Chapter 33 Forest Frontier

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  Chapter 33 Forest Frontier
  After finishing the matter at hand, Yihua stood up, walked towards the two people whose conversation had just been interrupted, and asked: "

  You just said, what happened to the wizard over there in the tower?"

  The thin man and The middle-aged men looked at each other and glanced at the mummy of the bald man on the ground. The horror on his face was beyond words. He fell to his knees and begged Yihua: "Sir, spare your life!


  Yihua snorted coldly when he saw this. , said bluntly:
  "I'm asking you questions. You can speak up, but if I find out that you dare to lie - that mummy on the ground will be your fate." Under

  Yihua's questioning, the middle-aged man finally said interrupted conversation.

  It turns out that, according to the usual situation, once the changes in Fangong Forest reach a certain level.

  The Nine Rings White Tower Wizard Academy will send wizards to assist in the defense of various cities, and even go deep into Fangorn Forest to eradicate threats.

  Based on the current situation, the time for the academy to dispatch wizard apprentices to resist the mutation is likely to be within the next few months.

  "Calculating the time, it's almost time."

  Yihua ignored the middle-aged woman's thanks, mounted his horse and left the tavern.

  As for the bodies left in the store, someone will naturally take care of the aftermath.

  Not to mention that the bald man offended him first, even if he killed several mortals for no reason on the street, he would not dare to judge a wizard.

  If the Giant Bear Gang behind the bald man knew about this, they would even come to apologize to Yihua.

  After all, this is a world where the weak eat the strong and power is paramount.

  There is no reason for the weak!

  Bully men and women, fight and bully the weak.

  Along the way, Yihua saw several similar cases.

  Although Yihua is not afraid of killing, he is not a murderous person.

  He knew that not all sins deserve death.

  Relying on his identity as a wizard, most of the evil deeds ended the moment Yi Hua showed up, and there was no need for Yi Hua to do it himself.

  This city is far from the wizard academy, and the majesty of wizards has long been ingrained in the bones of these people, and no one dares to make trouble in front of the wizards without opening their eyes.

  And at the moment when the evil deed is prevented from being carried out, Yihua will also gain some merit.

  This kind of behavior that can obtain merits with almost no action also makes Yihua feel illusory when he recalls the actions he took to achieve a few merits in the academy.

  "It's also help. There's not much difference between the merits gained from helping wizards and helping mortals. Maybe I can help a lot of mortals to gain merits?" In

  this day alone, Yihua has accumulated three points of merits.

  Later, Yihua, Anna and others, who were loaded with cooking stoves and supplies needed on the road, met at the north gate of the city and set foot on the road to Fangorn Forest.

  As the sun set, a group of wizard apprentices followed the directions on the map and arrived at a small town near the edge of Fangorn Forest.

  "Let's spend the night here today. It's close to Fangorn Forest and it's more dangerous at night. I happen to know the lord of this territory."

  Ural, who was already familiar with the route to Yoel City, suggested.

  No one had any objection to this, so they rode into the town.

  Not long after Yi Hua and others arrived in the town, a group of guards followed behind them, and a middle-aged man in Chinese clothes appeared in front of everyone.

  The leader of the man in gorgeous clothes took a glance, his face lit up when he saw Ural, and he quickly dismounted and said:
  "I have met several wizards. I am Baron Rafal, the lord of this territory. Several adults came to our town. , is there anything you need help with?"

  Ural smiled, stepped forward and said,

  "Rafael, I'll make this short, prepare some decent rooms for us, we'll spend the night here today.

  " , a group of people followed Rafael’s guidance and headed to the castle in the center of the territory.

  After crossing the moat about four to five meters wide and passing through a relatively low gate, everyone placed their horses and entered Baron Rafal's castle.

  When he arrived here, Baron Rafael stopped and asked Yihua and others:
  "If there are no other instructions, I will go and prepare the evening banquet for the adults?"

  Everyone had no objection to this and nodded. Agree.

  Seeing everyone's agreement, Baron Rafael turned around, put away his respectful face, and ordered into the castle:

  "Lucien, take a few adults to their rooms."

  As soon as he finished speaking, a man of about ten people appeared. A handsome boy of five or six years old walked out of the castle and made an invitation gesture to Yi Hua and others.

  "I am Lucien, the eldest son of Lord Rafael. The room has been arranged. Please come with me, the wizards."

  Relying on the knight's perception of life energy, Yihua noticed that the life energy in the boy in front of him had already Close to the threshold of a formal knight.

  Following the guidance of young Lucien, the five of them each entered a room.

  The room in front of me is located in the castle, and the walls are a gray stone structure similar to the college residence.

  There were several oil lamps burning in the house that emitted a strange fragrance. It was obvious that the oil used in them was unusual.

  A bathroom, a large bed, a few chairs, and a soft red carpet on the floor make up this simple yet luxurious bedroom.

  Yihua didn't care much about the temporary residence. He put down his luggage and cross sword, took off his shirt, and started to use the Knight's Breathing Technique.

  Time passed by, and the sky was already dark. Yihua, who felt that his physical strength was almost exhausted, stopped working on the breathing method.

  Feeling the slightly increased life energy foundation, Yihua exhaled.

  "Name: Ivar Fersis"

  "Karma Level: Neutral Good (20/100)"

  "Realm: First-Class Necromancer Apprentice (30/36 Runes), Grand Knight (4/100)"

  " Wizard Qualifications: First-level Death Affinity (9/9) ↑, Third-level Life Affinity (28/39)..." "

  Skills: Elementary Scroll Making (100/100) ↑"

  "Witchcraft: Second-level Light Therapy ( 100/100)↑, Life Armor (21/100), Death World Travel (72/100), Second-level Undead Slavery (36/100), Second-level Undead Summoning (1/100), Breath of Death (17/100) )"

  "Merit value: 3"

  Now with Yihua's physique, if he runs the breathing method to the limit of his body every day, he can probably increase his proficiency by 2 points.

  In other words, it would take him 48 days to reach the limit of the Great Knight.

  It is said that certain special breathing methods can not only accelerate the accumulation of life energy, but also make the life energy have characteristics such as blazing flames and extreme cold.

  The original owner came from a declining noble family. Although he had the family's breathing method, it was not excellent.

  The quality of the breathing methods sold in the academy varies, and most of them are not even as good as the original owner's family-style breathing methods.

  It is said that the knight system in Youle City is relatively prosperous. When you get to Youle City, maybe you can try to find it?
  "Come in!"

  Hearing the knock on the door, Yihua put away his thoughts.

  (End of chapter)

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