153. Chapter 153: Carry out the harvest to the end

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  Chapter 153 The idea of ​​continuing the harvest to the end
  is a wonderful one.

  But it will never be simple to implement.

  Link knew this, but with his anticipation already aroused, he decided to give it a try.

  Wear a small world, even a cool armor derived from an undeveloped small world, and fight with people.

  That scene is very exciting to think about.

  Do you think my punch only has the power of one punch?

  It’s a world!

  It's nothing if the mountains are overwhelming.

  I'll just let you try what a world-class slap in the face is.

  Do you think I only have this little firepower?

  I have stored up a whole world of weapons!

  Fight with me, be brave.

  Do you think I stopped to rest?

  I just need a little time to transform the source power of the small world into spiritual power and magic power!
  In fighting a protracted war, I have never been afraid of anyone.

  Who else?
  The more I think about it, the more exciting it becomes.

  Link quickly collected his divergent thoughts and returned to his normal logical thinking mode.

  Make bold assumptions and verify carefully.

  He was not in a hurry to let the "seed" swallow the Kailan seeds now.

  Link would not risk the Kailan seeds until he had repeatedly verified the feasibility and arrived at the final witchcraft transformation plan after many experiments.

  Considering that the "seeds" have not yet fully developed and have not been alchemically processed, foreign objects cannot be stored for a long time.

  He first took out the witchcraft model scroll and Kailan seeds.

  After thinking about it, Link did not take back the permissions given to Flandre, and warned: "Don't be bored here all day, you can go wherever you want, or do whatever you want. As long as the 'seed' develops in a good direction. "

  Now Link is not completely broke, but he really doesn't have many resources.

  We can’t afford to raise the “seeds” that are obviously big resource eaters.

  We can only let Flando, as a "spirit", develop freely, engage in internal circulation, and adjust the internal ecology.

  "Okay, Master."

  Flandre agreed obediently.

  When Link's eyes moved away, Flandre glanced around the circular tomb that remained in its original state, waved her little hand, and sealed the tomb directly.

  She herself appeared on the surface that had been reduced to a square, flat "continent".

  Since my father had sacrificed his life for his own resurrection, he could not remain immersed in grief.

  You must cheer up, live well every day, and live happily.

  In this way, my father in "heaven" will definitely be happy.

  Flandre did some mental construction for herself and started to get busy.

  The master is a kind-hearted person.

  First build him a big palace and a beautiful garden.

  Link put away the "Kailan Armor" witchcraft model scroll and Kailan seeds and thought about it seriously.

  Flandre shared his knowledge, and through the "calculation" blessed by the power of the world, she came up with the idea of ​​"seed" as the core, imprinted with the "Kailan Armor" natal witchcraft.

  This proves that based on Link's existing knowledge structure, the feasibility of this idea can be seen theoretically.

  The reason why Flando "saw" it but Link himself didn't is because of the difference in computing power.

  Link couldn't help but think of the "Multi-Threaded Thinking" status card that was cooling down.

  Perhaps, by transforming into a humanoid supercomputer equipped with top-level AI, one can see the feasibility of imagination and even touch upon the direction of transforming witchcraft.

  The "Multi-threaded Thinking" status card will be cooled down for two days.

  These two days cannot be wasted waiting.

  It is better to follow the original plan to receive a large comprehensive laboratory and start the pre-research work of the "thesis".

  Two days passed quickly.

  The heated discussion about Link on the "forum" gradually subsided.

  Instead, there are some other very exciting news,

  such as the opposition between pure-blood and half-blood within the North District, and the origin of half-blood;
  for example, the apprentices in the North District of the positive camp followed the instigation and instigation of the "pure-blood will" and isolated the pure-half-blood team. The Iris team and the Munro team;
  for example, during the competition between the two districts, the "Sail Alliance" of the Southern District was assigned to the opposing camp. As a result, all members were "slaughtered" because of a wrong sentence.

  Among the many news, there are two things that make the new blood of the Southern District the most angry and helpless: First,

  after the competition ended, the day before yesterday afternoon, the "Ocean Sail Alliance" forced the new blood of the comparison to say something wrong. Kneeling down and apologizing to the North District apprentice who "slaughtered" them, begging for forgiveness;

  secondly, Andrea Norman revealed in real name that she was forced to become an internal agent of "Pure Blood Will", but was bombarded by "her own people".

  I am angry that there are always new bloods who have weak knees, not only kneeling on their own, but also pulling others to kneel with them; I

  am also helpless that the strength of the North District apprentices is too strong and desperate, and it is difficult to see the hope of struggle.

  Link didn't bother to look at the depressing words, curse words, and heroic words.

  Complaining too much will prevent heartbreak. People should take a broad view of the long-term scenery.

  He is quite satisfied with the action efficiency of the Friends Group, which has allowed him to leave the position of "top of the hot discussion list" so quickly.

