Chapter 523 Beisek Magic Mirror

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  Chapter 523: Baisek Magic Mirror

  Thor obtained the complete spirit body he needed, and the old witch had new materials for his experiment.

  But death is not over yet.

  "We have to speed up the progress a little." The old witch put the remaining dwarves in a basin and put them on the experimental table.

  "Now, my perfect body transformation method only has the final fusion step left, right?"

  Ou Qili no longer dared to speak.

  "Yes, but this step may take longer than before."

  "Then shorten the time." The old witch suddenly looked anxious for some reason, "I will give you... three chances. The first time is now. The useless wizard who is still in the cage. The second time, it was Ou Qili..."

  Ou Qili suddenly raised his head and looked at the old witch in disbelief, but the old witch did not look at him.

  "The third time, it's you."

  Sol stared at the old witch's face, wondering what happened to her.


  Thor looked down at the dwarf who had turned from a living person into a material in a short period of time, making his face look paler, and then silently took the basin.

  "I know, I will start the fusion experiment now."

  The old witch was not happy because her threat worked.

  Still frowning, she sat in the corner of the laboratory, seemingly not intending to clean herself up, and just started staring at Sol while doing the experiment.

  Ou Qili came over to help Sol process the materials, but when the two of them were handing over, he deliberately paused for a moment and stared at Sol closely.

  Sol knew what the other party meant.

  The old witch suddenly set an almost impossible deadline for the experiment. If he wants to survive, Thor must start cooperating with Ouqili now. Through constant testing, the two people's locators will be strengthened, and finally their strength will be raised to the peak of the first level. , close to the second-order point.

  Only in this way can they have a chance to create an accident and escape from the old witch's confinement.

  Immediately, Sol began to cooperate with Ou Qili and tamper with the experimental materials in front of the old witch.

  The changes made by Ouqili are not big, and the old witch will not notice any abnormalities for the time being.

  Then he suddenly spoke and asked the old witch for a prop on the grounds that the experimental response was insufficient.

  "The reaction will be too slow if this continues. I'm afraid we won't have time to add all the materials into the fusion liquid before it cools down. I think we need the Beisak Magic Mirror." The old witch sitting beside the

  construction team did not agree immediately, but turned her head. Looking at Thor, "Oh? Is that so?"

  Thor raised a set of scrapped materials in his hand, "Although I don't know what the Beisak Mirror is. But as Ou Qili said, we combine dwarves and giants. When the body tissues of the body are combined, the two fuse extremely slowly, and most of the fusion fluid often evaporates before the third material is added."

  Sol naturally has other solutions to this problem, but now he needs to pretend that he hasn't. I thought of cooperating with Ou Qili.

  "I'll get it." The old witch glanced at Sol and Ouqili again, and then stood up slowly.

  Ouqili deliberately explained loudly to Thor: "The Beisak Magic Mirror is a very dangerous witchcraft prop. But it is also a very powerful prop. Its function is only to accelerate the reaction speed of elemental particles." At this time

  , , the old witch has gone into the next room.

  Ouqili immediately whispered to Thor quickly: "But its greater effect is distortion and replication. I will use its distortion function, and you should be careful not to let the old witch find out that the experiment is not accelerated." Thor nodded silently


  "How long have you been in the first level?"

  "Less than a year."

  "..." Ou Qili didn't expect that Thor had entered the first level in less time than he thought. In this case, it would be very dangerous to use his method to strengthen the locator. of.

  But he didn't have to tell Thor.

  "Although it's a little short, I believe your strength is no problem. Things like locators vary from person to person." At

  this time, the two of them heard the footsteps of the old witch coming back.

  Ou Qili's voice returned to normal, "I know you're not very good at using it, so I'll demonstrate it to you first."

  Saul saw Ou Qili blinking at him and knew that his so-called demonstration was probably for the enhanced locator. demonstration.


  When Sol said this, the old witch walked in holding a mirror.

  "This mirror is very precious and dangerous. Don't explore other uses for it, or risk your life on it." The old witch warned coldly, "Don't delay the progress of my experiment because of curiosity." After that,

  she Unlocked the seal on the mirror.

  The Beisak Mirror is a mirror of the same height, a little taller than Thor.

  The mirror is surrounded by gold rims and inlaid with rare gems. At first glance, it looks like a dressing mirror in the home of a noble lady.

  However, when the old witch unlocked the seal on the mirror, the faces of dozens of girls were instantly reflected inside.

  They slapped the mirror in fear, screamed silently with their mouths open, and wanted to escape, but they were imprisoned in the mirror forever.

  The old witch reached out and drew a symbol on the mirror, and the girl inside disappeared instantly, replaced by her own shadow.

  The old witch in the mirror maintained the same movements as the real old witch at first, but soon her expressions and movements began to lag, and she gradually started to move spontaneously.

  The old witch in the mirror was not as frightened as the girl before. Instead, she was beating the mirror angrily.

  Seeing this, the old witch moved the mirror away to a deserted place.

  "You can't look at people for more than one minute. Even if you don't look at people, you have to completely change the direction of the mirror every ten minutes." The

  old witch didn't say what would happen if she didn't do this.

  But even if she said it, it would be useless.

  Ou Qili has already made up his mind to strengthen it.

  After all, he was the next one to lie down on the experimental table.

  Thor poured out the original materials and dug out some new "dwarves" from the basin.

  The two soon began a new round of experiments.

  But this time, because of the addition of the Beisak Magic Mirror, the two had to stop and adjust the mirror's position from time to time.

  However, the old witch behind her stared at the two men for a while and found that they were very careful in their operations. She obviously took her warning to heart, so she stopped staring at the two men so intently.

  Her eyes would occasionally be blank, as if she was thinking about something important.

  It was at this time that Ou Qili's movements began to change.

  He would deliberately adjust the angle when moving the mirror so that his arm or shoulder would stay within the scope of the mirror.

  Thor is responsible for blocking Ouqili's small movements with his body or other instruments.

  Soon, Ou Qili was exposed to light for more than a minute. Big beads of sweat soon appeared on his head.

  If he hadn't always turned his back to the old witch, she might have discovered the clues.

  When the time was almost three minutes, Sol suddenly took action and adjusted the mirror in one direction.

  Ou Qili immediately glared over.

  Thor pointed to his throat covertly.

  Ou Qili touched it subconsciously, and his expression immediately changed.

  There was a faint bulge on his neck, as if a fist-sized tumor was about to grow.

  If it is allowed to grow up, the old witch will soon notice something strange.

  Ou Qili's eyes immediately looked at Sol with a hint of gratitude.

  But Thor didn't look at him.

  He looked in the mirror.

  Although the mirror did not face him directly, through the reflection of the mirror, he still saw the old witch sitting in the corner of the room.

  When he subconsciously squinted his eyes to look at the old witch, the extremely ugly old witch's figure flashed twice from time to time as if the signal was poor.

  Thor stared at the figure, and finally seized a chance to see clearly the most unusual frame in the flashing scene.

  In that extremely brief moment, he saw in the mirror a young woman who was in a state of embarrassment but had an unusually alluring face.

  (End of chapter)

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