Chapter 823 Beginning and Ending

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  Chapter 823 Beginning and Ending
  Li Luo's sudden request made everyone confused. In the eyes of many men, being able to help Qin Yi was already a great blessing. They couldn't even ask for it, but they couldn't ask for it. As a result, Li Luo not only pushed back and blocked, but also finally asked for money.

  Even, it is not a small amount.

  Ten million pieces of sky-high gold, this is definitely a huge sum of money.

  Even within the Inner Divine State, this amount was enough to invite a powerful feudal lord to take action, but how could Li Luo, who was only in the Great Sha Palace realm, be worth the price? !

  This is simply a lion's mouth!
  This Li Luo is deliberately making things difficult for others!

  But Li Luo looked quite indifferent to the strange looks around him. His making such an unreasonable request was actually a kind of test. He wanted to see if Qin Yi was really coming for him. .

  Generally speaking, normal people would get angry when he made such a request, and then they would stop paying attention to him, and no one would mention the matter of picking lotus seeds again.

  But if in this situation, Qin Yi still insists on asking him to take action, then there must be some problems.

  Li Luo's gaze went directly to Qin Yi. The latter's beautiful face returned to calmness after a moment of stasis. She seemed to be sullen and said: "Why does Li Luo have to play tricks on people?" Li Qingfeng saw

  . When she got a little angry, she comforted her: "Don't be angry, Miss Qin Yi. After all, Li Luo has just returned from the Outer China, so it is inevitable that he will be a little wild." He also saw it, and Li Luo obviously knew

  Qin Yi's identity. , so many of the current rejections and difficulties are also due to the grievances of the previous generation, and they have no good impression of Qin Yi.

  This was something he was happy to see.

  Qin Yi's face was slightly chilled. She ignored Li Qingfeng's words and stared at Li Luo. It looked like she was really angry, and her chest was rising and falling slightly.

  This scene made many men who admired Qin Yi feel heartbroken, and at the same time they became even more dissatisfied with Li Luo.

  "Since Li Luo, the leader likes to play tricks on people, I would like to accompany you today. Although ten million is not a small amount, I still have some savings, so tonight, I will use ten million to invite Li Luo Let the leader of the flag take action." At this moment, Qin Yi's cold voice sounded.

  This immediately caused a lot of uproar in the audience. No one expected that Qin Yi actually agreed to Li Luo's trouble.

  Ten million, please ask a Dasha palace to take action? If the speaker hadn't been Fairy Qin, whom everyone admired, someone might have called him a prodigal son.

  "Fairy Qin, there is no need to fight for this Li Luo."

  "Yes, if Fairy Qin is in need, just ask and we can do it for you!" "


  Many people started to persuade. In their opinion, Qin Yi is now He was obviously irritated by Li Luo, and the 10 million-million-dollar shooting fee was completely out of whim.

  After all, this bastard named Li Luo is really disrespectful.

  Anyone would be angry.

  Faced with many persuasion, Qin Yi shook her head slightly. Her beautiful face was covered with frost. With a flick of her finger, a purple crystal card was shot directly at Li Luo. The latter took it casually and saw the crystal card at a glance. The emblem above belongs to Jinlong Baoxing.

  "This is the Golden Dragon Card from Jinlong Baoxing. It can be used to get 10 million gold." Qin Yi's originally gentle and gentle voice had become a little cold at this time.

  When everyone saw this, they were all dumbfounded, and then smiled bitterly, but they did not expect that Fairy Qin could be willful sometimes.

  Li Luo rubbed the golden dragon card with his fingers, his expression remained calm, but his eyes moved imperceptibly. This Qin Yi was more persistent than he expected.

  At this time, he was already certain that Qin Yi was definitely coming for him.

  Spending a huge sum of 10 million, just to see him help her win a jade heart lotus seed that only has some beauty effects, he can only say that Qin Yi is quite rich.

