Chapter 556 Separation

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  Chapter 556:
  On a high slope outside the Thunder Mountains.

  The three teams were looking back, and as they left Thunder Mountain, they could see countless violent thunder pouring down from the thunder clouds at the top of the towering mountain, as if forming an extremely terrifying thunder curtain. It covers Thunder Mountain and the Thunder trees on the top of the mountain.

  "It seems that Thunder Mountain will become a forbidden area in the future." Qin Yue sighed as he looked at this scene.

  The thunder curtain draws on the power of thunder clouds, and this power will become more and more violent as time goes by. At this level of power, I am afraid that only the powerful feudal princes can tear through the thunder curtain and walk into it.

  Obviously, this was done intentionally by the Thunder Tree, so that no one would easily step into it and interfere with its existence.

  Therefore, until the Thunder Tree has completely resolved all the pollution of evil thoughts, this Thunder Mountain will probably no longer welcome outsiders to enter.

  Li Luo withdrew his gaze and sighed. The thunder tree, a strange tree in the world, possesses some simple wisdom, and its vitality is extremely long. Perhaps thousands of years later, it will still stand here, watching quietly. Following the vicissitudes of the human world.

  I don’t know what the scene will be like when he comes here again one day in the future.

  I hope that the Black Wind Empire at that time has begun to regain its former prosperity.

  "Everyone, let's say goodbye here. It's a pleasure to cooperate this time." The eldest princess looked at Qin Yue, Zhao Beili and others with a smile.

  Now that the task is completed, there is no need for the three teams to continue. After all, they all still have the task of competing for points. If they work together, problems will arise due to the distribution of points.

  Moreover, the eldest princess’s goal is to be first in the mixed-level competition, so she cannot choose to share points equally with other teams, which will slow down their speed.

  Qin Yue and Zhao Beili understood the eldest princess's words.

  "It's a pleasure to cooperate, but I think if we can meet again when we get to Red Rock City later, there may be opportunities for cooperation." Zhao Beili from Tianhuo Saint Academy said with a smile, cupping his fists.

  Akaishi City is the county seat of Hongsha County and the end point of this mixed-level competition. All of them know that there is a huge crisis and powerful enemies with terrifying strength. Facing this kind of hellish difficulty, I am afraid no one can A team can take it alone, so there is a high probability that some cooperation will be needed.

  As for the information about the mysterious red-armored general, Li Luo and Lu Ming had not reserved it before and published it, so they understood that the danger level of Red Rock City had risen to another level.

  Qin Yue was a little bit reluctant to give up. He looked at the eldest princess with some undisguised emotions. This was obviously revealed by him on purpose, but it was normal. Qin Yue's own conditions were not bad. Now he was facing It is only natural that someone as outstanding as the eldest princess of the opposite sex would be attracted to her.

  However, he also understood that now was not the time for the love between children, so he could only smile and said: "Then I hope to cooperate with the palace again in Red Rock City." Facing his nostalgic gaze, the eldest

  princess's elegant and charming face Above, he kept a light smile and nodded gently.

  Li Luo also took this opportunity to wave his hand to Lu Ming as a farewell, and when the latter saw this, he smiled at him. The teeth between his red lips were very white, and his cold temperament was slightly thawed.

  "Let's go first."

  When Zhao Beili saw this, his brows suddenly twitched, and he glanced at Li Luo warily. This kid is really a threat, and he can actually make them so cold and cold from the Heavenly Fire Saint Academy. Zhihua smiled at him, and how long had it been? If they could really get along for a long time, Zhao Beili felt that there might be nothing wrong with him.

  So he immediately hugged the princess and said goodbye, then turned around and left quickly with Lu Ming and the others.

  Seeing this, Qin Yue could only take his people and leave. "Your Highness's charm is really extraordinary. If you stay any longer, Qin Yue may be unable to help but lead the people from Beihai Saint Academy to follow us." Li Luo looked at the direction Qin Yue was leaving and joked with a smile.

  When the eldest princess heard this, she said with a smile: "Young Master Li Luo is also very charming. Lu Ming from Fire Saint Academy was very kind to you that day. Didn't your feelings heat up quickly during the adventure in Thunder Mountain?" Li

  Luo She was startled and quickly defended: "Your Highness, please don't harm me. Lu Ming and I are innocent." The

  eldest princess chuckled and said: "The girl named Lu Ming is extremely talented, and she is also bipolar. Her future is unlimited. , you can really abduct her to Luo Lan's house, I wonder if Qing'e will not be angry, but will also praise you for your ability."

  Li Luo looked at Jiang Qing'e, the latter did not intervene in the fight between the two, but looked a little like a smile.

  Li Luo had a headache and quickly begged for mercy: "Your Highness, I was wrong. I shouldn't have teased you." The

  eldest princess showed a charming smile, reached out and patted Li Luo on the shoulder, and said softly: "You can correct your mistakes after you know them. It's still a good thing." Child."

  There was a slight look of pride in the long and charming eyes. You little thing, you dare to provoke His Highness. When I was cheating with those old foxes in the court, you were still deceiving those ignorant people in the school. Where's the little girl?

  "Our current points are still in the first place."

  Jiang Qing'e ignored the two of them and took out the spiritual mirror.

  This trip to Thunder Mountain brought them 50,000 points, so now their total points have reached 310,000, which allows them to still maintain the first position, but this lead is extremely small. , because the second-placed Lan Lan team has also reached 300,000 points.

  The gap between them is only 10,000 points.

  "This guy is really chasing after me." The eldest princess also came over to take a look.

  Li Luo took out the spiritual mirror and reflected the light and shadow of the map. At this time, many light spots representing cities were already lit up on the map. These were signs that they had been purified. Obviously, during this period of time, The other teams were not idle either, but were advancing at full speed.

  "If we choose this route to move forward, before arriving at Akaishi City, we should be able to collect three third-level cities, five second-level cities, and some less important first-level cities. This is the most profitable route, but of course it is difficult. It will definitely increase accordingly." Li Luo pointed at a route on the map, and then moved forward, and the two women followed his finger, and they both nodded in agreement.

  "Well, the route Li Luo chose can be regarded as maximizing points." The eldest princess said.

  "Then let's advance at full speed according to this route." Jiang Qing'e was even more resolute. They didn't care about the difficulty. With their strength, as long as they didn't encounter a natural disaster-level alien, they could basically push it.

  As the captain, the eldest princess waved her hand, her long hair fluttering, and gave the order with high spirits.

  "Let's go!"

  "For our first place."

  (End of this chapter)

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