Chapter 566 Dangerous Street

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  Chapter 566 Dangerous Street
  On a crowded street.

  Li Luo and his group kept moving forward cautiously in formation. They looked at the noisy crowds around them with fear and caution in their eyes. After all, no matter how lifelike these people were, they were definitely not real. No one could I wonder if there might be some terrifying aliens hidden inside.

  The eldest princess and Lian Zong are at the front of the team, while Gong Shenjun and Zhao Beili are at the end of the team. These two positions are the most dangerous and naturally require the strongest people in the team. alert.

  Li Luo, Lu Ming, Sun Dasheng, Zhu Xuan and other physiognomist realms are located in the center of the team.

  "Are these people real or fake? I really want to catch one of them and try it." Sun Dasheng carried the stick and looked straight at the people coming and going around him.

  Hearing this, Li Luo was startled and quickly stopped him: "Don't cause trouble!"

  This was really a tough guy. Under such circumstances, he dared to take the initiative to provoke him.

  "If you want to die, just go aside and don't drag us down." Lu Ming also said angrily.

  Zhu Xuan took two steps away from Sun Dasheng with an uncomfortable look on his face. This man seemed not very clear-headed. Stay away from him to avoid being killed.

  Sun Dasheng defended: "I'm just throwing stones to ask for directions. If these people really have problems, it's better to solve them in advance."

  Everyone could only laugh at this, and then looked at him defensively, ready to stop him from doing something reckless at any time.

  While they were talking here, on the crowded street, a thin figure suddenly squeezed out and fell in front of Jiang Qing'e on the right side of the team. It was a little beggar in tattered clothes. He was sallow and thin, with pus-oozing wounds on his exposed skin. He looked extremely miserable. At this time, he was holding a bowl with a broken edge and looking at Jiang Qing'e with fear in his eyes. However, he still mustered up the courage to timidly pick up the bowl. .

  "Sister, please enjoy your meal, I'm so hungry." He said with a trembling voice.

  The marching team stopped, and everyone looked at them with caution.

  Jiang Qing'e's golden eyes stared at the pitiful little beggar in front of her, and whispered: "Are you hungry?"

  She stretched out her slender jade hands, not caring that the little beggar's dirty hair fell on his head. superior.

  The little beggar opened his eyes wide, with a light of expectation in his eyes.

  However, at the next moment, a bright light bloomed, and Jiang Qing'e clenched her five fingers into a fist. The power of the light turned into a burning flame of light, and directly punched the little beggar's face like a meteor.

  The little beggar was blown away by a punch, knocking over all the vendors along the street, and finally smashed into a house. The house collapsed and buried him.

  The sudden change immediately caused the crowd on the street to become confused and began to flee in all directions.

  The people in the team were silent for a moment, looking at Jiang Qing'e with a bit of astonishment in their eyes. It was obvious that her decisive thunderous move was quite unexpected.

  Seeing the gentle way she touched the little beggar just now, they were still worried about whether to verbally remind her not to show off her kindness at this time. I bet they were overthinking it.

  "Li Luo, your fiancée is so brave. You are decisive in killing. You are a ruthless person." Sun Dasheng sighed to Li Luo.

  Li Luo ignored him, but looked at the collapsed house in front of the street. The next moment, his eyes suddenly froze, and he saw that the house there exploded instantly, and a piercing scream broke out, and evil thoughts billowed. The energy rose and the ruins were instantly melted.

  Everyone looked at the ruins and saw that the twisted little beggar began to swell in the heavy aura of evil thoughts. In an instant, it turned into a human spider-like alien. The upper body of the spider was covered in flesh and blood. It's that twisted little beggar.

  The corners of the little beggar's mouth were split, reaching to the base of the ears. The mouth was full of black fangs, dripping with fishy saliva.

  It stared at Jiang Qing'e with vicious and ferocious eyes.

  However, Jiang Qing'e was happy and not afraid, and just said lightly: "Are you still hungry now?"

  The little beggar's immature face was full of resentment, and the twisted spider's body beneath him was bloody and bloody. It suddenly opened its ferocious mouth and let out a twisted scream.

  The street suddenly shook violently, and the surrounding houses suddenly collapsed. Powerful auras of evil thoughts rose into the sky, and powerful aliens began to emerge from it, including some small natural disaster-level aliens.

  With such a formation, the energy of evil thoughts suddenly surged, covering the sky and the sun.

  "As expected, all the aliens within hundreds of miles of Red Rock City have been led here." Upon seeing this, the eldest princess' pretty face condensed slightly, her delicate hands tightly grasped the sapphire scepter, and then a powerful phase force exploded on her delicate body. , seven bright Dzi beads emerged from behind, absorbing the energy of heaven and earth.