  Li Luo's thoughts swirled in his mind, and then he slowly walked out among the many complicated eyes.

  "Take people's money to help them eliminate disasters."

  Li Luo smiled brightly and said, "Since Miss Qin Yi is so willing, I can only give it a try."

  Qin Yi's jade face was covered with a touch of frost, But he stopped talking to Li Luo and seemed to be still angry.

  Li Luo didn't care about her attitude. He walked to the edge of the lake and looked at Qingfeng Li and Li Hongli and said, "Shall we start?" The corner of Li Qingfeng's mouth twitched slightly

  . Li Luo's repeated flirtatious actions really made him a little confused as to what he should say.

  Li Hongli, on the other hand, sneered and said, "It seems that your life in China is not very satisfactory. You are really trying every means to extort money." "

  Eat on your own merits and not be shabby." Li Luo said sternly.

  Regarding Li Luo's face, Li Hongli could only bite his silver teeth secretly, then looked at Zhao Fengyang and said: "Feng Yang, don't let me lose my Zixueqi's face." In his words, he obviously hinted that Zhao Fengyang should not hold back

  . .

  Zhao Fengyang nodded confidently, walked forward, stood side by side with Li Luo, and said with a faint smile: "Li Luo is the leader, although you defeated Zhong Ling, you may not be able to defeat me." Li Luo glanced at the other person and reminded him kindly

  . Said: "Being a dog licker will have no good results."

  Zhao Fengyang was suddenly filled with anger. Damn it, why is this person so mean! No wonder even Fairy Qin, who was so well-educated, was so angry with him that she lost her composure.

  "Stop talking nonsense, let's see the real deal." Zhao Fengyang gritted his teeth and said.

  Li Luo shook his head, he was so kind-hearted.

  At this time, Li Qingfeng also took a step forward and said: "According to the rules, from the moment you step onto the water, both parties can use various means to prevent the other party from boarding the lotus leaf. Before reaching the lotus leaf, whoever falls into the water will , which means failure."

  "If the last two people arrive at the lotus leaf at the same time, they will have to fight on the lotus leaf, and the final winner can take the lotus seed."

  He took out a stone and threw it directly towards the lake.

  "The stone enters the water, and the lotus fight begins." Under the gaze of many people, the stone fell directly into the water a few seconds later, making a popping sound.

  The moment the sound of water sounded, tyrannical power erupted from the bodies of Li Luo and Zhao Fengyang almost at the same time.

  There seemed to be lightning flashing under Li Luo's feet, and then his figure appeared dozens of meters away as if teleporting. It was the "Lightning Lightning Technique".

  Zhao Fengyang's body seemed to turn into a wisp of wind, and at the same time, his body bloomed with a glaze-like brilliance, which was the Glazed Evil Body.

  The speed of both sides was almost at its maximum, and two long water marks were torn open on the lake surface.

  Judging from the momentum, it is obvious that Zhao Fengyang is more amazing. The display of the Glazed Evil Body causes the energy of heaven and earth to continuously pour into his body. The burst of phase force fluctuations is more shocking than that of Zhong Ling during the battle for the leader of the banner. Even more tyrannical.

  This is the advantage of cultivating the Glazed Evil Body.

  The foundation is rich, far from being comparable to the Golden Evil Body.

  However, what is a little surprising is that the phase force fluctuations emanating from Li Luo's body are actually extremely powerful, not weaker than Zhao Fengyang.

  The two of them, wearing stars and moons, galloped across the vast lake and headed straight for the huge Jade Heart Lotus in the center of the lake.

  Many eyes on the lakeside looked towards me nervously.

  Li Qingfeng stared at the two figures, then turned his head to Qin Yi and said: "Although Li Luo is only in the Dasha Palace realm, he possesses three phases. With the blessing of the three phase palaces, plus the power of the two phases The existence and strength of his phase power are actually not weaker than ordinary glazed evil bodies. No wonder he was able to defeat Zhong Ling in the previous battle for the leadership of the Qingming Banner." "In fact, Li Luo's talent can be regarded

  as It's top-notch, but it's a pity that I wasted a lot of time outside China for so many years. Now if I want to catch up again, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort." He shook his head, as if he felt sorry for Li Luo.

