Chapter 628 Xu Bead

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  Chapter 628 Xu Bead
  When Zhong Taiqiu's voice fell, Jiang Qing'e inserted the heavy sword in her hand into the stone slab in front of her. Her fair and beautiful face was like a deep pool, even facing the six-star Dzi Bead in front of her. Despite the powerful enemy, she remained calm.

  Under the gaze of countless eyes, Jiang Qing'e closed her slender hands and formed mysterious and obscure seals with her ten fingers.

  As her seals changed, the energy of heaven and earth around Jiang Qing'e suddenly boiled violently. An unusually bright holy light emitted from her body. The dazzling holy light made countless people feel empty. Narrowed his eyes.

  Some people with keen senses in the field were slightly discolored and sensed that the phase force fluctuations emanating from Jiang Qing'e's body were rising at an extremely terrifying speed at this time.

  In the Four-Star Academy, there were many top students whose strength had reached the extremely evil state. But at this time, they were horrified to find that the fluctuations of phase force emanating from Jiang Qing'e's body in front of them had far surpassed them.

  What kind of extremely evil phase power can reach this level? !
  "Oh? Is Senior Jiang planning to break through at this time?" On the high platform at the One-Star Academy, Qin Zhulu said with some surprise as he felt the wildly rising strength in Jiang Qing'e's body.

  Instructor Xi Chan pondered slightly and said: "I think that the reason why she has endured these years is not just to seize the so-called Seven Star Pillar, so if she lets go of all the previous suppression at this time, it will actually be a waste of all her efforts. It's gone."

  She stared at Jiang Qing'e's slender figure. However, it can be seen from the latter's current state that the phase force in Jiang Qing'e's body has been filled to the extreme. The interior of the volcano that she tried her best to suppress is about to reach that critical point. point.

  And does she plan to break this critical point now?

  Li Luo was also looking at the beautiful figure exuding astonishing mutual strength in the field. His face was slightly solemn. Obviously, Jiang Qing'e also knew how tyrannical Zhong Taiqiu was. The difference in level between the two parties could not be ignored, even if she was pregnant with It is impossible for the Ninth Grade Light Phase to defeat Zhong Taiqiu across so many small realms with the strength of the Extreme Evil Realm. Therefore, she is also using some trump cards that have been hidden for a long time.

  Under the nervous gaze of Li Luo and everyone present, the energy between heaven and earth suddenly seemed to be inspired by something at this moment, and began to gather towards the position behind Jiang Qing'e at an extremely rapid speed.

  At the same time, the brilliant phase force in his body also flowed out and condensed behind him.

  In just a few breaths of time, everyone saw what seemed to be a particularly bright light group appearing behind Jiang Qing'e. In that light group, extremely terrifying phase forces gathered, and at this time these phase forces seemed to It's crazy compression.

  The void around the light group was shaking violently.

  That light group looked like a mysterious dzi bead!
  Countless people were shocked and speechless. Is Jiang Qing'e planning to directly break through to the Heavenly Pearl Realm here? !

  Seeing this scene, Li Luo frowned slightly. Was she really planning to let go of her suppression here and start to break through? Although a breakthrough is something worthy of surprise after all, according to instructor Xi Chan's previous analysis, Sister Qing'e's suppression and conspiracy in the past few years cannot be just a seven-star pillar.

  But wouldn't a breakthrough at this time disrupt her plan?
  However, out of his trust in Jiang Qing'e, Li Luo felt that Zhong Taiqiu would not let her do anything beyond the plan.

  So everything at the moment should be under his control.

  All eyes were focused on Jiang Qing'e.

  The Dzi Bead, which was surging with terrifying energy behind it, finally gradually stabilized. At the same time, the shock wave seemed to be formed by phase force, sweeping away like a stormy sea. The surrounding hard stone slabs were all covered with turtles at this time. signs of cracking.

  "Breakthrough?!" Countless people were shocked.

  Li Luo also stared closely at the dzi bead formed behind Jiang Qing'e. It was indeed the prototype of a dzi bead, but compared with the dzi bead behind Zhong Taiqiu, Jiang Qing'e's dzi bead seemed Be a little more unreal.

