Chapter 600 Dream Linkage

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  Chapter 600: Dream Linkage
  Today’s main character, the wind demon, is about to appear.

  Thor slowly backed away, leaving the main stage to the old witch.

  In the dark passage ahead, a witch slowly walked out.

  The other person's face was covered with a layer of black gauze for some reason, and her appearance could not be seen clearly, but Penny recognized the fluctuations in her mental power.

  "It's the wind demon!" But Penny was a little confused, "But something seems not quite right."

  "What did you feel?" Sol asked.

  "I think her mental strength is much weaker than before."

  Penny's words once again confirmed Thor's guess, and the wind demon was already standing in front of Thor, and the diary did not remind him, at least it explained his plan. It is possible to a certain extent.

  The wind demon saw the old witch at first sight, and then recognized Thor standing behind the old witch.

  She was indeed surprised at first, but then she calmed down immediately.

  "Do you think I didn't kill you casually when I took away the magic pool, so you tried to resist?" The

  words were full of momentum. If the diary hadn't given any warning until now, Thor would have really believed it.

  And the old witch was rare not to be deceived by the other party. She didn't listen to those sweet words and rushed forward directly.

  The wind demon did not respond, facing the two of them, and once again disappeared into the dim passage behind him.

  The old witch followed.

  But the strange thing is that when both of them entered the darkness, Thor lost his perception of them.

  Then, the darkness ahead was like ink dripping into clear water, expanding and spreading towards Thor.

  As soon as Thor took a step back, the darkness suddenly accelerated and "ate" him in one bite.

  The world in his eyes changed instantly.

  There is no longer a winding cave in front of you, but a bustling city.

  The streets are busy with traffic.

  The rich and nobles in rich clothes were riding in open carriages with comfortable expressions, talking and laughing.

  There were children in shabby clothes beside the road waiting for horse manure to fall into the street.

  The sound of clothes rubbing against each other, the sound of hard-soled shoes colliding with the gravel road, the sound of conversations with strange tones...

  Sol, who was in the midst of all this excitement, had new memories emerge in his mind. It was as if he was no longer a wizard walking on the edge of life and death, pursuing power, but an ordinary civilian.

  More and more details and memories emerge, seemingly completing his memory as a civilian.

  Thor was not affected by this sudden change. He closed his eyes and all kinds of noisy sounds disappeared instantly.

  It's like closing your eyes can bring back memories.

  But Sol also knows that if he is allowed to sink, he will soon forget his identity, sink completely, and become a part of the bustling city.

  "Is this an illusion?"

  Sol just finished speaking and answered the question himself.


  A pair of silver wings outlined like metal stretched out from the gap between Thor's shoulder blades behind his back.

  "It's a dream." Sol slowly opened his eyes.

  The bustling city and noisy sounds appeared again, but they failed to shake Sol.

  He gradually found a sense of disharmony in this world that seemed so real that he couldn't tell the difference between real and fake at first.

  That is, when you open your eyes wide and want to see the details of the world clearly, you will find that everything is blurry.

  When Thor's cognition returned to its normal state, the disguise lost its effectiveness.

  The silver wings on his back flapped, and he flew high into the sky like a real butterfly.

  Time in the dream is passing quickly, and the picture gradually turns into lines.

  Then, "Ding——"

  It sounds like the current signal is turned off.

  Thor opened his eyes.

  He was still standing in the dim passage.

  The darkness that once enveloped him was gone.

  But the old witch and the wind demon were also gone.

  "When the wind demon first appeared, the fluctuations on her body were only that of a second-level wizard, but Penny said that she still maintained a third-level pressure in front of others. Now it seems that this pressure is just some kind of disguise.

  " Er was a little confused, "But why does her disguise power come from dreams?"

  "The wind demon is as good at dreams as the dream maker?" "

  Or did the dream maker play a role in the wind demon's disguise?"

  Suo said . Your expression changed.

  If the Dream Maker is secretly related to the Wind Demon, then his and the old witch's counterattack will be in danger.

  The only good thing is that the diary has not objected so far. In other words, as long as they capture the wind demon before the Dream Maker reacts, they still have a chance to escape unscathed.

  Thinking of this, Thor no longer hesitated or looked for where the wind demon and the old witch had gone. He stepped into the dim passage in front of him, letting Penny explore the way ahead.

  However, this time, as soon as he turned a corner, he saw a fork.

  The left side is upwards and the right side is slightly downwards.

  "Where to go?"

  Saul looked to the right first, but the diary that had been silent for a long time came out!
  [July 4th, 319th year of the New Moon Calendar.
  Are you curious about the battle between high-ranking people?
  Take a peek,

  maybe you can understand the truth earlier.

  Or recognize reality earlier.

  The truth is death and
  so is reality.

  Can't go to the right!
  The content of this death warning in the diary is very clear.

  Now, if he goes to the right channel, he will die.

  But the content of the warning really made him curious.

  What truth will he see and what reality will he discover?
  But Thor can still control his curiosity. After seeing the death warning, he didn't even look at the passage on the right, but turned around and walked into the passage on the left.

  The passage on the left winds upwards, and the walls of the mountain are no longer deliberately paved stone walls, but a primitive mixture of earth and stone.

  It seems that it was excavated not long ago.

  Every sorcery circle used to support the wall can be seen. The magic crystal inlaid on it is also full of magic power.

  "The new passage deliberately opened by the wind demon... should be prepared for the magic storage pool." Thor felt happy and immediately quickened his pace.

  If it weren't for guarding against possible traps, he would be flying.

  But perhaps because it was not too late, or because the wind demon was too lazy to set up more traps, Thor had a smooth journey.

  Soon, after walking upward for three minutes, a light curtain appeared in front of him.

  Behind the light curtain should be where the magic storage pool is.

  Penny, who was exploring the way in front, stopped and said with some surprise: "Brother Sol, the power contained in this light curtain seems to be the power of dreams~" "

  Another dream?" Sol frowned, "It seems There must be some entanglement between this wind demon and the dreamer that is unknown to outsiders."

  Thor stepped forward and found that the light screen contained extremely complex magic operations. It seems that only by unraveling the rules of operation can the light curtain be safely opened.

  "Is it time to solve the problem again?" Thor's eyes fell on the diary again. "If I spend too much time here, I may alert the dreamer Clark. Although he knows that I am Goltha's mentor, After the student, he let me go. But if he finds out that I know the secrets of him and the wind demon, he will definitely kill me. So, brother Diary, I still have to ask you this time!"

  Before Diary could respond, Thor suddenly heard Penny's triumphant voice.

  "Brother Sol, I can break this light barrier! It's very easy!"

   He went out today, and the second chapter should be at night.

  (End of chapter)

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