Chapter 473 Battle Deployment

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  Chapter 473 Battle Deployment
  "There are three main roads leading to the valley. I will guard the center and try to attract the opponent's captain." "

  Qin Zhulu, Yilisha, your two teams are responsible for the left road."

  "Bai Doudou" , Wang Hejiu's two teams are responsible for the right path. Your side may be more troublesome, because we have previously released smoke bomb information that Yu Lang is also bipolar. There is a high probability that the other party will increase their strength to deal with your side. However, if this is the case, for It's good news for us, because it can disperse the opponent's strength." "

  Of course the trouble is, you need to withstand greater pressure."

  Outside the valley, Li Luo was making the next combat deployment.

  "Preliminary guess is that there may be two or three holy schools participating in the siege of us. Although we are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, in terms of quality, I believe our side has the upper hand." They did not mention him as a top fighter

  . Qin Zhulu is also very strong. If his strength were transferred to other schools, he would be enough to serve as the captain. Even in Shengxuanxing Academy, if it weren't for him being an outlier this time, Qin Zhulu would still be able to become a one-star academy. The strongest.

  Others, like Bai Doudou and Wang Hejiu, have also reached the peak of the first stage of transformation.

  With the current three-way arrangement, excluding Li Luo's side, Qin Zhulu's side may have the least pressure, while Bai Doudou, Yu Lang, and Wang Hejiu's side may bear great pressure.

  "Do you want Yu Lang to come to my place?" Qin Zhulu said at this time.

  He is stronger here, and if Yu Lang comes, he can share the pressure for him.

  Li Luo pondered for a while, shook his head, and said, "You have an advantage here, that is, you need to guard the left path. It would be best if you could repel the enemy as soon as possible." "Yu Lang and the others are

  here , It's meant to resist pressure, so don't feel bad for him."

  Yu Lang rolled his eyes, thinking that I'm just a sandbag.

  However, he also understood that the current situation was special. They were at a disadvantage with a small number of people. The smoke bomb intelligence released by Li Luo earlier required him to step forward and distract the opponent's strength.

  "Everyone, this is our first battle. We hope to show off the prestige of our Shengxuanxing Academy."

  After making arrangements, Li Luo smiled slightly and bowed his hands to everyone.

  Everyone also smiled, and then they said no more and dispersed, heading to their respective areas.

  Lu Qing'er walked at the end, staring at Li Luo with beautiful eyes, and whispered: "Li Luo, are you okay with this?"

  She actually knew that Li Luo, as a bipolar person who had been revealed, was the one he was really targeting. goal, because as long as there is a problem here in Li Luo, it will not only cause a huge blow to their morale, but also directly cause the defense line to be broken.

  Hearing this, Li Luo immediately said, "Never tell a man that you have a problem!"

  "Do you need me to stay and help you?" Lu Qing'er smiled.

  Li Luo said seriously: "Student Lu Qing'er, please obey the command of the captain, otherwise even if you are beautiful, I will punish you!" "Poor mouth." The girl rolled her eyes at


  Luo, then put her hands behind her back , full of youthful vitality, he skipped toward his teammates, leaving behind his slender figure.

  Li Luo admired the girl's back for a while, then tiptoed, and with a burst of strength, the figure flew to the top of a big tree. Here, he could see a sea of ​​forest all around. This was the battlefield he chose, and he could overlook this place. All battlefields in the mountains and forests.

  His eyes turned to the mountain forest not far away, because figures began to appear there.

  There are quite a few people.

  Li Luo narrowed his eyes slightly. It seemed that there should be teams from three holy schools participating in the siege.

  When Li Luo noticed those teams, the latter and others also spotted him standing above the forest sea, looking down.

  There was some commotion among the many figures, and then a figure in yellow suddenly rose into the sky. He jumped above the forest sea, stepped on the top of the tree, and quickly approached Li Luo.

  Finally, he stopped more than 20 meters away from Li Luo.

  "This must be Captain Li Luo from Shengxuanxing Academy, right? I'm Zhao Xingying from Crimson Sand Academy." The young man in yellow smiled and cupped his hands.

  Li Luo smiled and nodded, which was regarded as saying hello. "I didn't expect Captain Li Luo to hide so deeply. In the intelligence exchanged before, I never found that you were bipolar." Zhao Xingying said.

  Li Luo smiled and said: "Our school has exposed a bipolar person, we can't expose them all, right?"

  "That Yu Lang?"

  Zhao Xingying chuckled: "Is he really bipolar?"

  "Who knows? Yeah." Li Luo laughed.

  "Captain Li Luo, I won't tell you these meaningless words. I just want to ask, do you really plan to monopolize this medium-sized spirit gathering altar?" Zhao Xingying asked.

  Li Luo nodded.

  "Captain Li Luo has a bit too much appetite." Zhao Xingying frowned.

  "The bold ones will be starved to death, and the timid ones will be starved to death." Li Luo said with a smile.

  "We have three holy schools gathered here. Do you think your Shengxuanxing School can afford it?" "You

  have to try."

  Zhao Xingying was silent for a moment and said: "Captain Li Luo, if you are willing, our Chisha The Holy Academy can choose to cooperate with you. If we join forces, the other two Holy Academy will retreat." "

  Sold out the allies so quickly?" Li Luo was a little surprised.

  "Let's not talk about allies. They were originally brought together for the Spirit Gathering Altar. If we can get them by cooperating with Captain Li Luo, then why choose them?" Zhao Xingying was straightforward.

  "Aren't you afraid that I will tell them this?"

  "They won't believe it, and I won't admit it. Captain Li Luo can't be so naive." "

  How much do you want?" Li Luo said.


  Li Luo laughed and said, "You have a big appetite. It seems that we can't talk about it."

  Zhao Xingying said helplessly: "It seems that Captain Li Luo is very confident in himself."

  "Yes." No. You three captains will fight with me. If you can win, Julingtan will surrender. If you lose, then just retreat obediently. How about that?" Li Luo said calmly.

  A flash of surprise flashed in Zhao Xingying's eyes: "You want one against three? Captain Li Luo, you are really crazy." "

  Challenge the limit." Li Luo smiled.

  "It's a very exciting way, but I choose to refuse." Zhao Xingying smiled slightly and said, "We obviously have a greater numerical advantage, why do we have to fight with you here?" "That's really a pity." Li

  Luo He said, sighing in his heart, the other party is not stupid.

  "Since we can't reach an agreement, let's forget it. Captain Li Luo, on behalf of Red Sand Saint Academy, Shenglong Royal Academy, and Tiantong Saint Academy, from now on, I will declare war on your Shengxuanxing Academy." Zhao Xingying stared at Li

  . Luo, his eyes gradually became sharper.

  "But to show our respect for you, our three captains will work together to deal with you as you wish."

  After finishing his words, he waved his hand gently.

  Suddenly, in the mountains and forests behind, a series of forces suddenly erupted.

  (End of chapter)

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