Chapter 565 Fantasy

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  Chapter 565: Fantasy Land
  The eight teams walked together and cautiously arrived at the gate of Red Rock City.

  At this time, the city gate was wide open, and the dark red gate gave people a depressing feeling. Behind the city gate was a dark corridor, where the light was dim and it was impossible to penetrate the eyes.

  Everyone stopped here and stared cautiously at the darkness inside the city gate.

  They understand that once they step into it, there may be no room for retreat.

  However, although they have a deep fear of this city, the people present are considered to be the top leaders in various schools. There is no doubt about their character, so the matter of escaping from the battle will definitely not happen to them.

  Everyone's eyes met for a moment, and the next moment, they no longer hesitated and walked directly into the city gate with the eldest princess, Lan Lan, Gong Shenjun and other masters of the Heavenly Pearl Realm as the front line.

  Entering the dark area of ​​the city gate, everyone felt a chill coming over them, which made people feel depressed.

  In the dim light, no one spoke, and there were only faint footsteps in the city gate corridor.

  Fortunately, the dim light did not last long. The darkness in front of them was suddenly torn apart, and everyone walked out.

  And the moment they walked out of the city gate, everyone's expressions suddenly froze, and their eyes looked forward with some horror, because at this time, in front of their eyes, there was an endless stream of boiling scenes.

  Only countless figures were seen walking noisily on the street. On both sides of the street were countless hawkers and shops.

  The lively scene is just like the prosperity of this red stone city.

  But such a popular scene, when it fell in the eyes of Li Luo and others, made them feel cold all over.

  The red stone city in front of me seemed to have never experienced the ravages of a strange disaster.

  But is this possible?
  When other places in Hongsha County were affected by strange disasters, how could the city of Hongsha County not be affected at all?

  The eldest princess's pretty face was cold and solemn. After a long while, she slowly said: "Is illusion?"

  Among the crowd, Lu Ming's face was also full of solemnity and fear. She herself was a magician, so she understood very well. If this is an illusion, what kind of power is needed to create such a huge and lifelike illusion?
  Moreover, these pedestrians were very vivid in their laughter, sorrow, and anger, and some of them were still arguing with the vendors about the price of their goods.

  All of this is so real.

  But the reason in their hearts made everyone understand that this could not be a real scene.

  "It seems that the alien in Red Rock City is more troublesome than we thought." Lan Lan said with a solemn expression.


  Lu Ming suddenly said in surprise at this moment, attracting everyone's attention immediately.

  "What's wrong?" Zhao Beili asked with concern.

  "Did you find something?" Li Luo also asked aloud, but he didn't show any useless concern. Among them, only Lu Ming was proficient in illusion. If he suddenly spoke out at this time, there must be some other people. discovery.

  Lu Ming nodded, her beautiful eyes a little nervous. She pointed to a corner of the clothes. Everyone looked at it. At first glance, they didn't feel anything was wrong. But as they looked more closely, they found that a section of clothes there, It seems to have become a bit unreal.

  It seemed as if he had disappeared inexplicably.

  "This illusion should have a terrible assimilation ability. The longer we stay here, we will gradually be assimilated into a part of the illusion. Although I don't know what will happen then, but it is definitely not a good thing. ." Lu Ming's voice was full of fear.

  Everyone's expressions changed, and then they looked at themselves. There was nothing strange about masters like the eldest princess, Gong Shenjun, Lan Lan and others in the Dzi Pearl Realm, but Li Luo, Jing Taixu, Zhu Xuan and others were still in the stage of fortune telling. For people in this realm, the clothes on their bodies have a slight sense of blur.

  "It seems that the weaker the person, the faster they are assimilated into the illusion." The eldest princess said with a frown.

  This is not good news. After all, except for the team from Beihai Saint Academy, there is no fortune teller level in their team, and all their other teams have one.

  If there is a problem or loss in the realm of physiognomists like Li Luo here, it will be an unacceptable loss for them, whether in terms of points or other perspectives.

  "It seems that the problem now is to break this illusion in the shortest possible time." Gong Shenjun said thoughtfully.

