152. Chapter 152 Seeds, see seeds again

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  Chapter 152: Seed, the seed

  consciousness exits the sea of ​​consciousness again.

  No more serious business to think about.

  Link picked up his portable computer and logged into the "Forum", intending to relax.

  There has been a quarrel on the "forum" for a long time.

  All kinds of news are flying all over the sky, and heated discussions can be seen everywhere.

  After briefly browsing some of the hot posts, Link suddenly discovered that the word that appeared most frequently was the name "Link Grande".

  If you look closely, you will see that the Friendship Group and the Social Terrorism Group have transformed into "Link Blowing", wandering around on the "forum" and boasting.

  My boss waved his hand and killed the three "pure-blooded wills";
  my boss smiled slightly and caused a big explosion, vaporizing the seven "pure-blooded wills";
  my boss was unparalleled in resourcefulness and triggered a huge explosion, vaporizing the North in one go. There are more than 60 people in the district;
  my boss defeated more than 1,000 people in the north district and won the first place in the competition between the two districts.

  Brainlessly boasting from various angles and in various ways.

  It seems that Link Grande is invincible!

  Link wanted to relax, but he had no choice but to retreat.

  It's so disgusting, I don't have the nerve to continue reading.

  All I can do is have a good sleep.

  During the competition between the two districts, they were on tenterhooks and intrigues, but they never had a peaceful night's sleep.

  A sound sleep all night.

  The next day.

  Link woke up early, feeling refreshed.

  The academy was so crazy that they didn't give any buffer time.

  There was a big competition between the two districts yesterday, and there will be classes today.

  From a war-torn "world" to a classroom with only the voice of the lecturer, the transformation is very hardcore.

  It seems that for the academy, the most important thing for a wizard apprentice is to learn.

  As long as you can't learn to die, learn to die.


  It's a beautiful thought.

  Fortunately, Link had the help of "Occlumency" and adjusted his mentality in time without any discomfort.

  After a semester and a half of training, Jasmine has become outstanding in her adaptability to fast-paced life.

  Not like my dear friends, sighing and feeling weak.

  She got up early, ate in the cafeteria, previewed in class, and concentrated on class, just like usual.

  The only thing that made Jasmine dissatisfied was that no matter where she went, there were strange eyes staring at her and Link non-stop.

  It seems like I have returned to the time when I was "violated online".

  Unpleasant memories surfaced, and I couldn't help but feel a little irritable.

  What was slightly better was that she didn't feel much malice from these strange looks.

  Most of them are curious, and a small part of them are admirers.

  Only those who don't see good things in others, have a grudge against Link, or are envious and jealous will be full of malice.

  When encountering such a person, Jasmine would always stare back.

  This is your first time, so why should I let you go?
  The first day after the competition between the two districts passed in a slightly strange atmosphere.

  After dinner.

  Laboratory on the third underground floor.

  Jasmine casually complained about the strange looks, vented some anger, and then calmed down.

  She originally wanted to share her achievements in the two-zone competition with Link, share the rewards she received, and share her joy.

  Now I'm not in that mood anymore.

  Link waited for a while and saw that Jasmine had no intention of doing so, so he didn't take the initiative to ask.

  He sat in front of an office computer and reproduced all the research materials he had written down for subsequent research.

  The "seed" is the origin of the world in that broken world.

  These research materials may not necessarily be of much use in cultivating "seeds", but they can serve as some reference.

  It would also be good to avoid some detours.

  Link also plans to find a way to buy other people's research materials, experimental records, and even water samples, soil, plant specimens, and animal specimens.

  After receiving the award from the academy and having a large comprehensive laboratory of his own, he opened an area in that experiment to study all aspects of the broken world.

  But you can’t do this yourself.

  You need to wear several layers of vests.

  Otherwise, even if others cannot guess that he has obtained the seed of origin, they will still guess that he has obtained one or several treasures that are highly related to the broken world.

  Otherwise, the competition between the two districts is over, why bother to collect these things?
  There must be a ghost among them.

  In the blink of an eye, all the research data were entered into the brain through brain wave contact.

  Then I printed it out, a thick stack.

  Shouldn't I use the "keyboard" to type?
  Zhi Nao!
  Wouldn't it be normal to have a more convenient brainwave recording function?
  One of the foundations of a wizard is spiritual power.

  Playing with brainwave input is easy, convenient and fast, much faster than typing on the "keyboard" with your hands.

  After sorting out the information, the group of friends also came to the laboratory.

  The social terrorism team is in the inspection period and will not let them enter the laboratory for the time being.

  What's more, the laboratory that the Paro wizard gave him the right to use for half a year is about to expire.

  The Social Terrorism Team has passed the assessment and is going to a large comprehensive laboratory that will only be accepted tomorrow.

  "Buck, Lynn, you two come here, there is something you need to do."

  Link put away the information in his hand and waved to the group of friends.

  "Boss, if you have anything to do, just ask."

