Chapter 557 Red Armored General

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  Chapter 557: Chijia General

  This is a dark and cold place. In the darkness, there is an altar-like building standing, and at the top of the altar, a figure sits quietly cross-legged.

  That figure was wearing red armor. The red armor was scarlet in color, as if it was stained by blood. It exuded a heart-stopping evil aura. Just sitting there, he felt an astonishing pressure. The void that permeated the place where he was was constantly distorting.

  Under the red armor, a pair of cold and gloomy eyes suddenly opened.

  There was a flash of rage in his eyes.


  A deep voice containing strong murderous intent spread in the darkness, causing the energy of the world to vibrate and boil.

  "I have been planning for several years, hateful! Damn the school alliance!" Angry words came from the red armor general's visor, because at the previous moment, he sensed that the arrangement in the thunder tree suddenly disappeared. Obviously, this was because Caused by the Thunder Tree regaining its intelligence.

  And he had tried his best and used many methods before, and finally used the poison array to weaken and suppress the Thunder Tree's intelligence, and then used the infection of evil thoughts to make the Thunder Tree lose control.

  Everything was fine originally, but it turned out to be completely destroyed at this time.

  At this moment, even the red-armored general felt a wave of anger surge in his heart. He wished he could leave the seclusion at this moment and kill all the brats from various universities.

  But in the end, he endured it.

  Because now is not the time, and those little cubs will eventually come here.

  "This school alliance is really insidious. They actually set up Red Sand County as a trial venue for the Holy Grail War. Do they want to use the power of these students to wipe out Red Sand County?" Chi Jiajiang's eyes flashed with a cold expression. The colors keep coming.

  "However, they can only send these students. It can also be seen that the major universities are unable to support the Black Wind Empire. The situation here cannot be solved by a few ordinary feudal warriors, unless they are king-level warriors."

  "Hmph, but how can a king-level powerhouse move so easily? In this Eastern China, even in the major holy schools, there are only a handful of such powerhouses. They themselves are burdened with heavy responsibilities, so how can they care? Other places?"

  "Okay, since you want to send the top geniuses from these universities to die, I will help you this time and let you know what heartache is." A voice filled with murderous intent sounded, and finally he was

  naked General A stood up, his figure moved, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of a door, and then he pushed the door open and walked out.

  As light shines in, Chi Jia will step out. He seems to be on top of a high tower. Outside the high tower, there are countless buildings and houses stretching to the end of the sight. The scale of the city is far greater than that of Zhenjiang. city.

  In Hongsha County, there is only one city of this size, and that is the city of Hongsha County, Akaishi City.

  But what is surprising is that unlike Zhenjiang City, which was completely destroyed, this Red Rock City has been kept extremely intact. Looking out, you can see the red city walls guarding the city like giants.

  Of course, the fact that the city remains intact is only surprising. What is even more shocking is that in the sight of the red armored general, the red stone city is actually bustling with people. Countless figures can be seen flowing in the city, so prosperous The scene is just like before.

  The red-armored general looked at this scene with cold eyes and said to himself lightly: "What a terrible illusion, it can be so lifelike. If you fall into it, even the strength of the earthly evil general will gradually lose yourself." As the

  same For him who is extremely familiar with this place, although the scene in front of him is extremely real, he understands that this is just an illusion. The countless figures in front of him are just illusions. The so-called prosperity has a kind of difficulty. The words are weird. And the illusion in front of him was obviously the work of that person.

  Chi Jia cast his cold eyes towards the center of the city. In his sight, the void there was filled with blood red color. Blood red distorted the space and blocked detection, but he was able to penetrate the blood light and see inside. .

  Deep in the strong blood light, there was an enchanting figure lying quietly, as if a fox was sleeping. Her face was unusually charming. Even though she had not opened her eyes at this time, she still exuded enchantment. Extremely elegant and elegant, just looking at such a person makes people feel hot and hot, and at the same time, countless desires are swarming in the body like snakes.

  But the red-armored general was unmoved. His eyes were fixed on the back of the enchanting woman, where there was an unusually thick blood-red tail swinging slowly in the void like a poisonous dragon.

  If you look carefully, you will find that the blood-red tail seems to be constantly flowing with blood. Sometimes the red hair on the tail is soft and moves with the wind, and sometimes it is like a steel needle, even the void is cut apart when sliding. Faint traces.

  Faintly, countless shrill screams seemed to come from the blood-red tail.

  The red-armored general stared at the blood-red tail for a long time, because he knew very well that every red hair on the tail was transformed by a human life in Red Rock City. When this thing came, it took a lot of time. It took quite a while to refine all the millions of people in the city.

  It can be said to be extremely cruel.

  However, facing the blood-red tail that was enough to make people evil, a look of obsession appeared in the red-armored general's eyes, and then a low laugh came out from under his mask, which was slightly weird.

  Because in a sense, this is also his work.

  "Yes, after waiting for these years, I am finally developing." "

  But the alien is really a ferocious beast in the world. In the past two years, it has also begun to covet me, hehe." "

  This time the school alliance intervened in the red sand. County, it is an opportunity."

  A gloomy look flashed in the eyes of the red armor general. The ultimate goal of the top students of those schools must be Red Rock City, and when they come here, they will definitely clear it, and then the two sides will fight to the death. And he can reap the benefits.

  "The fruits of sowing have finally come to be harvested."

  "It's just a pity that the Thunder Tree was originally prepared for my future plans. But don't worry, as long as the intervention of the school alliance is thwarted, there will be enough time and means to deal with it in the future." The red armor general smiled hoarsely

  . He got up, and then glanced at the blood-red void in the distance again, his hands formed a strange seal, and a ring was revealed on his finger. The ring was dark red, and an eye was engraved on the ring surface. , the whites of the eyes are black, but the pupils are white. The strong contrast brings a strange feeling.

  "Light and darkness come from the same source, good and evil are unified." Chijia Jiang whispered to himself.

  Then, he chuckled again, with some weird obsession and expectation in his laughter.

  "On the occasion of reunion, the true self descends."

  (End of this chapter)

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