  "Although this illusion is special, there is actually a way to break it. The simplest way is to successfully arrange the "Purification Node" in Red Rock City. This is the main node of Hongsha County. Once successful, it will be connected The purification devices we have deployed before will cover the entire Hongsha County." Lan Lan also spoke at this time. "Once the purification formation is formed, it should be easy to break this illusion."

  Everyone else nodded, this is what they also thought.

  "But it may not be easy to successfully deploy the purification nodes under the eyes of that natural disaster-level alien." The eldest princess said.

  "Actually, if the big natural disaster-level aliens really want to be killed directly, it will be easier. If we join forces, even a big natural disaster may not be impossible to contend with. We must solve it. This illusion will also be self-defeating." Lan Lan is worthy of his words. He is the person who won the title of the strongest student in the college-level competition. He is not overly afraid of the natural disaster-level aliens in his words. Perhaps he also understands that the so-called fear has no effect here. After all, the great natural disaster-level aliens Nor will he spare their lives just because of their fear.

  In the end, you still have to fight with your life.

  "Brother Lan is right. Anyway, our top priority is to complete the purification node." Gong Shenjun smiled slightly and agreed with this.

  The eldest princess nodded and muttered: "Completing the purification node is indeed the most important thing, but this illusion is quite strange and contains murderous intent, so we can't be too spread out. I suggest dividing the troops into two groups, four teams into one group, and then Quickly place the purification beads."

  Li Luo also nodded when he heard this. This was a word of caution. The four teams came together. This lineup is definitely good. With four masters of the Heavenly Pearl Realm leading the team, they must be able to deal with any changes they encounter.

  "Your Majesty is right. At this time, we cannot complete the mission alone. The losses of each team are unbearable for us." Qin Yue immediately spoke in support.

  Others also agreed. After all, no matter how crazy they are, they will not despise this illusion and the great natural disaster-level aliens that may be hidden at this time.

  "As for how to group them, let's allocate them by drawing lots. This may be more fair." The

  eldest princess took out eight jade needles from the space ball and said: "Eight jade needles, four long and four short." The

  other seven captains responded to this. There was no objection, so they all walked up, randomly picked out one, and then showed it.

  Li Luo glanced around and saw that what was left in the eldest princess's hand was a long stick, and the other three long sticks appeared in the hands of the three captains Gong Shenjun, Zhao Beili, and Lian Zong.

  So he smiled, looked at Lu Ming and Sun Dasheng on the side, and said: "We are grouped together again, let's see how we can show off our skills again!"

  Lu Ming curled his lips slightly and said: "How can we be in a place like this? If you are qualified to show off your skills in the Master Realm, it is good if you can save your life and not hinder others."

  Sun Dasheng was immediately dissatisfied when he heard this and said: "What happened to the Master Realm? You, a weak woman, don't talk nonsense here. It's dangerous. You stay behind. I have to show you how the fortune teller realm behaves."

  "Weak woman?"

  Lu Ming became angry and stared at Sun Dasheng with evil eyes: "Does this stupid monkey deserve a beating? Sun

  Dasheng said carelessly: "I don't fight with women. If it were Li Luo, it would be the same." "

  You can't even beat Jing Taixu, but you still want to fight Li Luo?" Lu Ming said sarcastically.

  "You have to fight to know that." Sun Dasheng said not to be outdone.

  The two were tit-for-tat here, while the other captains completed their assignments, and then once again told the two groups to watch and help each other, they began to act quickly.

  "Let's go."

  Li Luo looked at the two separated groups, waved his hand to interrupt the quarrel between Lu Ming and Sun Dasheng, and then walked into the center of the formation, which was the safest place and suitable for physicists like them.

  Lu Ming and Sun Dasheng also stopped and then followed Li Luo.

  After the eldest princess arranged the formation of the group, she glanced around, and her pretty face looked extremely dignified at this moment.

  But she didn't say any more nonsense, and just nodded with the other three captains.


  With a soft drink, the two groups divided into eight teams separated without hesitation, and then quickly merged into the bustling and bustling crowd.

  (End of chapter)

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