Chapter 627 Challenge Zhong Taiqiu

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  Chapter 627 Challenging Zhong Taiqiu

  When Jiang Qing'e stated her challenge goal, there was an uproar in the square. Countless people looked shocked and their voices rang out one after another.

  "Oh my God, did I hear you right? Jiang Qing'e actually wants to challenge Zhong Taiqiu?!" "

  Zhong Taiqiu's strength ranks third among the Seven Star Pillars! That is second only to the palace gods Jun and Gong Luan Yu's!"

  "Zhong Taiqiu is in the Six-Star Dzi Pearl Realm, with extremely strong strength and profound foundation. How could Jiang Qing'e choose such a tough opponent as a challenge target?!" "

  This is really a bit reckless!"

  ". "

  All the students were talking in shock. Obviously Jiang Qing'e's choice of target was too unexpected.

  Not only other people, but also Li Luo couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. Although he had guessed before, Jiang Qing'e would not choose the weakest person as the target of the challenge, because that was not consistent. her character.

  But at most he only guessed that she might choose Qiao Yu and Wang Chao, two people with weaker backgrounds among the veteran students. As for Zhong Taiqiu, he really didn't think much about it.

  Because this person is extremely powerful, he was once the strongest person in the previous four-star academy.

  Even during the period when Gong Shenjun and Gong Luanyu first entered the Four-Star Courtyard, Zhong Taiqiu was the strongest Seven-Star Pillar.

  No one would doubt Zhong Taiqiu's strength.

  So even Li Luo, who had full confidence in Jiang Qing'e, was a little surprised when he heard that she was going to challenge Zhong Taiqiu.

  "Is it for the so-called nourishment of Qi?" Li Luo's eyes flickered. Jiang Qing'e would not do unnecessary things. She made such a choice now, which must be her plan.

  "Captain, did Senior Jiang raise the level of difficulty to this level when she arrived?" Bai Mengmeng on the side was a little stunned.

  Lu Qing'er hesitated for a moment and then said: "Although it is shocking to challenge Senior Zhong Taiqiu directly, is it too risky? With Senior Jiang's talent, it would be safer if she breaks through to the Heavenly Pearl Realm before challenging. A lot."

  Li Luo spread his hands and said, "It's useless for you to tell me."

  The others also shook their heads helplessly after hearing this.

  "Don't underestimate Jiang Qing'e." The speaker at this time was actually instructor Xi Chan. She stared at the magnificent figure in the square and said with a smile: "In the eyes of us instructors Zihui, if we say that the school If there is any other student here that we can't figure out, I'm afraid she is the only one." "

  I have said before that Jiang Qing'e's practice is a bit weird. She should have practiced some kind of secret technique. This secret technique The spell has made her suppress her cultivation speed. She is like a volcano, suppressing the eruption of magma. But this suppression is not permanent. One day, she will completely release this suppression. , this volcano will naturally erupt with extremely terrifying power." "

  Looking at Jiang Qing'e's cultivation progress, when she was in the First or Second Star Academy, her speed was not slower than ordinary people, but compared to her own talent, it was only It can be said that she seems a bit ordinary, but when she arrived at Sanxingyuan, she crossed the three realms of Earthly Evil and reached the Realm of Extreme Evil in just one year. This cultivation speed is somewhat amazing." "In my opinion, during her time at Sanxingyuan,

  she The speed of her practice is probably because her suppression is about to reach its limit." "

  The secret technique she practices is a bit complicated. It must have been left behind by Li Taixuan and Tantai Lan. I'm actually very curious. If I wait for her When this suppression is completely released, how far will she reach? But I think, maybe this day is not too far away."

  When talking about this, Instructor Xi Chan glanced at Li Luo, Jiang Qing'e's suppression and preparation over the years must have a big agenda, and counting the time, maybe it was for the Luo Lan Mansion's ceremony.

  Jiang Qing'e has been preparing for this day for these years.

  Listening to the words of instructor Xi Chan, Yu Lang, Bai Mengmeng, Lu Qing'er, Qin Zhulu and others present were all a little moved, and then looked at the beautiful figure in the field with complicated and admiring expressions, no matter from any angle. Generally speaking, Jiang Qing'e is indeed amazingly talented. She can be regarded as the most outstanding student of Shengxuanxing Academy in a hundred years.

  Especially if she succeeds in today's challenge, she will create a school legend.

  The place was boiling with excitement, and the figures on the seven starlight stone pillars also had a look of surprise on their faces.

  This result was also beyond their expectations.

  "Qing'e." The eldest princess frowned slightly. She looked at the beautiful figure holding a heavy sword and looking heroic. She was a little worried. If Jiang Qing'e stepped into the Dzi Bead realm at this time, then she would choose Zhong Taiqiu. It's natural, but judging from the fluctuations of phase power emanating from Jiang Qing'e's body, she is still in the extremely evil state.