  My ears are clear, and there are not so many strange eyes staring at me, which makes me feel more comfortable.

  Acceptance of the large comprehensive laboratory went smoothly.

  The laboratory is located in an eight-story experimental building at the junction of the South District and the North District.

  Not far from the lake and adjacent to several botanical gardens.

  The laboratory is located on the fifth floor, occupying an entire floor and can accommodate eight laboratories funded by Paro wizards.

  The area is very large, with all facilities and equipment available.

  Botany, zoology, microbiology, human body, pharmacy, witchcraft, alchemy, runes, comprehensive area, total nine divisions.

  Each partition can also be divided into communities according to needs.

  What makes Link most happy is that he has the opportunity to apply for a project every two months.

  As long as you prepare the project application materials, you can apply to the college for free supply of experimental materials.

  Of course, the prerequisite is that the topic is logically consistent and reasonable, and certain feasibility and application prospects can be reflected from the proposal report.

  During the course of the project, the research progress must be reported regularly.

  After finishing, make a final report.

  Financial constraints are a given.

  No matter how wealthy the college is, it still has to guard against endless poaching, right?

  Link is going to write a project application report now and apply for some experimental materials from the college as soon as possible.

  The subject direction is the study of the causes of ecosystem imbalance in the broken world where the two-region competition is located, and the exploration of reconstructing the ecosystem cycle.

  If you can really declare it, it can be said that you can achieve multiple things with one stone.

  It not only solves the embarrassment of being short of money, but also finds a source of "credits", and is more conducive to cultivating "seeds".

  Jasmine and her friends watched Link immersed in a large amount of information after taking over the laboratory.

  I know that the life of conducting research and experiments day and night is coming again.

  It's nothing to do with Jasmine. She's used to it and she's willing to do it.

  He took the initiative to do the preparatory work for the research and placed the water samples, soil, and specimens brought out by everyone into categories.

  Some experimental materials were limited by conditions and were not carried out, or the data were not precise enough and needed to be re-tested, analyzed, and sorted one by one.

  Re-file the information printed by Link according to the specifications.

  These tasks may seem low-tech and extremely trivial, but they are indispensable before research and experiments begin.

  That's what a good research assistant is.

  Many times, no words, gestures, or looks are needed.

  She is always prepared in advance.

  The five brothers in the group are still somewhat childish and playful.

  Even Lin En, who is the most lively, and Ezio, who is the calmest, often can't bear the boredom and want to have some fun.

  However, what makes the brothers feel more "gratified" is that they will have to "hibernate" for a long time and cannot leave the college.

  I can only stay in the increasingly boring academy, and can't go to Reversos City to have fun.

  It's better to follow the boss into the laboratory, do research, and do experiments.

  You can also learn something this way.

  Time will not be wasted.

  As for why the brothers couldn't leave the academy for a long time.

  the reason is simple.

  In the remaining two months of this semester, Link not only plans not to leave the academy.

  Also ask Jasmine and her friends not to leave.

  He also told the Social Terrorism Group that no matter what happened, he would not go to Riversouth City.

  I have read so many novels and films in my previous life, and many of the protagonists were "dragged down" by the people around them.   Link was still fresh in his memory of the various methods commonly used by villains, such as

  kidnapping, seduction, and coercion , so he naturally had to take precautions.

  Jasmine and her friends took Link's words very seriously.

  Not only did he not have any thoughts of leaving the academy.

  Even when doing activities in the academy, a high level of vigilance is maintained.


  Large integrated laboratory, living/working area.

  "Boss, we've run out of funds."

  Buck and Lin came over after Link temporarily stopped filling out the project application materials.

  In the past two days, the soldiers of my dear friend's regiment were divided into several groups and acted separately.

  Not only has progress been made in terms of public opinion in the "forum",
  but the contact with the social terrorism group has been deepened, and

  there has also been considerable progress in collecting experimental materials.

  They put on as many layers of vests as they could, and out of curiosity, purchased water samples, soil, specimens, research records, and experiment logs from some of the Southern District's new reference blood and the North District apprentices they could contact.

  Dozens of magic stones were spent in exchange for many bottles, cans, specimen folders, and specimen bags.

  Everything has just been moved into the comprehensive area of ​​​​the new laboratory and has not yet had time to tidy up.

  A community is specially designated in the comprehensive area for conducting research and experiments related to the ecosystem.

  "You have done a very good job. Thank you for your hard work in the past two days."

  After expressing his concern for Buck and Linn, Link said: "This is for now. I will call you if I need it later."

  After confirming Link is not prepared to continue to invest his own funds until he can vote for the academy in vain.

  The main reason is that there is no more money to invest. (Facepalm)

  "Okay, boss."

