Chapter 547 Silver Tree Heart

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  Chapter 547 Silver Tree Heart
  finally nodded when he saw Lu Ming, and Li Luo couldn't help laughing. He didn't mean to drag Lu Ming to take risks with him, but because in this unknown situation, the two of them couldn't help but laugh. Individuals will indeed be safer. If something unexpected happens, as long as two people are not attacked together, then both of them have the ability to crush the spiritual mirror, and they can be taken out of danger directly.

  The protection of the spiritual mirror has a related effect.

  But before making such a plan, we still have to communicate with Jiang Qing'e and the others.

  Li Luo didn't do any ink and made a gesture to Jiang Qing'e. Seeing this, the latter quickly approached while the other two teams of Sanxing Academy students were sweeping away the thunder vines.

  Li Luo informed him of his findings and subsequent plans quickly and in detail.

  "I see."

  "Do you want to go to the depths of Thunder Mountain to solve the problem at its root?"

  "It's a bit risky."

  Jiang Qing'e's beautiful face also changed slightly after listening to what Li Luo said. , there should be many alien species deep in the Thunder Mountain. Can Li Luo and the others really be able to deal with them after they have gone to the physiognomist realm?

  "It's not that we have to rely on us to deal with those aliens. This is impossible. The Thunder Tree has conveyed a lot of information to me. Judging from this information, if I can help the Thunder Tree, it should It has the ability to purify itself." Li Luo knew Jiang Qing'e's worries and said immediately.

  After Jiang Qing'e thought briefly for a while, she nodded decisively: "If you want to try, then go ahead and try. The current situation is indeed a deadlock, and the Thunder Tree can draw energy from thunder clouds and drag it down. If so, even the eldest princess and the three of them may be at a disadvantage."

  Although he was a little worried about Li Luo's safety, the existence of the spiritual mirror was still a layer of protection after all.

  She thought for a while and took off a silver rope from her slender neck. There was a drop-shaped milky white crystal on the rope. She handed the object to Li Luo and said, "This is based on my own light power." The condensed light stone, if you are contaminated or control your mind, this object can protect your clarity for several breaths, and this time is enough for you to crush the spiritual mirror." Li Luo took the silver rope and held the drop-shaped one with his

  fingers The milky white crystal stone still has a faint warmth left on it, which comes from Jiang Qing'e's body temperature. At the same time, there is also a faint fragrance coming from it. It is obvious that she wears this thing close to her body.

  Li Luo smiled and nodded, wrapping the silver rope around his wrist.

  "Next, I will clear the surrounding thunder vines and escort you to the thunder tree. You should be prepared." Jiang Qing'e said.

  Li Luo and Lu Ming both nodded and looked solemn.

  A moment later, Jiang Qing'e held a heavy sword and swept out. The sword light burning with sacred flames swept across, directly cutting off all the thunder vines that kept coming out of the ground. Li Luo and Li Luo were behind him, following. Following the road opened by Jiang Qing'e, he headed straight for the Thunder Tree.

  Thunder roared all around, and thunder vines came like giant pythons, but they couldn't get close to Jiang Qing'e's body.

  "Sister Jiang gives people too much sense of security. Li Luo, you have to work hard." Lu Ming walked side by side with Li Luo. She looked at the powerful girl in front of her and said with some admiration.

  Li Luo was speechless. I'm a fortune teller, but I want to compare my sense of security with her, a master in the extreme evil realm. Isn't this a joke?
  Unable to communicate, we can only move around in silence.

  After a while, with the help of Jiang Qing'e, the two of them successfully arrived at the Thunder Tree. The huge tree trunk stood in front of them like a giant pillar. Standing under it, Li Luo and the others felt really insignificant.

  The silver tree trunks are mottled with vicissitudes of life, and lightning is constantly flashing on them.

  After arriving here, Li Luo didn't hesitate at all, but stepped forward directly, stretched out his palm and slowly touched the rough tree trunk.

  And as Li Luo touched it with his palm, the silver tree trunk immediately released a wave of silver energy, which spread out and gradually covered Li Luo's body.

