Chapter 23: Shuori Muppets (please read more)

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  Chapter 23: Shuo Ri Muppets (please follow up)

  "You can be an apprentice, but learning alchemy is probably not possible."

  "The junior alchemist supported by our pharmacy feels like his eyes are on the top of his head, and he is so proud. Even my dad wants me to I refused to study alchemy with him."

  Huang Zhicheng said angrily, obviously Chen Wei's words brought back his bad memories.

  "Forget it, I'll find other ways myself."

  Chen Wei had no choice but to reply after hearing this. He just wanted to give it a try. After all, he didn't want to start as a student worker in the Alchemist Association.

  A student worker is not as good as an apprentice. At least an apprentice can learn something, while a student worker is just a simple worker. All he does is basic work. He has to pass the inspection of an alchemist for one or two years before he can become an apprentice. He only relies on the alchemist's experience. Eye rim.

  Don't look down on apprentices. Even the qualifications of an apprentice can only be obtained by someone with connections. Most people don't need to think about it.

  Of course, if you can awaken your natural talent for refining medicine, you will become a hot commodity.

  The door of the Alchemist Association is open to you at any time. If you just want to step through that door, you can easily become an alchemist.

  But unfortunately, Chen Wei's talent has nothing to do with being an alchemist.

  He also thought about becoming an alchemist by teaching himself through online teaching videos. However, due to the lack of a master to lead the way, little progress can be made by relying solely on teaching videos on the Internet.

  Through self-study on the Internet, Chen Wei only learned how to identify medicinal materials and confirm their medicinal properties, and which derivatives of plant animals can be used as medicinal materials to make elixirs.

  At least so far, Chen Wei has never heard of a self-taught alchemist in Donghua.


  After chatting and running, Chen Wei returned to the apartment with a drizzle of sweat.

  After a while, Chen Wei, who had finished taking a bath, was sitting on the bed practicing Yuan Xing meditation.

  He didn't plan to go to the Beastmaster Association for training today. After all, renting a venue for a day was expensive, and telekinesis exercises could also be done in the room.

  Not far away, Cai Ling on the sofa was opening her big watery eyes, and the ice crystals on her head were still blooming with blue and white light.

  Concentrating her concentration, she was using her telekinesis to control the dumbbells to move continuously in the air. Unfortunately, her telekinesis could only last for more than ten seconds at a time.

  "Bang...bang...bang." So Chen Wei could hear the dull sound caused by the dumbbell falling on the sofa every once in a while.

  After going back and forth several times, she seemed to feel that the weight of the 2.5 kilogram dumbbell was a bit light. Cai Ling began to use her mind power to intermittently add dumbbell plates to the dumbbells, but her progress in adding dumbbell plates was extremely slow.

  More than ten minutes passed, and she still hadn't installed the dumbbell plates. It was obvious that she saw the beastmaster's operation was very simple.

  After several attempts, Cai Ling, who was mentally exhausted due to excessive use of telekinesis, impatiently tapped the dumbbell with her tail, but she never meant to use her tail to install it.

  Chen Wei had told her before: "Use telekinesis wherever possible in today's training." Unwilling to admit

  defeat, she squinted her eyes and began to rest, preparing to try again later. The mere installation of dumbbell plates can be done without using the tail at all.

  Chen Wei was sitting on the bed meditating and practicing Yuan Xing, while Cai Ling was practicing telekinesis on the sofa.

  Both sides do their own thing, but there is an unspeakable tacit understanding. One person and one pet maintained this state of cultivation for a whole day.

  After a few days, both of them had gradually adapted to such a monotonous and boring life.


  a large luxurious villa located near the center of Shuishan, with an alchemy room dedicated to alchemy.

  There is a simple dark brown medicine cauldron in the center of the alchemy room.

  There are two spitting dragon heads above the medicine cauldron, and below them, a dark golden dragon that seems to be roaring is carved.

  There are many fine holes in the dragon's huge mouth, which are emitting orange-red flames.

  The top of the medicine cauldron is a brown-red cauldron cover, and the pores on the cauldron cover are filled with hot steam.

  In the center of the front of the medicine cauldron, there is a round transparent crystal essence, which allows you to observe the situation inside. Liu Muning was opening the transparent crystal hole door at this time, and then continuously pouring various medicinal materials into the cauldron.

  Not long after the medicinal materials entered the cauldron, they were refined into white powder.


  Beside Liu Muning was a dazzling king-level pet beast [Shuori Ragdoll] that was constantly spitting flames into the cauldron.

  It has a pair of long pointed ears, with tiny titanium crystals scattered around the ears, and a cluster of orange-red flames burning in its hair.

  There is a pair of bright red gem eyes above the elegant yet majestic cheeks, and the body is covered with fiery red hair.

  Its limbs are slightly thick, and there seems to be a faint smoke rising from where the soles of its feet stand.

  "Ruby, the temperature of the flame increases by three levels." Liu Muning closed the small round door on the medicine cauldron and conveyed it with her mind.

  Upon hearing this, the flames spitting out of the Shuo Ri puppet's mouth changed from orange-red to dark red.

  Liu Muning felt the constant changes in the cauldron with a solemn expression. Under the high temperature, the white medicinal powder gradually begins to turn reddish and seems to glow slightly.

  A few minutes later, she poured the transparent liquid from a white jade bottle into the cauldron. As the liquid and powder merged with each other, the cauldron slowly emitted a soft turquoise light.

  After the light disappeared, what was left in the medicine cauldron was a pile of unknown medicine in the form of paste.

  "Hongyu, stop." Liu Muning immediately passed the order upon seeing this.

  The flames in Shuori's puppet's mouth disappeared instantly.

  It shook its head, apparently maintaining the continuous output of flames for a long time without moving, making its neck feel stiff and uncomfortable.

  Liu Muning smelled the medicinal fragrance coming from the cauldron, observed the luster on the paste, and a faint smile appeared on her face.

  This furnace of third-level Wanling Ointment seems to have been successfully refined, and the quality seems to be quite good, reaching an excellent level.

  "Thank you for your hard work. You managed the temperature very well today."

  She touched Hongyu's head affectionately again.

  Surprisingly, the flames burning on Hong Yu's head did not cause any harm to Liu Muning's catkins.

  Liu Muning put the plasters in the cauldron into the white jade bottles one by one and walked out of the stuffy alchemy room.

  Looking at Gu Yun who was waiting outside the door, she said with a smile: "Are there any talents worth noting among those who have come for interviews recently?" "There have been

  one hundred and eighty-three interviewees in the past few days, among whom the ones who have awakened their natural talents have There are only two people."

  Gu Yun added: "One is a junior alchemist who has awakened the talent of fire control, and the other is an appraiser who has awakened the talent of appraisal."

  Liu Muning exclaimed, "Not bad, actually... There are two of them, so let's follow the old rules and finish the interview tomorrow afternoon."

  "Okay, Mr. Liu."

  Gu Yun took it as a matter of course that every interview of a talent awakener in the Muppet Mall would be personally assessed by the lady.

  "By the way, has Chen Wei not come to work these days?" Liu Muning's tone was a little flat.

  "Yes." Gu Yun's body stiffened slightly.

  "I hope to see him go to work at the company tomorrow morning." The phone rang, Liu Muning glanced at the message and said casually.


  Gu Yun nodded, and then silently followed Liu Muning's footsteps and left, always keeping half a step back while walking.

  (End of chapter)

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