  Buck and Lin didn't ask any more questions. When they got the reply, seeing that Link hadn't finished his work yet, they went to the general area to sort out the materials they had collected.

  After following Link for more than two months, the subjective initiative of the buddy group is still very good.

  Link took a look and was quite pleased.

  With three or five people and seven or eight guns, the team is gradually growing and getting stronger.

  After working until late at night, Link took Jasmine and the friends out of the laboratory.

  Under the illumination of the street lights, everyone's shadows were very long.

  Link took the initiative to speak and broke the silence:

  "In the next period of time, the focus of our spare time will be on ecosystem-related research and experiments, and we will continue the research that we did not have the conditions to complete during the two-zone competition. .

  I believe that there are not many people who have this idea.

  Time is tight, the tasks are heavy, and it will be very busy. Please be mentally prepared."

  Even if there are not many people in the Southern District who have research and experimental awareness compared to the new blood, the Northern District There will never be a shortage of apprentices.

  Link saw the opportunity to collect "credits", and others could naturally see it too.

  After two "robs" from Sophie Lucia, Link attached great importance to this aspect.

  He didn't want to slowly carry out research and experiments, and finally produce results, only to find that someone had already got there first, published a "paper" and took away "credits".

  "No problem, boss."

  Buck slapped his chest and said boldly, "Even if I have to stay in the laboratory for food and accommodation, I can still handle it."

  "Okay, since you are so sincere, then I'll satisfy you."

  Link immediately followed Buck's words and defeated him.


  Buck scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

  He was just bragging and showing off. How could he really have room, board and food in the laboratory?

  I believe the boss is also teasing him.

  Lin En thought for a while and asked, "Boss, if you put it this way, will the experimental materials we collected not be enough?"

  His worries were not unfounded.

  More than a thousand people from the North District participated in the competition between the two districts. Even if calculated as a one-tenth ratio, there are at least more than a hundred people with "scientific research" awareness.

  This is more than a hundred competitors.

  Moreover, there are many apprentices in the North District who are very aggressive. They use a large number of magic stones to open a path. How can they not collect experimental materials?

  Maybe even a monopoly.

  Thinking of this, Linn couldn't help but feel lucky that the boss chose the time for them to strike very early.

  It's a pity that the quantity is too small.

  Does Link know this?
  of course I know.

  Is there any way to change this situation?

  Submitting a project application to the college is the way to go.

  "It's okay, I know it well."

  Link didn't rush to say anything about the horoscope, but just gave everyone a reassurance, "No matter what, we will not be short of experimental materials." No matter what,

  he Just contact Eric or Munro and take out some of the research results in exchange for experimental materials.

  Compared to "credits", Link still pays more attention to the cultivation of "seeds".

  If you can both want and want, grab it with both hands, and be hard with both hands, then of course it would be great.

  Jasmine asked loudly at this time: "Betty and the others, how do you arrange it? They told Dijie today that they are willing to officially join our team. What do you mean? Do you want to allow it now, or observe it for a while." As she said

  , Jasmine remembered a rule of the college and reminded: "Teams with 10 or more people must apply to the college to establish a formal group or organization. Don't forget this." South District, North District

  So Many apprentice organizations, such as "New Blood Mutual Aid Association", "Sail Alliance", "Pure Blood Will", and "Ultimate Glory", all developed in this way.

  Link understood this rule of the academy and had a strategy to deal with it. He immediately replied: "I will go to the Paro wizard tomorrow to report some things. I will make a decision on this matter after I come back."


  Jasmine nodded.

  The Social Terrorist Group is allowed to join the team and apply to the academy to establish a group. Why do they need to report to the Paro Wizard first?

  Out of awe, of course.

  After talking to this point, we had already walked downstairs to Jasmine's dormitory.

  After bidding farewell to Jasmine, Link and his friends returned to their respective dormitories.

  The next day.

  The morning itinerary is as usual.

  After lunch, Link went to the administration building alone.

  Entering the long-lost thesis review office, I met the Paro wizard.

  Following the usual salute and greeting, Link got straight to the point and stated his main purpose.

  Wizard Paro was silent for a long time after listening to Link's thoughts on the subject declaration and the specific subjects.

  In the end, his expression management failed, and a smile grew wider and wider on his lips.

  He said in a weird tone:
  "Sooner or later, you people will rip off the wool of the academy."

  "I have received three applications for similar projects today."

  "Free experimental materials, don't use them in vain, right?"

  " Good guy, you are really good."

  "Each one is darker than the other."

   Please give me your monthly vote.

    If the first work reaches 1,000 monthly votes in the first month after it is put on the shelves, you will have two lucky draw opportunities.
    We urge all book friends to take into account the fact that we have tens of thousands of votes every day and cast a monthly vote!

    If we reach 1,000 monthly tickets, we will add two more days in September, which is 20,000 per day!
  (End of chapter)

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