Chapter 601 Familiar Face

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  Chapter 601 Familiar Face
  "You know?" Sol was surprised.

  "Don't underestimate people, brother Sol. I have also deployed a very powerful witchcraft circle. And the rules contained in this light screen happen to be the same as the innate power of the nightmare butterfly." "Then you

  can Give it a try." Thor raised his hand.

  The silver butterfly turned into a scattered flash of light, and the stars disappeared into the light curtain.

  In less than five minutes, the originally colorful light curtain turned into scattered fragments, revealing the scene behind it.

  Inside the light curtain is a circular space.

  The four walls of the space are also surrounded by light curtains, but dozens of round holes are cut into the connected mountain above the head.

  The sunlight shines down, forming slender beams of light.

  In the center of the circle surrounded by these irregular and scattered light pillars, there is a huge cube more than two meters high.

  It was the magic storage pool that the wind demon snatched from Thor.

  At this time, the magic pool was facing the direction of Thor, helping Brando's headless body.

  At this time, the body was completely black, as if it had been burnt by smoke.

  And there seems to be something tied to the other two sides of the magic pool.

  Thor crossed the light curtain and walked around the magic pool. Shockingly, I discovered that the other three sides of the magic storage pool that had been transformed by the wind demon were actually embedded with a person!

  There is a first-level wizard on the left and right sides, and embedded in the back of the magic pool is the Barron wizard who escaped from the wizard tower!
  "Is it him?" Thor looked strange. Barron was the only second-level wizard who raided the wizard tower and returned alive. Unexpectedly, he died in the hands of his master.

  However, if Feng Yao wanted to build a magic pool, it was normal for her to use a second-level wizard, but I didn't expect that she would be ruthless enough to attack one of her own people.

  "This way I can reunite them."

  Thor took out the bodies of the other two people who raided the wizard tower from the storage.

  Although one of them has been severely damaged, it can still be used.

  Thor replaced the corpses of the two second-level wizards and started running the magic storage pool.

  Agu separated from his body and took charge, checking the situation of the magic pool with him.

  Penny flew to the entrance of the light curtain to be on guard, and would notify Thor as soon as the old witch and the wind demon came back.

  Everything went smoothly according to Sol's plan. The only thing that made him feel a little strange was that the energy contained in this magic storage pool was a little less.

  Thor believed that something was wrong with the body of a third-level wizard, and it would take a lot of magic power to recover.

  However, although the magic power of this magic storage pool is abundant, it is far less than what Thor imagined.

  Thor was originally prepared. If there was too much magic in the magic pool and he couldn't bear it, he would have to "discharge" it several times.

  But the current quantity is just right.

  It's not like the magic storage pool prepared by a third-level wizard, but more like what a second-level wizard needs.

  Although he still had doubts in his heart, time was running out. After Thor readjusted the magic pool according to his own needs, he immediately jumped in and asked Agu to cooperate with the activation of the magic circle from the outside.

  Just when Thor began to prepare for the advancement, the old witch had already chased the wind demon to the end of the left passage.

  Along the way, the wind demon never confronted the old witch head-on. It seemed that as Thor said, there was something wrong with her body.

  The old witch chased her more and more bravely, and the two of them reached the deepest part of the cave.

  The wind demon became more and more confused as he watched the witchcraft performed by the old witch.

  Although the witchcraft cast by the other party were all the most common types, her spell-casting habits and her courage always made Feng Yao feel familiar.

  It seemed that there was a very familiar person opposite her.

  "Why don't you take the move? Do you really no longer have the third-level strength? Or are you unable to suppress the pollution in your body, and you will be directly alienated as long as you cast a spell?"

  The wind demon's eyes turned cold for a moment, but he still ignored the old witch's provocation and deliberately led her into a new room.

  Originally, before entering an unknown room, one should be cautious and test it several times. But the old witch didn't know why. She just felt that she was very familiar with this place and had everything under control.

  The wind demon also has this understanding.

  Almost everything in this room was arranged by her, so she naturally thought that nothing was beyond her control.

  After entering the room, the door was instantly closed. The two raised their heads and looked at each other with a "You're dead" look.

  Feng Yao stepped back, as if he had stepped on some mechanism.

  An asymmetrical three-circle witchcraft circle appeared above her head and below her feet.

  The two magic circles shot out cyan light beams, surrounding the wind demon completely.

  The old witch saw that the wind demon was about to make a new move, and immediately took a few steps forward to make the first move.

  Unexpectedly, the blue beam of light suddenly expanded outwards, swelling tenfold in an instant and filling the entire room.

  The moment the old witch was illuminated by blue light, all the disguise on her face disappeared, revealing her exaggerated face and the lively severed fingers behind her head.

  "It turns out it's you!" Recognizing the old witch and seeing the severed finger on the back of her head, the hatred in the wind demon's heart became three points more than before.

  "I have to keep you today. After you die, I will deal with another person."

  The old witch, whose disguise failed, was a little flustered, but she quickly thought clearly that no matter whether she was recognized or not, both parties would It has reached the point where it will not stop until death.

  The strange thing is that even after recognizing the old witch, the wind demon still did not take the initiative to attack. The blue light curtain just now seems to have the effect of breaking the confusion.

  Just when the old witch was about to release the wind blade to test the opponent's condition first, a body that seemed to be made of building blocks suddenly slowly emerged from the witchcraft circle above her head and landed in the air.

  When the old witch saw the human figure floating in the air, she was so surprised that she couldn't even close her mouth, let alone continue to attack the wind demon.

  She was a beautiful woman, with the ends of her eyes slightly raised and the corners of her mouth slightly curved.

  When she lay there quietly with her eyes lightly closed, it made people feel peaceful and beautiful.

  People can also imagine what kind of charm she will exude when she opens her eyes.
  It's just that this woman's face was covered with vertical lines, as if she had been cut into pieces and then glued back together with a special adhesive.

  Although beautiful and fragile at the same time, what really surprised the old witch was that she had seen this face before.

  In the past, every time she used the Beisek Magic Mirror to improve her strength, she would see this face in the magic mirror.

  This face belongs to the old witch in the mirror, but there are not so many cracks on her face.

  At the same time, this body's left little finger is missing part of it.

  Looking at this face, the old witch was confused.

  There seemed to be countless information signals bouncing around in her mind, but they refused to be fully exposed to her brain.

  "Why do I always feel so familiar, as if she is myself?"

  The wind demon opposite took advantage of being a witch and finished casting the last spell.

  "Now that you have seen it, I can't let you leave alive. I can only borrow this body again." The wind demon bit his finger and dropped it on the broken woman's eyebrows. "Believe me, I don't want to see this body even more than you do." Face!"

   It's almost too late. Traveling is really a waste of money. I definitely won't have time to write tomorrow, so I have to ask for leave

  (end of chapter)

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