Chapter 494 Who is the hunter?

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  Chapter 494 Who is the hunter?

  "Such a scene of unity is really touching."

  When Li Luo and others chose to collide with the flame tornado, Jing Taixu smiled slightly. He had no intention of staying here anymore, because The temperature between heaven and earth here is rapidly increasing. If they stay here, the dew film of the heavenly spirit outside their bodies is also being dissolved.

  "Retreat, follow my footsteps, don't make a mistake." Jing Taixu said, then turned around and walked away.

  He walked on the water step by step, and his steps obviously followed a certain pattern. This was the formation method that Lu Ming had given him before.

  Behind him, his teammates followed cautiously, not daring to take even a single step wrong. In this illusory formation, if they made a mistake, they would inevitably end up within the sea of ​​​​fire where Li Luo and the others were when they appeared again.

  I'm afraid they will be the ones crying by then.

  As for the departure of Jing Taixu and others, Li Luo no longer had the energy to pay attention to it. Although he wanted to kill Jing Taixu at this time, the most important thing at the moment was to let the team survive this dragon blood fire storm. Survive the ravages.

  Everyone burst out with all their strength, and one after another phase force offensive continuously bombarded the fire storm, trying to slow it down.

  But the current fire storm is no longer so easy to dispel. Although the storm was caused by Jing Taixu, now, with the influx of dragon blood fire, the storm is no longer controllable by Jing Taixu himself.

  But Li Luo still didn't give up, because he understood that once he gave up, there would really be no chance of improvement.

  At present, the phantom array has begun to show some chaos, which is caused by the raging fire storm. As long as they continue to persist, they may not be able to hold on until the phantom array breaks automatically.

  In the "Three from the left, one from the back"

  illusion formation, Jing Taixu led people to walk back and forth. The surrounding scenes were constantly changing, making people dazzled. However, as he walked step by step, those illusions were gradually fading away. This shows that they are gradually leaving the illusion formation.

  A few minutes later, Jing Taixu suddenly stopped.

  The steps he had just raised were slowly lowered, his eyes flickering slightly.

  According to the formation method given by Lu Ming, this is the last step.

  Take a step to the left to exit the formation.

  The previous formation routes were normal and there were no mistakes. Logically speaking, Jing Taixu should not be suspicious, but if he were Lu Ming, would he really give them the correct formation method?

  Knowing that he, Jing Taixu, might be Lu Ming's biggest competitor.

  Now that he finally got into the formation on his own and took the initiative to create such a good environment, would Lu Ming really be willing to give up such a good opportunity?
  And if he wanted to design, where would he put it?
  There is no doubt that it will be the last step.

  Because the previous routes are correct, normal people will unknowingly relax their vigilance, and at this time, the last step will give you a big surprise.

  Therefore, the previous success made Dejing Taixu hesitate a little before this last step.

  In this last step, there are only two choices.

  Left or right?
  And during Jing Taixu's brief hesitation, a cold voice came from all around: "Jing Taixu, what are you hesitating about?"

  Jing Taixu raised his head, looked at the void in front of him, and said with a smile: "Deer Ming, is this last step really to the left?"

  "Oh? Do you suspect that I gave you a fake way to get out of the formation?" Lu Ming's cold voice sounded.

  "Isn't it?" Jing Taixu said calmly.

  "Believe it or not, it's up to you." Lu Ming sneered, and then his voice disappeared.

  Jing Taixu's eyes flickered and he said as if talking to himself: "Lu Ming, you are too hasty. If you didn't take the initiative to speak out, I would still be a little hesitant, but your speaking out makes me want you so much." Do you want to take this step?"

  Lu Ming did not answer.

  When Jing Taixu saw this, he was silent for a few seconds, and then smiled. He was not an indecisive person. Now that he had some doubts about Lu Ming, of course he could no longer follow the route she planned.

  So he no longer hesitated, directly raised his foot, and then stepped towards the right.


  The moment he stepped down, Jing Taixu suddenly felt that the scene in front of him was changing like lightning. His foot seemed to have crossed thousands of meters, and then the next moment, there was A huge roar reached his ears.

  A violent crimson color filled his eyes.

  Jing Taixu's expression suddenly changed.

