Chapter 822 Rejection

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  Chapter 822: Rejecting
  the lakeside platform, the originally noisy atmosphere became a little quiet at this time.

  A series of stunned eyes stared at Li Luo.

  At the same time, there are also some people who admire Qin Yi who are aggrieved. This boy actually treats them as a precious opportunity and treats them so rudely. It is really arrogant!
  Beside Li Luo, Li Fengyi, Li Lanyin and others also stared at Li Luo with strange expressions. Li Luo's slap seemed to have just knocked away a butterfly, but in fact, it was no less than a slap on Qin Yi's face. face.

  Think about it, this beautiful girl of heaven, whose reputation is resounding throughout Tianyuan Shenzhou, has never tasted what she is feeling now, right?
  Thinking of this, they couldn't help but feel a sense of joy in their hearts.

  Well, as expected, jealousy is the original sin.

  In front of everyone, Li Luo remained expressionless. He didn't even look at Qin Yi because he didn't believe that the butterfly really randomly landed in front of him.

  Among them, there must be Qin Yi's methods.

  Judging from the grievances between the two parties in the previous generation, Li Luo felt that Qin Yi must know him, and even saw his portrait, at least knowing what he looked like.

  Therefore, the meaning of this butterfly falling is really intriguing.

  Is Qin Yi testing him?

  No matter what Qin Yi's purpose is, Li Luo doesn't want to do what she wants. Considering the grievances between the two parties, wanting him to fight for the Jade Heart Lotus Seeds for her is simply fanciful.

  If he were an ordinary man, he might be attracted by Qin Yi's appearance and temperament, but if he wanted to charm him Li Luo, he could only say that Qin Yi might have underestimated herself.

  The field continued to be quiet for a while, and then many young heroes from various forces spoke out angrily, accusing Li Luo of being rude.

  Even Li Qingfeng frowned slightly and said, "Leader Li Luo, if you don't want to, just say it, why are you so reckless?"

  Li Luo raised his eyelids and said with a slightly apologetic smile: "Sorry, I drank too much, so I thought some dirty things were flying in front of me."

  Qingfeng Li glanced at Li Luo, and he naturally understood that this must be an excuse. That's all, but he also knows the grudges between the two of them from the previous generation, so Li Luo's move is not too difficult to understand.

  In addition, why did Qin Yi choose Li Luo? What does she want to do?
  Thinking in his mind, Li Qingfeng turned his eyes to Qin Yi. The latter's beautiful and clear face was also a little stunned at this moment. It seems that she had not recovered from Li Luo's rude hand. After all, with her identity and In terms of appearance, the men she had seen in the past, no matter their age, always had a smile on her face, kind and warm.

  However, Qin Yi was also an unusual woman. She woke up quickly. She did not look at the greasy and fat man who had obtained the spiritual butterfly. Her light blue eyes were as clear as lakes. She just stared at Li Luo, and then revealed a hint of With a smile that made many men's hearts flutter, he said softly: "How do you call this friend?"

  Li Luo glanced at her and said with a faint smile: "Dragon Tooth Vein, the leader of Qingming Banner, Li Luo. "

  It turns out it's Li Luo, the leader of the banner."

  Qin Yi nodded, and then said apologetically: "Lingdie randomly chooses people. I was bothered before, but now I really need a friend to help me pick lotus seeds. Since Lingdie happens to be in It is fate that I am in front of you. If Li Luo, the leader of the banner, can help me, no matter the final victory or defeat, I will be grateful."

  Her beautiful eyes seemed to be looking at Li Luo sincerely, her beautiful and exquisite There was a hint of pleading on his face. This scene made many men present feel heartbroken and wished they could immediately speak out to replace Li Luo.

  However, Li Luo smiled and shook his head and said, "Sorry, I drank too much at night and am not in a good state at this time. I'm afraid I won't be able to fetch the lotus seeds on behalf of Miss Qin Yi."

  He refused again.