  "Classmate Lian Zong, I'll leave this to you, how about it?" Princess Fengmu looked at Lian Zong and quickly assigned several teammates to him.

  "No problem, just go ahead and place the purification beads."

  Lian Zong grinned, then he took a step forward, clenched his palm, and a giant hammer appeared in his hand, and his already burly body was even more... It swelled up, and behind it, in the majestic surging phase force, there seemed to be a faint light and shadow like a giant bull emerging.

  The sole of his foot fell, and the ground suddenly cracked. The terrifying force made Li Luo's eyelids twitch.

  Then Lian Zong led three teammates and directly faced the aliens who appeared around him. While Lian Zong and the others were blocking the aliens, the eldest princess's voice rang out: "Quickly, go to the first deployment point. Lian Zong and the others will follow after they deal with it." After that, she took the lead and walked along the street

  . Rush straight out.

  Then everyone followed.

  The little beggar kept his alien and malicious eyes fixed on Jiang Qing'e. When he saw that she was about to escape, a scream suddenly broke through the air.

  But before it could get close, a giant hammer smashed into the void and fell hard. The hammer hit its head. Suddenly, its head cracked open and black liquid flowed out. At the same time, it was blown away. It went hundreds of meters and smashed into buildings one after another.

  "It's rubbish, I'll play with you."

  Lian Zong stretched out his hand to catch the giant hammer that flew back, shook the black slurry on it, and said with a sinister smile.

  The little beggar roared, and the next moment, he opened his mouth and spit out a rolling black torrent, with countless shrill screams in it, like a black river, sweeping towards Lian Mane.

  The giant hammer hit, the void trembled, and the terrifying force overturned the entire street.

  The war breaks out.

  At the same time, Li Luo and others followed the eldest princess and the others closely, quickly advancing towards the location of the purification beads.

  They could feel that violent energy fluctuations were also coming from other areas of the city. Obviously, another group of teams should also have been attacked by aliens.

  Obviously, in order to welcome them, the natural disaster aliens in Chishi City have already made full preparations.

  But at this time, they couldn't care about the other side, because as they continued to move forward, more and more aliens began to appear along the way. The number and strength of these aliens were considerable, so within their team The masters can only be dragged down continuously.

  In just ten minutes, only the eldest princess, Jiang Qing'e and Li Luo were the only four little fortune tellers left in the team.

  "Just turn another street and you should be right there." The eldest princess estimated the direction and then said solemnly to the others.

  Her steps suddenly slowed down at this moment.

  Some sharp eyes looked at the end of the street, and they saw a figure sitting cross-legged on the bluestone there. It was a strong man. There was no expression on his face, and there was no trace of human beings in his eyes. Emotions.

  He raised his head and looked at the eldest princess.

  Then, a blood line extended down from the center of his eyebrows. Then, the flesh and blood at the blood line actually grew countless sharp and fine teeth, eating each other's other half of the flesh. It looked extremely weird and terrifying.

  After eating the flesh for a while, the two halves of the body split apart. At the break, a pale palm emerged from the flesh.

  They turned into two different species!
  Behind them, there was a surge of evil thoughts.

  The eldest princess felt these two alien beings born from one body, and her eyebrows furrowed, obviously aware of the difficulty of the other party.

  This alien is very tyrannical.

  "Qing'e, I may need your help here." She turned her head and said to Jiang Qing'e.

  Jiang Qing'e hesitated for a moment, nodded, then looked at Li Luo, Lu Ming and the others, and said: "The streets in front can be decorated with purification beads. We have blocked all the powerful aliens along the way. You should be able to go there." , But you still have to be careful."

  Li Luo looked solemn, it was too dangerous to come here, and there were endless small natural disaster-level aliens. It was really miserable for them to be in the realm of physiognomists here.

  But in this case, no matter how difficult it is, we can only bite the bullet and rush forward.

  So he didn't say much, just nodded, and then waved to Lu Ming, Sun Dasheng and the others.

  "Let's go!"

  With a soft shout, he took the lead and rushed out.

  The eldest princess and Jiang Qing'e took action one step ahead of them, and the torrent of phase force shot out of the air, carrying awe-inspiring murderous intent, and directly blasted towards the strange alien creature that was split into two.

  The energy storm raged on the street, crushing the buildings on both sides.

  The four of them, Li Luo, took advantage of this and rushed out, and then without daring to look back, they rushed towards the street where the purification beads could be placed.

  (End of chapter)

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