Chapter 22 Snow Lotus Pill (please read it!)

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  Chapter 22 Snow Lotus Pill (please read it!)

  Throughout the whole day, Cai Ling has been practicing the high-speed release and power control of the cold breath skill seriously.

  Battles between low-level pet beasts often result in a winner in a very short period of time, and Cai Ling, who can move at high speeds to dodge and launch attacks quickly, is basically capable of both offense and defense.

  It has to be said that what Chen Wei loves most about Cai Ling is that whenever she enters the training state, she will devote herself to training and successfully complete his instructions.

  After a whole day of training, Cai Ling has perfectly mastered the master-level cold breath.

  This made Chen Wei feel very gratified, as he was truly worthy of being his pet.

  "The first small goal of Cai Ling's skill training has been successfully completed. The rest of the time can be used to focus on practicing her third-level spiritual skill: telekinesis." After dinner, Chen Wei watched

  Cai Ling lick him happily. I thought to myself silently as I held the vanilla-flavored marshmallow in my hand.

  As a third-level skill, telekinesis skills are not an easy task to master as proficiently as Han Breath.

  This skill can only be naturally understood by Han Jade Snake after reaching the third level of strength as an adult, so when he made the contract, he fell in love with Cai Ling who was outstanding in it at a glance.

  Of course, Cai Ling's outstanding appearance is also a big plus.

  Cai Ling's telekinesis is only at the entry level, and its effective duration is about ten seconds.

  Moreover, once she receives a slightly strong interference impact when using telekinesis, she will be interrupted instantly.

  After Chen Wei thought deeply, he rummaged around the room to find the dumbbells that had been idle for a long time and were covered with dust.

  This detachable dumbbell can adjust the weight and can be used as a training prop for Cai Ling's telekinesis. It can also be regarded as a waste.

  After simply deciding on tomorrow's training content, he took out his mobile phone and opened the app of the Beast Control Mall, and then found the Muppet Mall.

  Although he hasn't officially started work yet, Chen Wei still plans to patronize his employer's business first.

  After all, Cai Ling has been training very hard recently, training all day long.

  However, such intense energy consumption also caused her food intake to increase greatly in the past few days, so much so that the ingredients Chen Wei purchased before were almost exhausted.

  Browsing through the wide variety of products on the mall, Chen Wei simply gritted his teeth and directly purchased three bottles of first-grade mid-grade Snow Lotus Pills, a total of thirty pills.

  Snow Lotus Pill is suitable for consumption by ice-type pets below the second level.

  Its function is very simple. Not only can it be used as food for the pet to meet the daily consumption of the pet, but it can also slightly improve the absorption efficiency of the ice source energy by the pet and increase the speed of cultivation.

  "This star coin is really worth it!"

  Chen Wei sighed silently. He has to spend 60,000 star coins on Guangmingling's food for this month, and he doesn't know how other beast masters can support it.

  If he didn't have a part-time job to support himself, Chen Wei wouldn't dare to spend like this.

  After placing the order, Chen Wei checked his phone for a while to see what strange information there was in Hanyang Province recently.

  "Dr. Wu from the Research Department of Hanyang University announced the latest research results: the evolutionary route of the brilliant king-level pet beast [Fire Tin Angry Ape], and the value of [Purple Fire Ape] may see a significant increase." "Yesterday, Chang

  He The third-order Tianjuan secret realm that appeared around Shi'an Zhen Mountain has been developed by the Changhe City Beast Taming Association. One month later, this secret realm will be open to all beast Tamers in Hanyang Province..." "Shocked, in broad daylight

  , An alchemist actually did such a thing...Click here to expand."

  After briefly reading the recent news, Chen Wei began tonight's Source Star meditation practice.

  The refining and strengthening of the Source Star is an important training component that every beast master needs to carry out.

  The stronger the Source Star, the higher the strength of the contract, the greater the restraint on the pet beasts, and the more pet beasts that can be contracted. Refining the purity of the Source Star can improve the growth efficiency of contracted beasts and effectively shorten the growth period of the pet beasts.

  When the strength or purity of the source star reaches a certain level, the source star will automatically advance.

  Of course, if you want to take care of both, you can also simply meditate and cultivate your mental power until the Source Star naturally advances, and its strength and purity will be greatly enhanced as it advances.

  There are three routes, one highlights the strength of the Source Star, the other highlights the purity of the Source Star, and the last one takes into account both, but neither of them is outstanding. On the contrary, the beast master's own mental power will continue to increase.

  Therefore, every beast master will cultivate Yuanxing according to his own needs, and Chen Wei chose the third route without hesitation.

  From a planet without extraordinary power to a blue star containing great power, he desires extraordinary power more than anyone else, and he also wants to possess his own extraordinary power.

  After practicing, Chen Wei began to strengthen his homework every night.

  This time Chen Wei drank the tonic in advance and still retained considerable physical strength until he fell asleep.


  The next morning, Chen Wei opened his sleepy eyes, got up and stretched while yawning slowly, feeling that he was extra energetic today.

  After eating breakfast, Chen Wei wrapped the reluctant Cailing around his neck and went out for a run.

  Chen Wei feels that running and exercising with Cai Ling every morning can enhance their relationship. It’s just that Cai Ling doesn’t seem to think so.

  Every time Chen Wei hadn't run a few hundred meters, she always liked to run away and wrap her petite body around Chen Wei's wrist.

  This is still the case today.

  Looking at Cai Ling's skillful actions, Chen Wei smiled helplessly, there was really nothing he could do against her.

  However, this can be considered as running together!

  "Buzz buzz buzz."

  Chen Wei, who was running in the morning, suddenly felt a vibration from his cell phone in his backpack.

  "Hello." He casually took out his cell phone and answered the call.

  "Vigo, do you want to go fishing together this afternoon?"

  Listening to Lao Huang's familiar voice, Chen Wei, who was breathing slightly, replied calmly: "Aren't you going to train your thorn fish? There is still time to fish?" "What are you doing? You are exercising so early in the morning

  . ?" Huang Zhicheng said in surprise.

  "Running, the plan for the day is in the morning. I'm running with Cai Ling."

  "Oh..., my thorn fish has been promoted to juvenile level seven. I think that training every day is very tiring recently, so I plan to give it to it in the afternoon. Let it rest for a while."

  "Really? Congratulations to you then! But let's forget about fishing. I was blacklisted by Boss Lin of the reservoir because I caught too many red-tailed goldfish, so I probably won't be able to catch it." "Weige, you are really good at it

  . I’ve been fishing with Boss Lin for so many years, and this is the first time I’ve seen him block someone.” “

  Haha, this red-tailed gold fish is coming right at my fishing rod, and there’s really nothing I can do about it. By the way, your pharmacy also has Are there any apprentices who need internships? Recently I want to learn the art of alchemy."

  Chen Wei suddenly remembered that Lao Huang's home also opened a pharmacy, so he asked casually without having high expectations.

  (End of chapter)

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