  Qin Yi stared at Li Luo with beautiful eyes, her eyes flashed slightly, the three phases were not less rare than her own ninth grade water phase.

  This Li Luo, with this talent, can be regarded as a genius even in Inner China.

  "Although Li Luo can temporarily compare with Zhao Fengyang with the help of the explosion of the three prime ministers, his background is still lacking. If they really fight, Zhao Fengyang will have a great advantage." Li Hongli on the side smiled sweetly, and then faced Qin

  Yi Said: "Miss Qin Yi, your ten million is not worth it. But don't worry, if Li Luo misses, I will let him return all the money. This is not Longya Vein. We I can't get used to his bad temper."

  Qin Yi just smiled and said nothing.

  While they were talking here, above the lake, Zhao Fengyang glanced at Li Luo, who was not behind even a step away, with a fierce light in his eyes.

  The next moment, his figure moved and pounced directly on Li Luo like an eagle.

  There was a powerful force gathering in his palm, as if a hurricane was taking shape in his palm, and then he slapped it out, and the harsh sound of the air being exploded resounded.

  The wind from the palm roared furiously, rolling up the majestic lake water. The wind and water merged and turned into a huge palm print, which was suppressed fiercely.

  "Wrathful Wind Palm!"

  There were many exclamations by the lake. Zhao Fengyang actually launched a direct attack on Li Luo before he reached the lotus leaf. Obviously, he planned to hit Li Luo before that. Injured and fell into the water, and then won beautifully.

  The terrifying sound of sonic boom reached Li Luo's ears.

  He turned his head slightly and looked at the approaching Zhao Fengyang with a calm expression.

  Regarding Zhao Fengyang's attack, Li Luo did not dodge, but allowed the opponent to attack him with a terrifying palm.

  "Seeking death!" Zhao Fengyang sneered.

  A playful smile appeared on the corners of Li Luo's lips. He stretched out his palm and patted the palm print of the roaring wind.

  At the same time, the scarlet bracelet on his wrist was spinning with a flash of red light.

  Facing Li Luo's palm, Zhao Fengyang felt a little confused because he didn't feel much fluctuation in phase force.

  But just when he was startled, he seemed to vaguely hear the sound of a ferocious wolf howl. The next moment, with Li Luo's light palm, a strong bloody aura hit his face. to.

  At that moment, the scene in front of Zhao Fengyang changed. His eyes suddenly shrank because he saw a huge beast approaching with indescribable evil aura.

  The horror of that evil aura made Zhao Fengyang tremble in his heart.

  That is definitely not a terrifying thing that he can contend with!
  Zhao Fengyangyan's eyes were horrified, and boundless fear rose in his heart. Under the impact of this terrifying evil energy, his own physical strength collapsed almost instantly.

  What on earth is this? !

  Is this an attack from Lo Lee? !
  However, no one gave him an answer, because as his strength collapsed, Li Luo's slap fell lightly, and he was slapped directly and unceremoniously on his face.

  A crisp voice sounded, and a clear red mark appeared on Zhao Fengyang's face, and his figure seemed to have been hit hard. Like a bird with broken wings, he fell directly from the air and fell into the lake.

  Such a change caused silence by the lake.

  Everyone stared at this scene in stunned silence.

  In their eyes, the moment just now was really weird. The Furious Wind Palm used by Zhao Fengyang was about to hit Li Luo, but as a result, his physical strength suddenly collapsed, and he was easily hit by Li Luo. The slap went into the water.

  Li Hongli was lost for a moment, and then his pretty face became livid.

  This lotus fight ended faster and more decisively than anyone expected.

  It seems like it has just begun, but it has already produced results.

  (End of chapter)

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