Chapter 548 Detoxification

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  Chapter 548 Detoxification
  "You said it would send you a message alone, is it asking you to help it detoxify?"

  When Lu Ming heard Li Luo say this guess, a look of surprise appeared on his cheeks, and then she Looking at the black tree thorns stuck on the huge silver tree heart in front of her, the poisonous gas emitted from it was obviously extremely terrifying. Even though she was some distance away, she still felt an extremely strong crisis.

  "Li Luo, I'm not belittling you, but are you sure you can come into contact with this level of poison?" She couldn't help but ask.

  The power of this thunder tree is quite impressive, but even so, it is weakened and suppressed by the poison of this special tree thorn. This shows that its toxicity is very strong. If Li Luo, a small fortune teller, wants to purify With this kind of poisonous gas, you are undoubtedly putting yourself in danger. If you are not careful, you will be doomed.

  Li Luo took a step forward, looked left and right at the poisonous stings on the heart of the silver tree, and said in deep thought: "This kind of poisonous gas is indeed terrible. If I want to resolve it with my ability, it is simply a dream." "Besides, these poisonous

  stings It seems to be forming a specific poison formation. In this way, the poisonous gas can be completely sealed, suppressed in the heart of the tree, and cannibalize and corrode it. This is a very subtle technique." "But I

  think , the Thunder Tree probably doesn't really expect me to help it completely resolve the poisonous gas." "

  Its purpose may be that it hopes that I can loosen its tight poisonous formation."

  As Li Luo said to himself As he said these words, the vibration of the silver tree heart in front of him actually intensified, and a strange buzzing sound echoed here, as if in response to Li Luo's words.

  Lu Mingming's eyes were full of surprise.

  Li Luo rubbed his chin, thoughtfully. His detoxification skills were actually relatively average, but he had a very special feature, that is, he had three kinds of phase powers with the power of detoxification.

  Water phase, light phase, wood phase.

  These three phase forces all have the ability to detoxify, and when these three detoxification powers are integrated together, they can indeed affect many rare poisons. He has personally tried this many times.

  Because in a sense, this is a simple version of the "three-phase power" that is targeted at detoxification.

  Although it is impossible for Li Luo to directly resolve those rare poisons due to his own ability limitations, it can still be done if he just alleviates their toxicity or weakens it a little.

  The thundering tree had come to him specifically to convey information before, and perhaps it sensed this during the contact. After all, the perception of these strange trees in the world is sometimes much sharper than that of humans.


  Li Luo looked at the black poisonous thorns on the heart of the silver tree, scratched his head, and said: "Brother Shu, this poisonous array seems to be very sophisticated. I have no clue at all. You really want my help. To be honest, I I don’t know where to start.”

  The poisonous array composed of these black poisonous stings in front of him was something he had never seen before. He had never known that poisonous gas could be used in this way, but today it was an eye-opener.

  He has a feeling that the poisonous formation in front of him cannot be destroyed at will. If he cannot find the pattern, once he intervenes, it will cause the poisonous formation to explode, and even he will not be able to escape.

  And as if he heard Li Luo's words, lightning suddenly jumped up above the heart of the silver tree. Then, Li Luo saw that wisps of lightning began to converge towards a location, where a piece of lightning was inserted deeply. A dark stinger.

  The lightning danced on the poisonous stinger, and from time to time it melted with the dark poisonous gas.

  "Brother Shu, is this poisonous stinger the key? As long as the poisonous gas on it is weakened, you can take some initiative?" Li Luo perked up and asked.

  The silver tree heart roared.

  Seeing its response, Li Luo pondered slightly, turned to look at Lu Ming, and said, "I'll go up and give it a try. Please help me pay attention to the surrounding situation, and remember to stay awake at all times." Call Lu Ming to come here with him , the main function is to prevent himself from accidents, and at that time Lu Ming was able to crush the spirit mirror in time to save the lives of the two of them.

  "Well, be careful."

  At this time, Lu Ming naturally would not stop Li Luo, but nodded seriously.

  So Li Luo took a deep breath, walked forward, and came to the poisonous thorn covered by lightning. He put his hands together and directly activated the three phase forces in his body that had the power to detoxify. With his strength, although he condensed The resulting phase force is quite weak compared to the Thunder Tree, but the detoxification power emitted by the three phase forces does have its own unique effect.

  A few minutes later, a drop of crystal liquid dripped from Li Luo's fingertips and landed on the stinger.

  Then there was a violent reaction on the poisonous stinger, and the dark and sticky poisonous gas was seen rolling. In the poisonous gas, a strange human face seemed to appear, and the face was screaming sadly, and it was facing Li Luo He cast a malicious look, but the clarity of the human face was obviously slightly weakened by this drop of detoxification liquid.

  Obviously, Li Luo's detoxification liquid still had its effect.

  "It's really useful?" Lu Ming was a little shocked.

  Although she had not come into contact with the terrifying stings of these poisonous stings, she could clearly feel it. Even the strong men of Tiangang general level would not dare to be contaminated by this level of poison, but Li Luo, a little familiar The master realm can actually weaken it?
  Although this kind of weakening is not worth mentioning from an overall point of view, it is only because Li Luo's own physical strength is too weak. If Li Luo is at the general level at this time, wouldn't this kind of drama be able to be directly eliminated? Can poison be easily resolved?

  "Can the detoxification effect of the fusion of water phase and wood phase be so strong?" Lu Ming was quite puzzled by this. She is also a bipolar owner, so she needs to know more about the power of dual phase. She was very clear about it, but it was precisely because she was quite clear about it that she was surprised by the powerful detoxification effect of Li Luo.

  However, she may never have imagined that among Li Luo's strong power of the water phase and the wood phase, there was also a relatively weak power of the light phase.

  Although this light phase force is not strong, it has caused a qualitative change in the detoxification effect.

  However, Lu Ming was secretly relieved that Li Luo's detoxification ability was so strong. It would be good if it was effective. As long as Li Luo slowly weakened the poisonous gas on the stinger, this tight poisonous If the formation breaks through a gap, then Thunder Tree will be able to take some initiative, and then the whole situation will be tilted to their side.

  "It went smoothly."

  The moment this thought flashed through Lu Ming's mind, suddenly, there was a violent vibration in the area of ​​the tree where the heart of the tree was.

  At the silver tree wall in front, an astonishing force erupted like a torrent, directly tearing the tree wall apart.

  "You little mice from the School Alliance are really haunted."

  A cold and hoarse voice came from outside the damaged tree wall, and then Li Luo and Lu Ming saw a strong black-armored figure with a drastic change in their expressions. As he slowly walked in from outside the tree wall, a violent and astonishing phase force surged around him. The pressure of the phase force was like a storm, directly covering the two of them.

  "Earth Fiend General?!"

  Lu Ming felt the pressure of the powerful phase force, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

  Deep in the Thunder Mountain, there is actually a master of the Earthly Evil General level hidden? !
  And the moment the man in black armor appeared, he didn't give Li and Luo much time to react. He raised his palm, and the heavy gun in his hand shot out like thunder, carrying with it astonishing power. In an instant, In a moment, he appeared in front of Li Luo.

  The heavy gun roared and penetrated Li Luo's body directly and fiercely.

  (End of chapter)

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