  Buck and Linn immediately left the group and walked towards Link.

  Ezio, Dijie, and Dalton realized they were a few steps behind and went to say hello to the eldest sister Jasmine first.

  "You guys think of a way, don't come forward yourself, privately buy all the reference apprentices' research materials, water samples, soil and specimens through other people, whether it is the South District or the North District." Link confessed a difficult

  problem The work was left to Buck and Lynn.

  The key point and difficulty in doing this well is not the confrontation between the South District and the North District, but the concealment of identity.

  Lynn has a lot on her mind and wants to think more.

  He knew in his heart that there must be a reason why the big boss didn't come forward himself and asked them not to come forward themselves.

  Without asking why, Lin stopped Buck, who was about to agree, and asked calmly:
  "Boss, you don't need to be in a hurry, right? If you want to hide your identity to operate this matter, you have to go through a few detours." Circle, can't get up quickly."

  "Take your time, don't rush."

  ​​Link gave an answer that made Linn feel a little relieved.

  Just don't be in a hurry.

  You can do things slowly and operate carefully.

  "This is the fund. If you don't have enough, ask me to get it."

  Link took out another box and handed it to Buck and Linn.

  Contained in the box are Link's few dozen remaining magic stones.

  It can be said that everything is ruined.

  "Ezio, Deejay, Dalton, come here."

  Buck and Lin were asked to go aside to discuss the plan, and Link issued another summons.

  Ezio, Dijie, and Dalton, who were chatting with Jasmine, immediately apologized and smiled to Jasmine after hearing this.

  Walking to Link's side, the three of them said in unison:
  "Boss, what are your orders?"

  Link ordered: "I need the three of you. Recently, on the 'forum', you have stirred up the opposition between pure blood and half blood, as well as the negative emotions of new blood towards pure blood. "

  No problem, boss."

  Ezio stepped forward to take over the errand and asked, "Boss, is there anything else?" "


  Link nodded and looked at Di Jie, "You and Betty .Maggie and the others should get in touch with them more, get a feel for their ideas, and see if they are willing to move forward with us and make progress together." "

  Okay, boss, I understand."

  Dijie received a personal task and was very happy.

  Is this just a mission?

  This is the trust of the boss!

  After arranging these things, Link motioned to the friends to read and study.

  The competition between the two districts is over, and it’s time to move on.

  Learning never ends.

  Late at night.

  Everyone left the laboratory.

  After sending Jasmine back to the dormitory, Link went to the Witchcraft Trading Center alone.

  Three rewards,

  a large comprehensive laboratory, will be received early tomorrow morning;

  the apprentice level practice secret realm, waiting until the holidays to enter is the best choice;

  natal witchcraft and corresponding resources, it is best to get it now.

  Level 1 witchcraft is not that easy to learn.

  The corresponding knowledge is extremely broad.

  With Link's current knowledge base, it's still quite difficult.

  Therefore, before entering the secret realm of practice, Link must fully understand the corresponding knowledge of natal witchcraft awarded to him by the academy.

  In this way, the efficiency is high.

  Not long after, Link walked into the Witchcraft Trading Center.

  After coming to the Witchcraft Trading Center so many times, this was the first time that Link entered a small room.

  After verifying his identity and confirming his choice, Link got the witchcraft model scroll of natal witchcraft and a small bag containing something.

  Without opening the bag to check on the spot, Link went straight back to the dormitory.

  Nothing to check.

  There is basically nothing wrong with the college.

  Even if something goes wrong, can Link check it on the spot?
  It can't be detected, so there's no need to bother.

  Dormitory, study room.

  Link uses his mental power and magic power to communicate with the scroll at a specific frequency.

  A super complex rune structure appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

  Looking carefully, Link felt like he was looking at a chip structure diagram.

  Layers upon layers, delicate and complex.

  Compared to level 0 witchcraft, 1st level witchcraft is "lead" by at least one generation in terms of witchcraft model.

  Link thought carefully and picked out the unfamiliar rule runes and corresponding knowledge one by one.

  Benefiting from the large number of entry-level 0-level witchcraft reserved for the two-zone competition, in terms of rule runes, only 12 level 1 rule runes have not been touched.

  Yes, rule runes also have levels.

  The core runes of level 0 witchcraft are level 0 rule runes;
  the core runes of level 1 witchcraft are level 1 rule runes, with a large number of level 0 rule runes as supplements.

  These 12 level 1 rule runes, according to the college's teaching schedule, can only be learned in the spring semester of the second year and the autumn semester of the third year.

  Link was in a special situation and had to find a way to learn the relevant "Rune Literature" by himself in advance.

  Some information can be found in the advanced literature library, and more information can be found on the "Credits" redemption page.

  "It seems that we have to find a way to publish some 'papers'."

  Link planned to use the common skills of a researcher - paper writing, and write a few "papers" on the various events during the competition between the two regions, and gather some information.