  Li Luo stretched out his hand to Lu Ming, who hesitated for a moment, but still reached out and shook it with him.

  The silver energy finally enveloped both of them.

  The next moment, the silver energy was withdrawn, and their bodies were pulled forward, directly colliding with the tree trunk. Their figures disappeared out of thin air.

  Jiang Qing'e looked at the place where the two disappeared, then turned to look at the battlefield where the three princesses were fighting against the thunder vines in the air. She clenched her sword again and faced the countless thunder vines that emerged from the ground. . The moment Li Luo crashed into the silver tree trunk, it seemed as if thunder was flashing before his eyes, and the sound of thunder filled his ears.

  However, this situation did not last long, and soon his vision returned to normal, but the roaring in his ears suddenly disappeared, replaced by a cold silence.

  Li Luo looked around and found that he was already in the dark underground, and now he and Lu Ming were standing on a thick tree root. The tree roots here still showed a light silver color, which showed that the place had not been polluted.

  He looked upwards, and the surrounding area around the tree roots seemed to be a circular abyss carved out by manpower. At this time, at the upper edge, a thick air of evil thoughts was surging. Something kept jumping down.

  "Li Luo, are those aliens?" Lu Ming looked at the twisted figures that jumped down. The rich aura of evil thoughts was obviously aliens.

  Li Luo nodded.

  "The aliens are weird and twisted. They smash themselves one after another to pollute the Thunder Tree, but it feels like they have a clear purpose." Lu Ming said with a frown.

  Li Luo's expression changed and he said: "You mean, these aliens are also being controlled? But who has the ability to control such twisted existences? You have to know that aliens are not something that can be tamed. If you want to do this, you must be prepared for the backlash.”

  Lu Ming pondered slightly and said: "It is indeed difficult to control aliens, but if you understand its rules and provide some guidance, you may not be unable to achieve this step." Li Luo's eyes flickered, and at this time he remembered the black-armored man he met in

  Zhenjiang City . People, obviously, there should be a mysterious force in the Black Wind Empire that is promoting the outbreak of aliens. So, could the current pollution of the Thunder Tree be their masterpiece?

  But this was not the time to think about it. Li Luo waved to Lu Ming: "Follow me."

  When he came to the roots of the thunder tree, he had already begun to feel a strange calling, which should have come from In the remaining wisdom of the Thunder Tree.

  With Lu Ming, he walked along the silver roots in front of him. The roots under his feet were like bridges, thick and wide.

  After walking like this for several minutes, Li and Luo finally reached the end of the rhizome, where they saw a looming light door, and that feeling of calling came from here.

  Li Luo and Lu Ming stood in front of the light door, looked at each other, then exchanged their efforts, remained vigilant, and walked in decisively.

  The moment they stepped in, a bright light seemed to enter their eyes. Both of them squinted their eyes. After a few breaths, the scene in front of them became clearer.

  Then their faces showed some shock.

  Because they saw that in front of the two of them, there was a huge silver heart that was beating slowly.

  Countless branches spread out like blood vessels from the silver heart and submerged into the surrounding tree trunks.

  This is the heart of the thunder tree.

  This strange tree between heaven and earth has grown to such an extent.

  Of course, what shocked Li Luo and Li Luo the most was not the huge silver heart, but the pitch black heart that was stuck on top of the slightly beating silver heart, which was constantly emitting light black smoke. Black thorns.

  These black tree thorns penetrate the silver heart in a specific trajectory. Every once in a while, a viscous black liquid will be born and blend into the silver heart of the tree.

  The blood vessel-like meridians on the silver tree heart gradually turned black.

  Li Luo stared at those black tree thorns, and suddenly realized in his heart that these black tree thorns should be some kind of poisonous thing, and the heart of the thunder tree was blocked by this poison. This poison is extremely poisonous. It greatly weakened the power of the thunder tree, causing it to be unable to purify itself from the erosion of those alien beings
  . Li Luo's mind flashed, and he finally understood why the thunder tree attracted him.

  This is, I want Li Luo to help it detoxify.

  (End of chapter)

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