Chapter 493 Danger

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  Chapter 493 Dangerous Situation
  When Jing Taixu's figure appeared in sight, Bai Doudou and the others finally understood the reason.

  Clearly, they were targeted.

  And it was still targeted by the previous champion school.

  Li Luo looked at Jing Taixu and said with a smile: "It seems that classmate Jing Taixu is very concerned about the difference of one step on the ladder."

  Jing Taixu said seriously: "To be precise, it is classmate Li Luo's performance on the ladder. , made me feel some threats, so I prepared a trap for you so seriously, because I feel that if I don't do this, there is no chance that there will be any accidents in this college-level competition." "That's really an honor."


  Luo He said casually, and at the same time he glanced at the magic array around him and said, "Where's Lu Ming? I seem to be quite good at having two favorites to win the championship join forces to design it."

  Jing Taixu smiled and said: "Then Not really, she just helped set up an illusion formation. She might be happy to see us fighting here."

  Li Luo narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "You are so happy to be sitting on a mountain watching a tiger fight? Jing. Taixu, are you so stupid?"

  "I can't help it. In my opinion, you are more dangerous than her." Jing Taixu shook his head.

  "It seems that you want to ambush me in such a place to kill all the troops from our Shengxuanxing Academy, but you are not afraid that the fish will die in the end?" Li Luo said calmly.

  "You are calculating mentally but not intentionally, do you think I will give you a chance to fight for your lives?"

  Jing Taixu pointed at the sea of ​​​​fire that Li Luo and the others were in, and then he took a step forward with a smile on his face: "Classmate Li Luo, don't blame me for being ruthless. , After all, they are all fighting for their respective schools."

  He held his palm, and a huge cyan banana fan appeared in his hand. There was luster flowing on the banana fan, and on the leaf, there was a ray of golden light flowing, as if A golden eye.

  Obviously, this is a golden eye treasure.

  "Although I really want to have a real competition with you on Dragon Bone Island, for the sake of the overall situation of the school, I can only use the terrain here to eliminate you first, but don't worry, I will carry your expectations, Go and obtain the title of the strongest student in the One-Star Academy in person."

  Jing Taixu smiled softly, and in the next moment, a powerful force suddenly burst out from his body.

  The green banana fan in his hand glowed brightly, and then he fanned hard in front of him.


  Following Jing Taixu's banana fan, a violent wind suddenly emerged from the sky and the earth. A green hurricane took shape out of thin air, and then turned into a huge tornado of 100 feet. The tornado quickly roared away towards Li Luo and the others. .

  The most terrifying thing is that the tornado stirred up the dragon's blood fire that filled the place, and the flames were suddenly sucked into the storm, so the tornado turned into a fire storm.

  The temperature between heaven and earth instantly rose to an extremely terrifying level.

  The sea water under your feet seemed to start to bubble at this time.

  And Li Luo and others' expressions became extremely ugly, because they found that in this environment, the dew film of the Heavenly Spirit on their bodies began to dissolve at an extremely fast speed. Obviously, this was Jing Taixu's. Purpose.

  He did not intend to directly fight with them, but wanted to use the terrain in the Dragon Blood Fire Domain to eliminate them all.

  At this time, their best response strategy is to leave the area, but the existence of the surrounding phantom array makes it impossible for them to leave. If they rush in randomly, they may rush directly into the flame tornado the next moment and be instantly trapped. disuse.

  But sitting still and waiting for death is obviously a dead end.

  But facing the tornado that stirred the dragon's blood fire, how could they stop it?

  That was already considered a small natural disaster.

  "I come!"

  At this time, Bai Doudou stood up. Her short hair was fluttering, and she looked heroic. At this time, she looked at the tornado that was roaring quickly with a cold face. She understood that Jing Taixu relied on the wind element. The power prompted the tornado to strangle them, and she was the only one on their side who was the wind element. If she could change the direction of the tornado, she could avoid the end of the entire army being annihilated.