  Because he saw a tornado of flames roaring in front of him.

  That tornado looked very familiar.
  After a second, Jing Taixu recognized it. Wasn't this what he created just now? Jing Taixu turned his head sharply, and then saw behind him, Li Luo and others were looking at his sudden appearance in shock.

  Beside him, the air continued to fluctuate, and figures appeared one after another. They were other students from Shengming King Academy.

  As soon as they appeared, they also discovered the flame tornado storm close at hand, and all of them turned pale for a moment.

  "Lu Ming!"

  Jing Taixu gritted his teeth, his face finally turned livid. He didn't expect that at this step, he made the wrong choice!

  The method Lu Ming gave him to get out of the formation was actually right!

  This cunning woman!
  "Oh, Jing Taixu, you are really a "smart person", but smart people always like to be smart. They don't give you the right answer, but they have to make smart guesses. You have such a result, you can't blame me, it's you You asked for it." Lu Ming's cold voice sounded in the air around him, with a strong sense of ridicule in it.

  Jing Taixu suppressed anger in his voice: "Were you acting on purpose just now?!"

  Obviously, Lu Ming showed a hint of urgency earlier on purpose, to make Jing Taixu doubtful.

  This woman, perhaps when he found her, was planning.

  He wanted to eliminate Li Luo as a team, and Lu Ming, why didn't he want to eliminate him and Li Luo together?
  However, Jing Taixu quickly suppressed the anger in his heart, because he knew that it was useless, and he was not completely unprepared for Lu Ming's design.

  Jing Taixu turned his head, looked at Li Luo, and said: "Li Luo, I have a way to break her illusion formation. How about we cooperate temporarily?"

  Li Luo stared at Jing Taixu with a strange expression and said lightly. : "Jing Taixu, I asked you, are you free all day long?"

  Jing Taixu's mouth twitched. Of course he knew how mentally retarded he looked now, but there was no way, Lu Ming's plan, As a result, he has now fallen into the desperate situation that he designed.

  "You break it first."

  Li Luo didn't say anything in the end, because he also needed to leave the illusion formation, otherwise their Heavenly Spirit Dew Film would be violently dissolved.

  As for this piece of shit like Jing Taixu, let him get out of trouble first and then settle the accounts properly.

  When Jing Taixu saw this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He actually knew that Li Luo would not take action in anger at this time, because it was not done by a smart person. No matter how angry he was, he had to wait until he left here.

  So Jing Taixu waved his hand gently.

  His teammates immediately nodded, and they all quickly formed seals with their hands, condensing the mutual force in their palms, and then turned into light balls of mutual force. The light balls exuded circles of halo, as if they were stimulating. What.

  Boom boom!

  Suddenly there was a roar, and Li Luo and the others saw that beams of phase force light suddenly shot out from nowhere, and finally fell into those phase force light balls like birds flying into the forest.

  The phase force beams collided with each other while roaring, and the combined internal and external attacks quickly tore holes in the illusory formation.

  "Jing Taixu, it seems you don't really believe me."

  Lu Ming's cold voice sounded in the illusion array.

  "Both each other." Jing Taixu's eyes were a little gloomy. Although he tore open the illusion formation, Li Luo and the others also avoided destruction, so his plan this time was completely destroyed.


  Lu Ming snorted coldly: "Jing Taixu, since you have found me, how can I have the nerve to let you go back empty-handed?"

  As her voice fell, the air in the illusion array suddenly became distorted. The next moment, there seemed to be a thunder explosion, and a huge thunder ball suddenly cut through the air and whizzed down, but the thunder ball was not directed at the scene. Taixu and Li Luo left, but in Jing Taixu's eyes that suddenly changed color, they threw themselves into the flame tornado.

  "Back away! She's going to set off a storm!"

  Jing Taixu shouted sharply, and his figure suddenly retreated.

  At the same time, Li Luo also led everyone to retreat with an ugly expression.

  Boom boom!

  But the explosion of the thunder ball of light came faster, and only the roar could be heard coming from inside the storm. The next moment, the flame tornado finally exploded from the inside. Immediately afterwards, countless dragon blood fires fell like meteorites. Generally, it sweeps away in all directions.

  Everyone was covered at this time.

  (End of chapter)

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