Chapter 472 Guarding Battle

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  Chapter 472 Guarding Battle

  After deciding on the next course of action, Li Luo and others did not continue to delay, but chose to directly activate the spirit gathering altar.

  The candidate for activation is Bai Mengmeng, because the activator needs to remain motionless and continuously inject his own phase power into the Spirit Gathering Altar to stir up the energy of heaven and earth contained in it, thereby acting as a catalyst.

  Among all the people, Bai Mengmeng is indeed the weakest. After all, she is not a combat-type person, but more of a support person, so it is best for her to be responsible for activating the Spirit Gathering Altar, because other personnel, They all need to fight outside and stop people from other schools.

  Under the gaze of everyone, Bai Mengmeng's delicate body jumped to the center of the pool as light as a butterfly. Her skirt fell down like a flower ball and floated on the water. She herself was sitting cross-legged on the water.

  "Let's get started." Li Luo nodded towards her.

  Bai Mengmeng gently tapped her snow-white chin, and then the power of starlight emanated from her body and poured into the spirit gathering altar.

  With the influx of her phase power, the spirit-gathering altar immediately reacted extremely violently. The colorful energy of heaven and earth burst into brilliance, and the ripples on the water surface of the ancient well also began to appear with ripples and energy mist. Continuously emerging from the depths of the pool, and then being absorbed by the twenty-three exotic flowers.

  On the petals, a little moisture became more and more obvious.

  This is a sign of the condensation of Heavenly Spiritual Dew.

  However, everyone did not pay attention to this. Instead, they all looked at the top of the valley, because as the Spirit Gathering Altar was activated, those gorgeous brilliance also projected out, and then penetrated the energy film above the valley, reflecting In the sky.

  Now, the movement here can be clearly seen from a hundred miles away.

  "It's really noisy." Li Luo sighed.

  "This bullshit mechanism really makes me want every school to knock their brains out." Yu Lang cursed.

  "The purpose of the Holy Grail War is to determine the strongest students and schools. Of course, we can't let it be easy." Bai Doudou didn't feel that there was anything excessive.

  Li Luo nodded with a smile and said: "Everyone, the Soul Gathering Altar has been activated, and the most troublesome time will come next. This kind of movement will definitely attract teams from many schools to gather here, and we will inevitably fall into the same situation as before. The situation of fighting more with less."

  "Unless we are willing to find a collaborator to share Tianling Dew, but I have said before that now is not the time to share, because this is the first battle of our college-level competition. At this time Once we show weakness, the road ahead will be even harder, and others will not be afraid of us." "

  So, this difficult battle is to make other schools more fearful of us when we seize the Spirit Gathering Altar in the future. "

  I think those who really want to go to the last school should have this idea."

  Everyone nodded. Nowadays, all the heroes gathered in the college competition, wanting to prove that you are a lion, not a mediocre group of students. Of course, wolves can only show their absolute strength and fight their way out of the pack.

  Li Luo obviously wants to become a lion that others fear, so that the road ahead will be smoother.

  "Our mission is to use any means to hold back the enemies who covet this Spirit Gathering Altar. As long as we can delay it until the early morning of tomorrow, Tianling Dew will be born. At that time, Mengmeng will put them away immediately, and Tianling Once the dew is put into the spirit gourd, it will not be plundered, and the teams from other schools will naturally retreat at this time." It is

  worth mentioning that in this college-level competition, once the dew is taken away and put into the spirit gourd , then it cannot be robbed, that is to say, the Heavenly Spirit Dew is first-come, first-served. As long as it enters your bag, even if you are eliminated, you will not be able to snatch a drop of Heavenly Spirit Dew.

  But it’s normal to think about it. After all, the purpose of the Holy Grail War is to hone students and encourage universities to cultivate better students. This is not an external experience, and you need to use any means to win the treasure.

  After all, there is still a bit of gentleness among the schools.

  As for training each other, the mechanism of the Spirit Gathering Altar has already been accomplished.