  "It's not a real breakthrough. She just took half a step and loosened some of the unsuppressed phase force in her body. And these loosened phase forces directly allowed her to condense a "Void Dzi Bead" , now she has entered the "Xu Bead" realm, which is the same as the virtual general realm. Although it is not a real breakthrough, it can be regarded as an important step towards a higher level." Instructor Xi Chan said At this time, he spoke slowly.

  "Xu Bead Realm?" Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

  "But to be honest, this is the first time even I have seen the Xu Zhu Realm with such powerful phase power." Instructor Xi Chan sighed.

  The other Zihui instructors on the side also nodded with deep sympathy. To be honest, the wave of phase force erupting from Jiang Qing'e's body at this time could not be compared to even the three-star Dzi Pearl realm.

  But unfortunately, she had just condensed a Xu Bead.

  "When a volcano that has been suppressed for a long time erupts, it will naturally possess extremely terrifying destructive power. I am actually more curious about what kind of power Jiang Qing'e will explode on the day she completely releases her suppression?" Instructor Cao Sheng said with a smile.

  Instructor Mir pondered slightly and said: "Maybe it will be like a grand firework, short and brilliant." "That fireworks was the result of her years of hard work and hard work." Instructor Xi Chan's gauze moved slightly. , with a hint of expectation in his words.

  Listening to the conversation between these Zihui instructors, there was not much emotion on Li Luo's face, but a slight feeling of distress in his heart.

  He looked at the peerless elegance and dazzling figure in the field. He didn't know how much pressure Jiang Qing'e was under when she chose this path.

  For the sake of the Luo Lan Mansion, and to protect him who was just an empty phase at that time, she, who was originally as dazzling as a phoenix, began to curb her light and accumulate strength.

  Jiang Qing'e really paid a lot for Luo Lan Mansion and him, Li Luo.

  But the good thing is that he finally got rid of the shackles of Kongxiang, came to Daxia City, and stood with her.

  "Don't worry, Sister Qing'e, I won't let you bear the pressure alone during the Mansion Festival."

  "No matter what storms there are in the future, I will be with you." Li Luo looked at Jiang Qing'e with soft eyes and said to himself.

  "Sister Qing'e, come on!" Li Luo yelled.

  As his voice resounded, countless voices suddenly echoed fiercely: "Sister Jiang, come on!" "

  Sister, defeat Zhong Taiqiu and make history!"

  "We are the strongest Sanxingyuan of Shengxuanxing Academy!"


  Today's Jiang Qing'e's reputation in the school can be said to be at the top level. In addition, this time she challenges the Seven Star Pillar as a Sanxingyuan, which makes everyone feel passionate about witnessing history, so now The outcry was overwhelming and the momentum was astonishing.

  Jiang Qing'e in the field turned her head and looked in the direction of Li Luo. A faint smile appeared on her fair and delicate cheeks, and then she stretched out her slender fingers and made a winning gesture towards Li Luo.

  Then Li Luo felt countless jealous eyes projected from all directions like sharp arrows.

  But soon, their eyes immediately shifted to the field.

  Because at this time, Jiang Qing'e took action.

  She stretched out her white jade-like palm, and the bright light beads behind her turned into countless streams of light and flowed down, gathering directly in the palm of her hand.

  After a few breaths, the illusory Dzi Bead dispersed, but a lifelike sacred light lotus appeared in Jiang Qing'e's hand.

  Above the lotus, white flames rise slowly, seemingly possessing the power to purify all things.

  The Holy Lotus rotates, and the surrounding space is distorted at this time.

  Countless eyes were staring at the sacred fire lotus, and some discerning people were already a little shocked and lost their voices: "High-level Dragon General Technique, Holy Light Yanlian!"

  The high-level dragon general technique is already the most powerful physiognomy technique under the feudal lord technique. It is not easy to practice this level of physiognomy technique. The physiognomy technique performed by Jiang Qing'e is not unfamiliar to everyone present, because in the physiognomy building of the academy, This physiognomy technique is at the top, and it is considered to be at the top of high-level dragon general techniques in terms of difficulty of practice and power.

  If you don't count the feudal art collected by the academy, then this "Holy Light Yanlian" is definitely one of the most powerful physiognomy in the academy's physiognomy building!

  Jiang Qing'e is indeed Jiang Qing'e, and she has completed it without making a sound.

  (End of chapter)

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