  There was some uproar in the field, and at the same time, some young geniuses from Tianlong Wumai couldn't help but said angrily: "Li Luo, Miss Qin Yi is an honored guest after all. Now I ask you to do me a small favor, and I will do it conveniently." That’s enough, why bother to refuse again and again?”

  "This has made people from other forces say that I, King Li Tian, ​​have no way of hospitality." "

  That's right."

  "Is it because they know that they have no chance of winning and cannot compete with Zhao Fengyang, so they choose to avoid the battle? What if? That's it, just say it outright." "."

  After hearing these words, before Li Luo could speak, Li Fengyi on the side had already raised her eyebrows, glared at everyone, and said: "He already said that he is not interested in taking action now, you guys What else are you forcing him to do? Do you think everyone is like you, and their bones are weak when they see a beautiful woman?" "

  Yes, if you want to please a beautiful woman, then go for it yourself and don't rely on belittling others to attract her. People are paying attention." Although Li Lanyin and Li Fengyi were noisy before, at this time, she was still firmly supporting her best friend.

  The others were so reviled that they were speechless for a moment.

  Qin Yi slightly raised her beautiful face. Her skin seemed to be rippling with water, giving people a delicate feeling as if water could flow out if she pinched it lightly. She sipped it lightly and was as delicate as petals. With her red lips, she said in a gentle voice: "I have always paid attention to fate in everything I do. Since Lingdie has chosen Li Luo as the leader, then I naturally believe in this fate. And if Li Luo, the leader, can't take action, then think about it. It’s just that I don’t have a chance with this jade-hearted lotus seed, so I won’t participate in this “fighting lotus”.”

  As soon as she said this, many people present expressed regret and were disappointed at the same time. After all, this was today’s banquet. The highlight of the show ended up being completely wiped out by Li Luo.

  This made many people complain about Li Luosheng.

  Li Qingfeng also frowned. He was the organizer of this banquet, so he was naturally quite dissatisfied when it turned out like this.

  Li Luo glanced at Qin Yi. The latter's white jade-like face exuded strong attraction under the moonlight, but he felt that Qin Yi seemed to be here for him.

  In fact, she came to this banquet probably because of him.

  Of course, this must not be because of his appearance, but because of the complicated grievances between the previous generations of both parties.

  It's just that Li Luo has no evidence for this, just intuition.

  "Miss Qin Yi seems to want me to take action?" Li Luo smiled and asked.

  Qin Yi smiled sweetly and said: "Just follow the choice of my spirit butterfly."

  Li Luo touched his chin and said slowly: "Actually, Miss Qin Yi is a guest and she wants me to help. I have no reason to refuse, but Mainly, I have a fiancée. Although my fiancée is better than Miss Qin Yi in appearance and temperament, I will help you for nothing. I will inevitably have to explain to her in the future." As soon as these words came out, many people laughed angrily


  This Li Luo, can't you find a reason that's a little more reliable? He even brought out his fiancée, and it’s just that he has a fiancée, and his appearance and temperament are even better than Fairy Qin?
  Didn't you, this guy, come from outside China before? In such a poor and remote place, do you still want to give birth to a fairy like Fairy Qin who combines the aura of heaven and earth?
  Everyone laughed in low voices, but Qin Yi couldn't stand it. He just smiled lightly, nodded gracefully and said: "I see, I was rash."

  At this time, Li Luo continued: "But if Qin Miss Yi really wants my help, it's not impossible."

  Everyone was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, and sneered secretly, it turned out that Li Luo was playing hard to get, and wanted to use this unique method to leave a mark in Fairy Qin's heart. Leave traces?

  Fairy Qin's beautiful eyes flashed, and she said happily, "Really?"

  Li Luo nodded, and in full view of everyone, he stretched out a finger and showed a bright smile.

  "Ten million."

  Everyone was stunned. This time, even with Qin Yi's temperament, her beautiful cheeks, like flawless jade, were frozen for a moment.

  A word came to everyone's mind.

  Damn it, you still charge me? !

  (End of chapter)

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