  Bai Doudou acted vigorously and resolutely, and she did not wait for Li Luo's answer. When the voice fell, she had already rushed out with the red tassel gun in her hand, and the power of cyan wind erupted on her body.

  "The wind is blowing!"

  As Bai Doudou shouted, the red tassel gun in his hand suddenly struck out. In the next moment, a blue tornado storm also formed, but this storm was smaller in scale than Jing Taixu's. It's just weaker by more than one level.

  After all, Jing Taixu is not only stronger, but also possesses the ninth level of Xu Feng. More importantly, his cyan banana fan is obviously not an ordinary thing.

  The tornado storm triggered by Bai Doudou's wind power swept forward, stirring up the dragon's blood fire, and finally collided with the larger fiery red tornado storm. Boom boom!

  A loud sound resounded like thunder.

  The two tornadoes tore at each other, causing red flames to continuously splash out, falling like meteors all over the sky.

  As a result, the raging fire of dragon blood in this sea area became even more intense.

  Even Jing Taixu and others retreated some distance, not daring to get too close for fear of being surrounded by a sea of ​​fire.

  However, this kind of storm tear did not last long. Bai Doudou's strength was not as good as Jing Taixu after all, so the storm transformed by her wind power lasted for several minutes and was finally destroyed by the larger one. The storm tore it into pieces.

  Bai Doudou snorted and took a few steps back with a pale face.

  But she had a stubborn personality and gritted her teeth and wanted to have sex again.

  But Li Luo stopped her, shook his head at her and said, "Don't force it, and it will only make our environment worse."

  He pointed at the Tianling Dew film outside his body. After Bai Doudou's previous attack, the surrounding temperature became even more violent as the two tornadoes tore apart, which also caused the Tianling Dew film to dissolve faster. .

  "Then what should we do? Should we just sit back and wait for death?" Bai Doudou said unwillingly.

  Li Luo's face was as dark as water, and there was some evil in his eyes. The illusory array in front of him was not offensive, but its function was to trap people. Under normal circumstances, as long as enough time is given, he would be able to crack this illusory array and It's not difficult, but now the dragon's blood flame storm is roaring, and the rising temperature around them is rapidly melting the dew film of the heavenly spirit on their bodies, so time is the most luxurious thing now.

  "Resist hard." Li Luo said in a low voice.

  "This raging fire storm will also cause damage to the phantom formation. As long as we can hold on for a little longer, once the phantom formation is broken, we can escape." "I am the

  captain, I come first!"

  After the words fell, he said Taking one step forward, the majestic phase force rose up, preparing to be the first to make contact with the flame storm.

  But before he took a step, a burly figure took a step ahead of him and stood in front of him.

  That was Qin Zhulu.

  Qin Zhulu met Li Luo's somewhat astonished gaze, grinned, and said: "Li Luo, what you need to do at this time is to stay at the end as much as possible, because only you can defeat Jing Taixu and win the courtyard." The title of the strongest student in the level competition."

  "So you have to remember that you are not cannon fodder." "

  If we really need cannon fodder, it should be us." "

  And you only need to carry our will and win Just take the title of the strongest."

  Bai Doudou also stood up and said lightly: "I can't die anyway."

  Yilisha smiled and said: "Oh, Li Luo, I didn't expect that we would still have to rely on us. Protect you for a day? Aren't you quite touched?"

  Lu Qing'er chuckled and stepped out.

  Finally, there was Wang Hejiu, who looked at Li Luo expressionlessly.

  "Li Luo, don't let us down."

  Li Luo stared blankly at the figures standing in front of him, with a warmth flowing through his heart. He shook his head with a smile, held his hand, and the Xuanxiang Knife flashed out. , and then he squeezed forward and stood next to Qin Zhulu.

  "Don't worry about priorities, let's go together."

  He smiled, looking through the huge flame tornado in front of him and looking at Jing Taixu there. His eyes that were always filled with smiles were now filled with awe. of murderous intent and chill.

  Boom boom!

  The flame storm roared in, and Li Luo and others simultaneously burst out with powerful force, and then faced it with all their strength.

  (End of chapter)

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