  After all, if a school can hold on for a whole night under such circumstances without being breached, then they are naturally qualified to enjoy the benefits brought by this gathering altar.

  "Mengmeng, after you get the Tianling Dew, send the signal." Li Luo said to the girl in the middle of the pool.

  "Okay, thank you all for your hard work. I'm just going to be lazy here for a while." Bai Mengmeng had a sweet smile on her pure face.

  When Yu Lang saw this, his eyes suddenly lit up, with a smile that touched people's hearts.

  Bai Doudou on the side looked at her with sharp eyes and said: "If you dare to show such a crazy smile to my sister again, I will kill you." The

  smile on Yu Lang's face suddenly stiffened. "Okay, everyone, let's go out. Next, we have to prepare for deployment."

  Li Luo clapped his hands, then turned around and headed out of the valley.

  Others quickly followed.

  And when the glow in the valley rose to the sky, somewhere in this mountain forest, some of the gathered teams raised their heads.

  "The rays of light are overflowing. It is indeed an altar for gathering spirits. Judging from the brilliance, it cannot be said to be a medium-sized altar for gathering spirits." Among the crowd, a young man in yellow clothes raised his head and looked at the tower rising into the sky deep in the forest with fiery eyes. The sky is filled with rays of light.

  Beside him, other people's eyes were also full of greed and desire.

  "Liu Xiao, it seems that your information is indeed correct."

  The young man in yellow turned his attention to a pale figure, who was Liu Xiao.

  In the previous chaotic battle, Liu Xiao managed to escape cleverly, but it looked like he was seriously injured.

  The young man in yellow in front of him is the captain of the One-Star Academy of Red Sand Saint Academy. His name is Zhao Xingying. The strength of the second transformation phase of the transformation can be regarded as the top of the entire One-Star Academy. approved.

  "Although a medium-sized spirit-gathering altar is very profitable, it is now occupied by Shengxuanxing Academy. As I told you just now, they may have two "bi-phase people"." Liu Xiao's voice was a little hoarse. road.

  Zhao Xingying narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "It is quite rare for two bipolar people to appear among the four levels of an academy. Now there are two in one star level of Shengxuanxing Academy? To be honest, I have some doubts about this."

  "I also have some doubts."

  Liu Xiao nodded and said, "I don't know the details about that Yu Lang, but the person named Li Luo is indeed a double "Phase, very strong."

  Zhao Xingying looked thoughtful. Is there at least one bipolar person? It is actually quite difficult to deal with. If Li Luo's bipolar realm has reached the level of Lu Ming from Tianhuo Saint Academy, That is indeed a very difficult and powerful enemy.

  He alone may not be sure.

  Moreover, there is a second bipolar person who does not know whether it is true or false.

  "Captain, do we want to rob this Spirit Gathering Altar?" Liu Xiao asked anxiously.

  Zhao Xingying smiled lightly and said: "Now that we have met Yudu, how can we give up so easily." "No

  matter whether the information about bipolar people from his Shengxuanxing Academy is true or false, we also have an advantage, that is, we can find reinforcements."

  As he spoke, he raised his head and looked in another direction, only to see silhouettes of people leaping and flying in the mountains and forests there, and finally falling quickly in their direction.

  "Friends here, are you from Red Sand Holy Academy? I'm from Shenglong Imperial Academy, captain Zheng Fuxing." Among those figures, one person stepped forward, a young man with a body as tall as an iron tower.

  "Here I am at Tiantongsheng Academy, captain Ding Chi." There was also a young man with red hair who also walked out with a smile and raised his hands to Zhao Xingying.

  Among the teams that Li Luo and the others defeated earlier, there were people from these two schools, so they came the fastest.

  Zhao Xingying looked at the visitor with a bright smile on his face.

  He cupped his hands.

  "I'm Zhao Xingying, the captain of Scarlet Sand Holy Academy. Friends on both sides, are you willing to come and talk about the ownership of this medium-sized spirit-gathering altar?"

  The two captains suddenly laughed when they heard this.

  "I am extremely happy."

  (End of chapter)

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