Chapter 524 Allergy

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  Chapter 524 Allergy
  Although Ouqili’s real purpose of using the Beisek Magic Mirror is to strengthen his locator through the temptation of death.

  But in the experiment, Thor found that this magic mirror could indeed be of great use.

  At least in terms of improving reaction speed, this magic mirror gave Thor a lot of surprises.

  Of course, what concerned him more was that he seemed to have accidentally discovered the old witch's problem!

  Although many wizards do not change their appearance in order to explore the truth of knowledge and improve their strength, many female wizards still try to avoid becoming too scary or ugly.

  Is the person in the mirror the old witch herself? Or is it a mirror image formed by other reasons?

  It's a pity that this mirror image only appeared once. No matter how Thor secretly observed the old witch in the mirror, he never saw the charming young woman with upturned eyes again.

  Five days later, Thor completed the fusion of the four bodies, and through his experience in the resurrection experiment, he temporarily suppressed the rejection of the bodies of different races.

  The moment the experiment was completed, the old witch rushed forward and squeezed Thor out of the way, as if she had a telepathy.

  "Is this the new body obtained by the fusion of four races?"

  Lying on the experimental table was a piece of white dough. Tiny sarcomas kept growing on the dough, and were knocked out by the electric shock facility next to the experimental table.

  "To be precise, there are three and a half races." Thor stepped aside and explained to the old witch, "Currently it has the strength of the dwarf, the toughness of the giant, and the adaptability of the barbarian. But I'm not sure it's being completed. Can I have the beauty of an elf after the form is solidified? After all, the elf materials you gave me are too little. I can't even tell which part of the elf's body it is." The old witch rolled her eyes at Thor, "I don't want to be like an elf yet

  . Still missing. What I gave you is the powder of the remains of a wind elf. Although the quantity is small, it is rare and relatively safe."

  The remains of a wind elf?
  Before Thor had time to be shocked, he heard Oqili on the side shout loudly: "Powder of the wind demon's remains? Old witch, you didn't steal the wind demon's laboratory, right?" The old witch was stunned at first, and then became confused


  And Ou Qili was still chattering, "The remains of the wind elf are the most valued treasure of the wind demon Pei'er. You stole this thing and you still dare to stay in the Borderless Land." "Pa!" The old witch slapped her and wanted to say something else

  . Oqili fanned away.

  When the latter got up from the ground, half of his face was slapped up.

  "I can stay wherever I want?" The confusion in the old witch's eyes receded, and the coldness returned to the high ground. She stared at Thor, "Do you have any other questions?" "No. If it is the powder of the remains

  , That effect is naturally enough." Thor replied immediately.

  "Very good. Then we are now ready to add the last material." The old witch exited the laboratory expressionlessly.

  Sol immediately went over to help Ou Qili up, "Are you okay?"

  Ou Qili endured the pain and pushed half of his face back. He had no strength to speak and could only shake his head at Saul.

  Thor took the materials from the experimental table, first prepared a pair of healing potions, and applied them to Ou Qili's face.

  The latter soon felt his burning face become numb.

  "No, he's not dead." Ou Qili covered his face, and when he raised his head, his eyes were filled with hatred, "How's your mirror made?"

  After Ou Qili looked in the mirror for four days, he gave the opportunity to look in the mirror to Thor.

  "The locator is a little unstable. I..."

  "It's unstable because of changes!" Because half of his face was paralyzed, Ou Qili's voice was blurry, but Sol could still understand what the other party meant.

  Instability means change.

  But what Ou Qili didn't know was that Sol's locator had not changed at all.

  The Death Wizard's diary has been floating quietly in his spiritual body all year round.

  With Thor's current strength, even if Besek's magic mirror alienates himself, it will not affect the diary at all.

  And when Thor tried to look in the mirror, the fragments of his soul stored in his skin became a little restless. It seemed like it wanted to get out of his skin and enter the magic mirror.

  Just because I didn't look in the mirror for long, this restlessness did not turn into actual actions.

  Instead, Thor took this opportunity to roughly understand the working principle of Beisak's Magic Mirror.

  The Beisak Mirror can accelerate the reaction of elemental particles. But if exposed to it for a long time, it will distort the trajectory of the elemental particles. Any longer, and it may completely disrupt the behavior of elemental particles.

  But Saul has not yet found replicable properties in these laws.

  Could it be that after disrupting the movement of particles, they can be commanded to restore them one-to-one according to the established goal to achieve the effect of replication?
  Saul can only make such a guess at the moment.

  At the same time, he also understood why there were so many resentful spirits in the mirror.

  Those are the sources of energy for the mirror to operate.

  Presumably if this mirror flows into the world of ordinary people, it will definitely leave behind one horror legend after another.

  "You have to speed up the process. If you don't say anything, I can run away alone."

  "I know." Thor muttered reluctantly.

  At this time, the old witch also brought another wizard who was imprisoned by her.

  The wizard's eyes were full of fear, but his back was straight. He seemed to have a premonition of his own end, but he didn't want to lose his grace when he died, so he held on.

  But his strength did not last long.

  When Oqili held a huge needle and prepared to insert it into his spine, the great fear of death and becoming an experimental subject still made the wizard break his defenses.

  Since he left the cage that could suppress the fluctuations of magic and mental power, his control over witchcraft was quickly restored.

  After being pinned down by Thor on the experimental table, he was finally able to release the witchcraft.

  A light arrow technique appeared silently and headed straight towards Sol's facade.

  Thor remained motionless, as if stunned by the sudden attack.

  However, before he got the light arrow and touched the Thor, he was suddenly stopped by a finger!
  That turned out to be the old witch's finger that had been stuck in her braid!
  "What a theoretical wizard. He can't even hide when faced with an attack." With a single tap of the severed finger, the hastily condensed light arrow disappeared into nothing.

  The old witch retracted her severed finger, stood behind Sol and Ou Qili, and said coldly: "Continue!"

  The experiment had to continue.

  The wizard, who had no idea of ​​his life from beginning to end, died on the experimental table.

  However, his death did not end this experiment of accumulating lives.

  When Thor extracted a portion of the "dough" and injected it into the wizard's body along the spine, the latter initially experienced some benign physiological changes.

  For example, his muscle density is increasing and his bone strength has undergone a qualitative leap. Even the skin tissue that was cut open to observe the bones is rapidly regenerating and recovering.

  And his originally narrow facial features seemed to have relaxed a bit.

  But before all these positive features reached the theoretical value calculated by Sol, a layer of dense red spots suddenly appeared on the wizard's face.

  Thor and the old witch frowned at the same time, while Oqili secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  Ou Qili knew that, unlike Thor, he would only die no matter whether the experiment succeeded or failed.

  So the experiment must still be ongoing so that he has time to complete his escape plan.

  "What's going on?" The old witch was obviously unhappy, but she was still suppressing it.

  To a wizard, a failed experiment is nothing.

  If the old witch hadn't been in danger, she wouldn't have taken one or two failures seriously.

  "I think……"

  The person on the experimental table lost his vital signs a few seconds after the red spots appeared. Saul picked up the knife and cut his arm open again to observe the bones underneath.

  And there were large red spots on the other party's bones!
  "I think... he might be allergic."

  (End of chapter)

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