At this time, the Bone-Crossing Wolf King, who was being stared at by Yi Hua, finally moved.


  A howl echoed in the forest, perhaps because Yihua hid his strength. Apart from the few skeleton knights he summoned, his own strength was the weakest.

  The Bone-Eroding Wolf King glanced around a few times, and finally locked his green vertical pupils on Yihua.

  At a terrifying speed that was completely unmatched by his huge size, he suddenly pounced on Yi Hua, who had just beheaded a bone-eroding wolf with his cross sword.

  "Be careful!"

   Please read and collect for free!

  (End of chapter)

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