  But Zhong Taiqiu was in the six-star Dzi Bead realm.

  This one, before she and Gong Shenjun rose to power, had been the strongest Seven Star Pillar. Zhong Taiqiu is not easy to deal with.

  But this is Jiang Qing'e's choice, so although she is a little worried, she can only wait and see what happens.

  Gong Shenjun's eyes flashed slightly. He was wondering what Jiang Qing'e had to rely on to dare to directly challenge Zhong Taiqiu. Based on his understanding of Jiang Qing'e, she should not be that reckless person, so she was behaving like this now. There must be something to rely on.


  Si Tianming breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and then smiled bitterly. His Seven Star Pillar was saved, but it was a bit uncomfortable because Jiang Qing'e did not choose him. This shows that Jiang Qing'e now has even Don't think of him as a challenge anymore.

  "There really is no chance." Si Tianming shook his head bitterly.

  The other seven-star pillars all had incomprehensible expressions. They stared at the beautiful figure with extraordinary temperament in the field in front of them, their eyes a little complicated. If her challenge can succeed this time, then I am afraid that Shengxuanxing Academy will usher in the greatest success in its history. The most terrifying Seven Star Pillar.

  In the midst of the uproar, Zhong Taiqiu, the challenger, stood up slowly after a brief period of confusion.

  Zhong Taiqiu's appearance can only be described as ordinary, with narrowed eyes and a gentle smile on his face. However, even with such an unattractive appearance, he once won the title of the strongest seven-star pillar. It's just that a new generation has replaced the old one. With the emergence of more outstanding and amazing descendants, he has restrained his former glory and just quietly enjoyed the resources in the school, and then waited for the end of this year to leave here completely.

  "Originally, I planned to end my training in the academy with the glory of the Seven Star Pillar, but now it seems that it is not that easy." Zhong Taiqiu said with a smile.

  While speaking, he had already taken steps, and the phase force wave flashed past, and his figure appeared ten feet in front of Jiang Qing'e under the gaze of everyone.

  "Xuemei Jiang, you are undoubtedly the best student in the school in a hundred years, but I don't want to leave the school as a loser, so choosing me may not be such a smart decision." Zhong Taiqiu said softly.

  Jiang Qing'e's face was calm, and there seemed to be waves in her golden eyes.

  She didn't say anything more, just lowered her eyes slightly: "Senior Zhong, please enlighten me." Zhong

  Taiqiu gave a faint smile, and the next moment, an extremely astonishing and powerful phase force swept away from his body like a giant wave of a hundred feet. Come, his Xiangli appears light green, and at the same time carries a pungent fishy smell. Wherever the Xiangli pervades, even the air begins to be transformed into a light green color.

  That's snake venom.

  And amid the surging force of Gungun Phase, only a huge phantom of the demonic python could be seen gradually emerging behind him.

  Lower eighth grade, demon python appearance.

  Then, six bright Dzi beads appeared.

  The energy of heaven and earth is pouring in like a river of heaven, rushing in crazily.

  The astonishing phase force pressure swept across the entire field, making countless students watching the battle feel as if they were suffocating.

  Zhong Taiqiu's pupils also turned into python-like vertical pupils at this time, and his feminine face added a bit of coldness. His body slowly rose into the air, looking down at Jiang Qing'e with a feminine voice. It sounded: "Xuemei Jiang, show me your trump card. If you are only in the extreme evil realm, you may not be able to take the position of the Seven Star Pillar from me today." "One move." Jiang Qing'e stared at the monstrous figure behind Zhong Taiqiu

  . Her red lips were slightly open.

  "What?" Zhong Taiqiu narrowed his eyes slightly.

  "Senior Zhong can take my move. I consider myself a failure in this challenge." Jiang Qing'e's voice was unhurried.

  Zhong Taiqiu stared at Jiang Qing'e and said with a smile: "Is it because Xuemei Jiang only has the power of this move?"

  Then his eyes flashed and he smiled lightly: "Since Xuemei Jiang has said so, then as an old senior, I naturally There is no reason to back down, and I also want to see how amazing the most outstanding student of our Shengxuanxing Academy in a hundred years can be." As the strongest Seven Star

  Pillar in the past, Zhong Taiqiu also has his own If Jiang Qing'e were at the same level as him, then he would avoid his edge. But now Jiang Qing'e is only in the Extreme Evil Realm, while he is in the Six-Star Dzi Bead Realm!
  He wanted to see if Jiang Qing'e had the confidence to dare to decide the outcome with one move!

  "Then, Xuemei Jiang, please."

  (End of Chapter)

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