  Moreover, this move can not only earn "credits", but can also provide cover for one's behavior of secretly sending people to collect those research materials and specimens.

  After all, it is normal to have two academic "competitions" and to have multiple opinions.

  With the plan in place, Link continued to focus on natal witchcraft.

  The name of this witchcraft is very tacky, called "Kailan Armor", but the effects of the witchcraft make Link excited.

  "Kailan" is a very special orchid that looks like a layered miniature armor. It is waterproof and fireproof, has extremely high toughness, and has extremely strong survivability.

  After transformation and activation of the witchcraft model, the "Kailan" carefully cultivated and fused by the wizard will, like nanomaterials, extend to cover the wizard's whole body in a very short period of time, forming a battle armor.

  Link imagined the effect of using the first-level natal witchcraft "Kailan Armor" out of thin air.

  A picture suddenly appeared in my mind.

  That was in Women's Federation 3. Iron Man Tony Stark was walking on the street wearing a tight-fitting sportswear. He pressed his fingers on his chest a few times, and the nano-suit stretched out smoothly, covering his whole body and entering a fighting state.

  Handsome and cool.

  want to!

  Link couldn't help but get excited.

  He repeatedly browsed the instructions attached to the witchcraft model and confirmed that the level 1 natal witchcraft "Kailan Armor" was very similar to the Nano Armor in both form and actual effect, and his whole body instantly ignited.

  "It's so cool, it should be mine!"

  Link made a fist with his right hand, knocked it hard on the palm of his left hand, and said a line that was inconsistent with the style of the painting.

  He was so excited.

  War Armor, the treasure that many people dreamed of when they were young.

  Now, how could he not be excited as he was about to realize this childhood dream from his previous life.

  After taking a few deep breaths to calm down his excitement, Link put away the witchcraft model scroll, opened the bag, and poured out the contents.

  It turned out to be a round, black seed!
  "It's really a seed."

  Even though he had already had a premonition in his heart, Link couldn't help but sigh after confirming this.

  He has really become super connected with seeds recently.

  I just got a seed of the origin of the world, and I haven't figured out how to cultivate it yet.

  Now, the natal witchcraft that you receive as a reward actually comes with a plant seed.

  Link picked up the black orchid seeds and observed them carefully.

  The seeds themselves are nothing special, they are just ordinary extraordinary plant seeds.

  What is special is that Link feels the strange movement in the sea of ​​consciousness.

  With a thought, he summoned the original seed that caused the abnormal movement in the sea of ​​consciousness, and Link was ready to find out the reason.

  The "seed" was suspended in front of Link's eyebrows, emitting waves of fluctuations.

  Tell Link that it desires to devour the Kailan Seed.

  Link couldn't help but frown slightly.

  "Seeds" require a lot of resources to cultivate, and he knows this.

  However, Kailan seeds are related to the learning of the first-level natal witchcraft "Kailan Armor" and cannot be given out easily.

  After being absorbed and consumed by the "seed", where can he find the second Kailan seed to learn witchcraft?

  Link frowned slightly and focused his gaze on the core of the "seed".

  The little girl raised her head and met Link's eyes.

  After a while, the little girl, who had accepted the fact that her father had used his life in exchange for her resurrection, said timidly: "Master, please give me a name." Link thought for a while and said: "From now on, you will be called

  Fran. Duo, also, don’t use the title ‘Master’.”

  "Flandre obeys your order, may I ask, how should Flandre call you in the future?"

  The little girl, Flandre, blinked her big eyes and asked cutely.


  Link pondered for a while and said, "Just call me lord (similar to My lord/Your majesty)." "

  Okay, lord."

  Flandre quickly accepted this title with strange grammar. , and then asked, "Master, do you have any instructions?"

  Link directly sent the Kailan seeds and the first-level natal witchcraft "Kailan Armor" into the core of the "Seed", and opened up all the "Seeds" The authority was given to Flandre and asked: "If this plant seed is absorbed and digested by the 'seed', will it affect the learning and use of witchcraft?"

  Flando is the "spirit" of the "seed", on this issue , able to give Link the answer.

  Especially since Link has just revealed everything he has learned to Flandre through his connection with the "seed".

  She can access all knowledge at will and use it to "compute" to get the answer.

  "Data flow" flashed in Flandre's big eyes.

  The source power of the whole "seed" becomes active and helps Flandre "calculate".

  Not long after, Flandre got the result.

  In her eyes, the "data flow" converged, flashing with excitement.

  He said loudly: "Master, based on the knowledge you shared, we seem to be able to improve the level 1 witchcraft of 'Kailan Armor' and cast it directly with 'seed' as the core." Link did not expect to be the first with Flandre

  . I got such a big surprise after just one exchange.

  If Flandre's "imagination" could really be realized, she would be able to fight with the power of a world.

  What’s a Kailan seed?
  Don't be stingy with hundreds or thousands of pills.

  The question is,
  can it be achieved?

  (End of chapter)

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